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New pup


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Picked up a new boston terrier the other day, hadn't had one for a few years and sort of miss having the little snorting things running around the house.  Took all of about 10 minutes to make herself at home and take possession of the couch.




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No name yet, last one was named "sabot" which is a type of ammo we used in the tanks and the one before that was TG which stood for "track grease" so we have to come up with something associated with tanks to keep the pattern going.

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Very cute!

We are looking for a boxer puppy right how actually.

What's it's name?




Seriously if you like having a dog that acts like a 6 month old puppy for at least 2 years get a boxer. Ours got into anything and everything. Ours is 3 years old and so far has cost us close to $3K in vet bills and thousands in other damages. They are super hyper active but because of their pushed in face they starve themselves of oxygen. Ours got into EVERYTHING as a puppy which lasted well beyond age 2. He drools everywhere and will still get into stuff if you are not hyper vigilent. At 12 weeks he and our other dog were playing with a tennis ball. He ate a 1/4 of it and it blocked him up. That cost us $800+ at the vet when he hd to have surgery Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday. About 3-4 weeks later, when he was well enough to go out, we took him for a walk at a local park on Saturday. Well that evening he began getting real sick so it was off to the vet again. Best we can figure is he ate a sweet locust seed and poisoned himself. That weekend trip to the vet cost us close to $1K. Then before he was one we noticed he had chewed the corner off of a $5K bedroom set. He has chewed up several television remotes. And we recently began putting hot sauce on anything he showed an interest in. And his most recent expedition cost us $725 at the vet when he managed to get acute pacreatitus. Oh and there are at least a dozen other times we thought we were going to the vet with him because he is an idiot. I mean what kind of dog runs headlong into a wall so hard he collapses? Or decides he is going to run until he passes out? Yes, he has been tested for parasites and he is clear of anything that could cause problems other than him being an idiot. He has always had chew toys and is an inside dog but goes out as often as he wants. We keep an eye on him but he has been the most bothersome dog we have ever owned. You have to constantly watch over him or he will get into something.


Other than that he is the sweetest dog in the world and very protective of his mother but even she has said she will NEVER own another. I cannot imagine a dog that required that much supervision.

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Congrats on the new fur-baby man! She looks like she's made herself right at home already! We just rescued one the other day, they said her momma was a black-lab, but didn't know what breed the dady was, doesn't matter much to me, I can train just bout any breed of dog, some breeds just have better instinctive traits than others.

Anyway here are a couple pic's of our newest addition .... her name is Quintessence, or "Tessie" for short, I'm guessing 5 1/2 weeks old, she was probably weened a bit to early but it is what it is, local pound is full & the owner was desperate.




Potty training is going real good so far, she's still really young but she's very bright & eager to please, so I'm guessing she'll be a cake-walk to train, especially since Bear can help by leading by example, I swear he's the absolute best dog I've ever owned & I've owned a lot of really great dogs, so that's really saying something ... he was also a pound rescue btw, all of my animals I've ever owned have been rescues.

Here is a photo of my bestest buddy Bear ...


Sorry for the thread jack man, I just love my fur-kids.

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Guest TankerHC

No name yet, last one was named "sabot" which is a type of ammo we used in the tanks and the one before that was TG which stood for "track grease" so we have to come up with something associated with tanks to keep the pattern going.


Serve on the M1 series? My suggested tank related name to add to the list (Dogbone). Hey, hes a dog.


I dont have a dog yet, but when I buy my house next year I am getting me a dog and I already know his name. Rienzi. What other Civil War Cavalry Generals Horse had as cool a name as Rienzi.

Edited by TankerHC
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Seriously if you like having a dog that acts like a 6 month old puppy for at least 2 years get a boxer. Ours got into anything and everything. Ours is 3 years old and so far has cost us close to $3K in vet bills and thousands in other damages. They are super hyper active but because of their pushed in face they starve themselves of oxygen. Ours got into EVERYTHING as a puppy which lasted well beyond age 2. He drools everywhere and will still get into stuff if you are not hyper vigilent. At 12 weeks he and our other dog were playing with a tennis ball. He ate a 1/4 of it and it blocked him up. That cost us $800+ at the vet when he hd to have surgery Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday. About 3-4 weeks later, when he was well enough to go out, we took him for a walk at a local park on Saturday. Well that evening he began getting real sick so it was off to the vet again. Best we can figure is he ate a sweet locust seed and poisoned himself. That weekend trip to the vet cost us close to $1K. Then before he was one we noticed he had chewed the corner off of a $5K bedroom set. He has chewed up several television remotes. And we recently began putting hot sauce on anything he showed an interest in. And his most recent expedition cost us $725 at the vet when he managed to get acute pacreatitus. Oh and there are at least a dozen other times we thought we were going to the vet with him because he is an idiot. I mean what kind of dog runs headlong into a wall so hard he collapses? Or decides he is going to run until he passes out? Yes, he has been tested for parasites and he is clear of anything that could cause problems other than him being an idiot. He has always had chew toys and is an inside dog but goes out as often as he wants. We keep an eye on him but he has been the most bothersome dog we have ever owned. You have to constantly watch over him or he will get into something.
Other than that he is the sweetest dog in the world and very protective of his mother but even she has said she will NEVER own another. I cannot imagine a dog that required that much supervision.

not all boxers are the same I have never ever had the first bit of trouble out of mine , he must be trying to get back at you hehehe
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Dolo, they sell a product called bitter apple spray that works great. Think it's for ferrets, but works great on dogs too.

