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Gun Shops: Don't ya just hate em!?

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How did you guess? :D

The roof rack on the topper gave it away. :lol:

Besides, my big 4x4 gets USED like it's supposed to get used :(


Yes sir! That's some good stuff right there. Hell, I need to fix the vacuum hubs on my 250 so that 4wd even freaking works this winter. You know, in case Nashville gets a dusting of snow. ;)

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That's cool. I tend to think of guys in big 4x4 trucks as being rednecks. Knee jerk reaction I guess. :D

Too bad I also drive a big 4x4 F250 diesel. ;):lol:

Whew, I'm glad I drive a small 4x4 instead, so I guess I slide in under the Redneck Radar. :(

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Guest eyebedam

I got a dodge ram on 20"s a Dodge Hemi Magnum & a 72 Cutlass on 24"s with Candy paint on 24"s. I prob don't wanna know what you think that makes me.

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I got a dodge ram on 20"s a Dodge Hemi Magnum & a 72 Cutlass on 24"s with Candy paint on 24"s. I prob don't wanna know what you think that makes me.

A busy person.:)

I've got 2 4X4's, a big one and a little one, and an early 70's car in primer that's about half finished...whats that make me?
Too busy spending money on the 4X4's to finish the early 70's hot rod.:up:
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I agree with everthing that Crimsonaudio has to say. One question that I have asked my employees over the years is, "Who is your best friend?" I'll get various answers from "my dad/mom" to "a guy I've known since 2nd grade". Then I will ask how many times that person has paid their utility bill or put money in their 401K and they will laugh. My point is for them to understand that our clients are their best friends and they should be treated like that every time we go to see them. Would you not want to be helpful, kind, knowledgeable, thorought, etc. for your best friend?

Where can I find a gun shop like that in Memphis?

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Here's a question for the masses;

Are shoppers turned off by not being able to root through the rifles the very moment they walk in the door? Is this a bad move on our part?

My thinking is that it will allow me to place nicer and sometimes more delicate rifles out for display, and also encourage customer/staff interaction as we assist the customer by opening the case, clearing the firearm, and helping them with any questions they may have.


I wouldn’t be turned off by it. I would be turned off if I saw someone dismantle a rifle that I was thinking about buying. It’s like cars or motorcycles; If I’m paying for new I want new. :D

Although I know this is controversial; I don’t dry weapons…. It is wrong. If someone is “just looking†they don’t need to be dry firing them and if they are serious about a particular weapon someone should put a snap cap in it before they dry fire it. I have seen guys stand there and dry fire the crap out of handguns and then put them back; I don’t want those.

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I don’t mind the sales people making suggestions; I don’t feel like they are insulting me by doing that.

I decided I wanted a .308 AR type rifle. I went to see Joe because he had the DPMS LR-308 I thought I wanted. When he handed it to me I thought “Holly crap this thing is long.†I guess he could tell I was less than impressed and said “I have something else you might want to take a look at.†He put the LR-308AP4 in my hands, and it was exactly what I was looking for.

If he hadn’t done that he would have probably missed out on a sale and I would have missed out on a great rifle.

Sure, I looked at the specs before going there, but that’s not the same as holding it in your hands.

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you dont know the half of it! we just spent the last 2 days totally reconfiguring the store.

We will be dropping new pictures and banner images/logo in once we have them. This new website is a running change, so it will be evolving over the next month/s

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