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Loctite on Grip Bushings


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Your gunsmiths don't have access to Gun Scrubber or aerosol brake parts cleaner???

Yeah. As well as a small parts cleaner fueled with mineral spirits, a couple of jars of god only knows what and a HUGE ultra sonic cleaner that gets all the silly "well, I heard from a guy at the feed store that this should work" and "I only dropped it about two feet into the concrete sealer" stuff clean.

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That they are both wrong and that their recommendation is overkill. I'm surprised they didn't recommend green Loctite just so that they would never have to worry about the customer calling back and saying, "Um... my screw is loose again."

Seriously, anyone who has twisted a wrench for more than a few days knows that you can start out with the least invasive (or permanent) solution first and if that doesn't work, you can step up to the next level. There's no sense tig welding a screw if a little Blue loctite will work.


Ok. Next time someone uses the blue or even *gasp* nail polish on their frame and it has caused the threads to strip I'm going to call you in to re-drill, weld and tap the holes.

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  • Administrator
Ok. Next time someone uses the blue or even *gasp* nail polish on their frame and it has caused the threads to strip I'm going to call you in to re-drill, weld and tap the holes.

My fee is door to door and my hourly rate hovers around $200. The clock starts ticking when I hang up the phone and doesn't stop until I'm back in bed.

( Edit -- And that's a no **** answer. I'm really good at what I do. :eek: )

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For an additional $100 an hour, I'll dress like Little Bo Peep and call you "Daddy" if that's what you want. :eek:

I think we've found the next "group buy."

BTW: I was just helping a gentleman with a gun purchase and while showing him the "Tungsten Approved" and highly regarded Smith and Wesson M&P 9 I noticed something. Something rather strange looking up at me as I handed it over to him. A slight thread smiling at me from the tension screw on the rear sight. What was this curious and playful little elf Smith and Wesson had placed on the rear screw for all to see?

Red Loctite.

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  • Administrator
I think we've found the next "group buy."

BTW: I was just helping a gentleman with a gun purchase and while showing him the "Tungsten Approved" and highly regarded Smith and Wesson M&P 9 I noticed something. Something rather strange looking up at me as I handed it over to him. A slight thread smiling at me from the tension screw on the rear sight. What was this curious and playful little elf Smith and Wesson had placed on the rear screw for all to see?

Red Loctite.

:eek: @ group buy

Red is perfect for a sight screw. You don't want that to come loose. A grip panel is another story. I remove my grip panels periodically to clean beneath them as part of a thorough detail strip. Therefore blue Loctite is perfect for them. But I don't remove my rear sight as part of a detail strip.

Do you?


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But I don't remove my rear sight as part of a detail strip.

Do you?


Yes, as a matter of fact I remove every single removable piece for a detail strip.

As should you since there is no telling what kind of grime and other potentially harmful stuff can wiggle in little spaces.

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