Tankerhc, yeah they were the a1's the the a2's right as I was getting out. Thinking of calling her sprocket, not sure yet
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Very cute!

We are looking for a boxer puppy right how actually.

What's it's name?

If you are looking to buy let me know. I can recommend some exceptional breeders.
Both of mine are show quality (the younger one is getting ready to start showing) and have great temperaments, excellent around the kids and calmed down relatively quickly. Of course hyperness, chewing, and general mischief is directly related to the amount of time spent training the dog.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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Congrats on the new fur-baby man! She looks like she's made herself right at home already! We just rescued one the other day, they said her momma was a black-lab, but didn't know what breed the dady was, doesn't matter much to me, I can train just bout any breed of dog, some breeds just have better instinctive traits than others.

Anyway here are a couple pic's of our newest addition .... her name is Quintessence, or "Tessie" for short, I'm guessing 5 1/2 weeks old, she was probably weened a bit to early but it is what it is, local pound is full & the owner was desperate.




Potty training is going real good so far, she's still really young but she's very bright & eager to please, so I'm guessing she'll be a cake-walk to train, especially since Bear can help by leading by example, I swear he's the absolute best dog I've ever owned & I've owned a lot of really great dogs, so that's really saying something ... he was also a pound rescue btw, all of my animals I've ever owned have been rescues.

Sorry for the thread jack man, I just love my fur-kids

I also have a black lab that breed with what appears to be a lab/pit mix and ended up with 9 pups! 3 brown, 1 grey, and the rest black. Most of the black ones look just like your except they are only a hair shy of 3 weeks.


Bad news is momma developed sever mastitis that so far has ruptured in two places. We are currently bottle feeding the litter. 4 kids under 10 yrs old, 9 3wk old puppies being bottle feed, and a momma dog that I have to treat open wounds and give biotics to and keep lo-key. It's fun around my house! :rofl:

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I just had to take my basset to the vet this morning; had what, thankfully, turned out to be just a hotspot on her ear (which is an unusual place for a dog, especielly a basset sinc they can't lick it/etc)...anyway, while there we examined a coupld of subcutanious cysts to make sure thats all they were...she's been going to the same vet since I brought her home at eight weeks old; she'll be nine this August 30th.  The cysts, etc. are all signs of her advancing age (along with her muzzle getting grey) and I couldn't hlep but think of the future when I know I'll lose her.


These four legged furry creatures reall get to you, don't they.


Congragulations on the new addition...I had an aunt and uncle that alwasy had a boston terrier...very neat little dogs. :)

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Seriously if you like having a dog that acts like a 6 month old puppy for at least 2 years get a boxer. Ours got into anything and everything. Ours is 3 years old and so far has cost us close to $3K in vet bills and thousands in other damages. They are super hyper active but because of their pushed in face they starve themselves of oxygen. Ours got into EVERYTHING as a puppy which lasted well beyond age 2. He drools everywhere and will still get into stuff if you are not hyper vigilent. At 12 weeks he and our other dog were playing with a tennis ball. He ate a 1/4 of it and it blocked him up. That cost us $800+ at the vet when he hd to have surgery Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday. About 3-4 weeks later, when he was well enough to go out, we took him for a walk at a local park on Saturday. Well that evening he began getting real sick so it was off to the vet again. Best we can figure is he ate a sweet locust seed and poisoned himself. That weekend trip to the vet cost us close to $1K. Then before he was one we noticed he had chewed the corner off of a $5K bedroom set. He has chewed up several television remotes. And we recently began putting hot sauce on anything he showed an interest in. And his most recent expedition cost us $725 at the vet when he managed to get acute pacreatitus. Oh and there are at least a dozen other times we thought we were going to the vet with him because he is an idiot. I mean what kind of dog runs headlong into a wall so hard he collapses? Or decides he is going to run until he passes out? Yes, he has been tested for parasites and he is clear of anything that could cause problems other than him being an idiot. He has always had chew toys and is an inside dog but goes out as often as he wants. We keep an eye on him but he has been the most bothersome dog we have ever owned. You have to constantly watch over him or he will get into something.

Other than that he is the sweetest dog in the world and very protective of his mother but even she has said she will NEVER own another. I cannot imagine a dog that required that much supervision.

