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I guess we are considered members of the KKK

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From the article-“Nowadays, instead of dressing in sheets or publicly espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.”

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Yeah really...like talking about liberty, rights and making the world a better place is a BAD thing.

It is if the person or group your discussing is a bunch of socialist, jack booted, nanny state thugs. I've been considered an extremist for years by some. I'm a white, male Christian who believes in guns, God, and I believe wholeheartedly that no government can take away my rights, as they are not privileges given by that Government in the first place. And I have no qualms saying it to anybody. Screw them and their list.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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They are talking about people who advocate the use of force or violence. Someone here once used the term “Drive by revolutionaries”; they might be talking about you, if you are part of that group; but most here are not.


I’m a huge advocate of States Rights; it’s the reason I don’t believe the Federal government can control whether you can or can’t carry a gun off your property. But that doesn’t make me a hater and has nothing to do with the KKK or race.


To disregard the warnings signs of nut case extremists would be ridiculous. You have the right to say anything you like; you also can be held responsible for what you say.

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They are talking about people who advocate the use of force or violence. Someone here once used the term “Drive by revolutionaries”; they might be talking about you, if you are part of that group; but most here are not.

I’m a huge advocate of States Rights; it’s the reason I don’t believe the Federal government can control whether you can or can’t carry a gun off your property. But that doesn’t make me a hater and has nothing to do with the KKK or race.

To disregard the warnings signs of nut case extremists would be ridiculous. You have the right to say anything you like; you also can be held responsible for what you say.

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They are talking about people who advocate the use of force or violence. Someone here once used the term “Drive by revolutionaries”; they might be talking about you, if you are part of that group; but most here are not.

I’m a huge advocate of States Rights; it’s the reason I don’t believe the Federal government can control whether you can or can’t carry a gun off your property. But that doesn’t make me a hater and has nothing to do with the KKK or race.

To disregard the warnings signs of nut case extremists would be ridiculous. You have the right to say anything you like; you also can be held responsible for what you say.

At which point did George Washington and his men cross the line from mere advocates for ones rights, to a full-blown extremists? And before he was elected as Commander in Chief, when each colony had their own militia?

Is a second Revolutionary War completely out of the question, because we now have the right to vote? If not, which one of us has the authority to determine when and where that time has come?

What if those of us on the right become so outnumbered by the leftists, voting no longer matters? Again, who makes the call? When and where?

The term "extremists" gets thrown around a bit too loosely, in my humble opinion. As we've seen in these so-called "lists of extremists" published by the .gov, just about all of us on this forum have long been labled an extremist.
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At which point did George Washington and his men cross the line from mere advocates for ones rights, to a full-blown extremists? And before he was elected as Commander in Chief, when each colony had their own militia?

Is a second Revolutionary War completely out of the question, because we now have the right to vote? If not, which one of us has the authority to determine when and where that time has come?

What if those of us on the right become so outnumbered by the leftists, voting no longer matters? Again, who makes the call? When and where?

The term "extremists" gets thrown around a bit too loosely, in my humble opinion. As we've seen in these so-called "lists of extremists" published by the .gov, just about all of us on this forum have long been labled an extremist.

The American revolutionists broke from the control of a government on another continent. They didn’t try to overthrow the British government; had they tried we would still be under British rule.


I see a lot of things I don’t like. But I’m not silly enough to think I can overthrow our government by force.


If you want to walk in the footsteps of our founding Fathers, do like they did. Find a new land and call it your own. You can set it up anyway you like. No government, no restrictions, No cops… and you can live happily ever after.


But don’t think you are going to take my country by force or the threat of force. Our founding fathers would not stand for it and neither will most of us. We will not stand by and see our country destroyed.


My biggest fear is exactly what you say about when voting no longer matters. But that isn’t the case yet.


None of these ridiculous threats matter though; the numbers aren’t enough to cause a significant disturbance, much less a revolution.

Edited by DaveTN
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But the reality is..... 'Nowadays, instead of dressing like a foreign enemy or publicly denouncing the USA, many left-wing extremists will just espouse messages of hate towards individuals that still love liberty, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place.'

They can call me what they want. I do not see eye to eye with them.
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The American revolutionists broke from the control of a government on another continent. They didn’t try to overthrow the British government; had they tried we would still be under British rule.


I see a lot of things I don’t like. But I’m not silly enough to think I can overthrow our government by force.


If you want to walk in the footsteps of our founding Fathers, do like they did. Find a new land and call it your own. You can set it up anyway you like. No government, no restrictions, No cops… and you can live happily ever after.