True - boxers act like pups until they are well advanced in age. Ours is almost 7.5 years old and still plays with squeaky toys. However, if you want a dog that is full of love for and fiercely protective of his family, you will not find a better dog. My daughter's first word was my boxer's name. I have never had a breed that was as loyal to its family as a boxer, and will never be without one. We are actually looking for a pup now to have my boxer help train him. Excellent dogs.
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True - boxers act like pups until they are well advanced in age. Ours is almost 7.5 years old and still plays with squeaky toys. However, if you want a dog that is full of love for and fiercely protective of his family, you will not find a better dog. My daughter's first word was my boxer's name. I have never had a breed that was as loyal to its family as a boxer, and will never be without one. We are actually looking for a pup now to have my boxer help train him. Excellent dogs.

I will add the caveat that if you are a couch potato, these are not the dogs for you. They need an active family and need to be well trained and given jobs or they will vent their energy elsewhere, and that's when the destruction begins. They are very intelligent animals and train easily but very active.
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Ernie Boxer gets plenty of exercise... that's not the  problem.. the problem is that he likes to pick up stuff with his mouth..

and I agree he is very protective.. but the intelligent part is something to debate... he does stuff  that makes me think that he isn't all that smart.. But  he loves me and protects me .. so that evens it out:0

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I have 3 rescues and a purebred mini daschund and guess which one is the worst dog(if a dog can be bad.) The rescues are 2 pit bulls and a Boston(who is also the most expensive dogs I have ever owned.) The Boston lived on the street in Milan for about 9 months. The dog catcher could not catch him. He showed up on my porch one freezing night and my wife let him in and he never left. We found the original owners who were moving and said he jumped out of the truck and they couldn't catch him. They said they couldn't have pets at their new house so they gave us his papers and we kept him. He is the best dog I have ever owned. Don't even need a leash to walk him. After a near death experience with a car and a acorn size bladder stone and acute kidney failure, he gets up and lays in the sun on the back deck and when he wants to play he just attacks one of the pit bulls. All in all, he is 10 years old now and is one I the best dogs I have ever owned. I hope yours is as good a friend as mine.
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Guest tdoccrossvilletn

Very cute!

We are looking for a boxer puppy right how actually.

What's it's name?


Seriously if you like having a dog that acts like a 6 month old puppy for at least 2 years get a boxer. Ours got into anything and everything. Ours is 3 years old and so far has cost us close to $3K in vet bills and thousands in other damages. They are super hyper active but because of their pushed in face they starve themselves of oxygen. Ours got into EVERYTHING as a puppy which lasted well beyond age 2. He drools everywhere and will still get into stuff if you are not hyper vigilent. At 12 weeks he and our other dog were playing with a tennis ball. He ate a 1/4 of it and it blocked him up. That cost us $800+ at the vet when he hd to have surgery Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday. About 3-4 weeks later, when he was well enough to go out, we took him for a walk at a local park on Saturday. Well that evening he began getting real sick so it was off to the vet again. Best we can figure is he ate a sweet locust seed and poisoned himself. That weekend trip to the vet cost us close to $1K. Then before he was one we noticed he had chewed the corner off of a $5K bedroom set. He has chewed up several television remotes. And we recently began putting hot sauce on anything he showed an interest in. And his most recent expedition cost us $725 at the vet when he managed to get acute pacreatitus. Oh and there are at least a dozen other times we thought we were going to the vet with him because he is an idiot. I mean what kind of dog runs headlong into a wall so hard he collapses? Or decides he is going to run until he passes out? Yes, he has been tested for parasites and he is clear of anything that could cause problems other than him being an idiot. He has always had chew toys and is an inside dog but goes out as often as he wants. We keep an eye on him but he has been the most bothersome dog we have ever owned. You have to constantly watch over him or he will get into something.

Other than that he is the sweetest dog in the world and very protective of his mother but even she has said she will NEVER own another. I cannot imagine a dog that required that much supervision.

I'm sorry but instead of going to the vet that very first time for the tennis ball issue if I knew what it was or took it to the vet and they xrayed it and saw what it was id have taken it back home and given it a lead innoculation between the eyes and been done with it.

I don't like crap eaters or cats. I'm allergic to them severely.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.
Edited by tdoccrossvilletn
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id have taken it back home and given it a lead innoculation between the eyes and been done with it.

I don't like crap eaters or cats. I'm allergic to them severely.


Sort of like your own death panel.. Dog costs too much, so let's drag it out back and kill it?

Edited by Sam1
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I'm sorry but instead of going to the vet that very first time for the tennis ball issue if I knew what it was or took it to the vet and they xrayed it and saw what it was id have taken it back home and given it a lead innoculation between the eyes and been done with it.

I don't like crap eaters or cats. I'm allergic to them severely.

Sent from my mind using ninja telepathy.

You are an asshole.. seriously.. just take him back and shoot him?  Why would you even come on here and suggest that? he might be a dog and he might be a bit on the dumb side.. but he is OUR dog.. we  have an obligation to take care of him and care for him.. We love this dog and I would pay a helluva lot more to keep all our animals from suffereing... Now get out of this threat  if you cant be anything but nice.... jerk!!

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