But don’t think you are going to take my country by force or the threat of force. Our founding fathers would not stand for it and neither will most of us. We will not stand by and see our country destroyed.


My biggest fear is exactly what you say about when voting no longer matters. But that isn’t the case yet.


None of these ridiculous threats matter though; the numbers aren’t enough to cause a significant disturbance, much less a revolution.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

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The American revolutionists broke from the control of a government on another continent. They didn’t try to overthrow the British government; had they tried we would still be under British rule.

I see a lot of things I don’t like. But I’m not silly enough to think I can overthrow our government by force.

If you want to walk in the footsteps of our founding Fathers, do like they did. Find a new land and call it your own. You can set it up anyway you like. No government, no restrictions, No cops… and you can live happily ever after.

But don’t think you are going to take my country by force or the threat of force. Our founding fathers would not stand for it and neither will most of us. We will not stand by and see our country destroyed.

My biggest fear is exactly what you say about when voting no longer matters. But that isn’t the case yet.

None of these ridiculous threats matter though; the numbers aren’t enough to cause a significant disturbance, much less a revolution.

I was more or less playing devils advocate, not insinuating I am interested in taking on the government in some sort of physical altercation.

While you would consider "taking your country by force", others would consider it taking back their country.

As I've said before, the masses are far to spoiled and scared to put up any real kind of fight. The chance of a significant altercation is well below zero percent, in my opinion.
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That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

We still have the ability to change it. But “The People” say “No” to an overthrow; we aren’t ready to have our country destroyed.
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I was more or less playing devils advocate, not insinuating I am interested in taking on the government in some sort of physical altercation.

While you would consider "taking your country by force", others would consider it taking back their country.

As I've said before, the masses are far to spoiled and scared to put up any real kind of fight. The chance of a significant altercation is well below zero percent, in my opinion.

“We” are the minority at the voting booths right now. The people that voted Obama in are the majority (of the people that voted) and do not agree with “our” beliefs. How do you suggest we change that and leave our country, our form of government, and The Constitution intact?
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We still have the ability to change it. But “The People” say “No” to an overthrow; we aren’t ready to have our country destroyed.

I agree, we have a way to change it, but as long as we keep electing the same people nothing is going to get better. Its only going to get worse. I was just pointing out that our Founders did advocate overthrowing a tyrannical government.

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“We” are the minority at the voting booths right now. The people that voted Obama in are the majority (of the people that voted) and do not agree with “our” beliefs. How do you suggest we change that and leave our country, our form of government, and The Constitution intact?

I actually don't think that the majority of voters disagree with our core beliefs. There are those that vote for a hand-out, but a bunch just have blinders on.I think that the majority of voters don't know what the are doing. We have a corrupt media system that sways elections. If the media could be "cleaned up" to report more facts than drama, we might see some positive changes to our government.
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Guest nra37922

“We” are the minority at the voting booths right now. The people that voted Obama in are the majority (of the people that voted) and do not agree with “our” beliefs. How do you suggest we change that and leave our country, our form of government, and The Constitution intact?

Something really really nasty is going to have to occur to get lazy ass non-voters off their asses.  Powers that be know enough not to stir the pot enough to get the sheeple voters stirred up.  Best way to kill a frog is to gradually raise the water temperature else it will jump out.

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Something really really nasty is going to have to occur to get lazy ass non-voters off their asses.  Powers that be know enough not to stir the pot enough to get the sheeple voters stirred up.  Best way to kill a frog is to gradually raise the water temperature else it will jump out.

A paycheck will eventually get them to the polls....maybe. As the economy gets worse and more people are unemployed or underemployed it will be tough for us to pay the bills and medical coverage for everyone that won’t work, or is an illegal. Our property taxes and income taxes will skyrocket; they have to.

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A paycheck will eventually get them to the polls....maybe. As the economy gets worse and more people are unemployed or underemployed it will be tough for us to pay the bills and medical coverage for everyone that won’t work, or is an illegal. Our property taxes and income taxes will skyrocket; they have to.

Just where they want us; too broke to afford guns and ammo.

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Just where they want us; too broke to afford guns and ammo.

But damn man… we are doing it; and we could stop it today. Ain’t no “they” when it comes to destroying our economy; it’s “us”.

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What was the solution, again?

File for divorce?

Seriously what we have here in this nation is a simple case of irreconcilable differences, half this nation wants to live under a socialist nanny-state the other half wants to live in the land of the free, home of the brave.

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