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Gun Shops: Don't ya just hate em!?

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Guest bkelm18

Yeah, that's kind of another pet peeve of mine. Some shops go to all the trouble of setting up their displays all nice but don't display a price or forget to flip the price tag over so the price is visible. Sometimes I just stop in to window shop and I don't want to waste my time or the salesman's time to ask about a price.

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Guest db99wj
Yeah, that's kind of another pet peeve of mine. Some shops go to all the trouble of setting up their displays all nice but don't display a price or forget to flip the price tag over so the price is visible. Sometimes I just stop in to window shop and I don't want to waste my time or the salesman's time to ask about a price.

You bring up a good point. People do come in just to "window shop" to drool over the items in stock, that is what we do, that is what the employees do to, they just happen to have the ability to do it more often and get paid for it! If you tell the employee that you are just looking, some places will :eek: at you and walk off, and you won't get any attention from them any further.

The shop and employee should take a different route, they should talk to that customer, back off, but offer their assistance if needed. When they leave, don't let them walk out the door, tell them, Thanks for coming by, please come back and see us... or soemthing along those lines. That way, the you feel like even though you didn't buy from them, you still were appreciated. If I am made to feel that way and I hear that when I'm just browsing, I will definately come back because they made me feel just as important as one of the customers that was purchasing something. Ya never know, that person browsing could have a was of money to spend but just be trying to figure out what they want. You never know when that person might "pull the trigger" on a big purchase, and they say, Hey, those guys were great when I was looking around, I'm going back there.

Edited by db99wj
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I think it is a good idea, but please make the prices visible. If see a case, and I dont see the prices, I feel like an ass asking "How much" ..its not that I am not gonna buy, but it may be that "impulse"

buy, and I dont want to waste a salesmans time answering the how much question.

If I see the guns in the cases, but cant see prices, I usually wont ask, just cause I dont want to bug a salesman.


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Guest coldblackwind

Oh yeah, definitely put the price. Personally, if I don't see a price, I assume its because its ridiculously high, or you're waiting to see who comes and asks to figure out how much of a sucker they are.

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reasons why I don't like gun shops:

1. Impatient salesmen

2. Salesmen who think everyone who walks in a gun shop is a "gun nut", and forget to talk to people like regular people, not "gun nuts".

3. Goobers (a.k.a. "gun nuts") who hang out in gun shops - they are creepy.

4. Prices not clearly marked

Those are the first few I can think of that have kept me from frequenting gun shops.

I am also annoyed because I'd love to buy me a 100% Nodak AK lower, and the thought of paying a shop almost half what the lower costs just to receive the item and log it really chaps me.

I also realize that part of the problem is me - I'm cheap, and I understand the overhead of a gun shop means they aren't always the best place to go when you are "cheap". Again - that's my problem, not theirs.

Who knows, maybe I just haven't found the right place yet.

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How many shops have employees that receive commission or spiffs from the sale of firearms?

I would think very few do, but maybe im wrong.

*Hero-Gear employees/staff receive zero commission/perks/spiffs from selling guns.

All I'm sayin' is I was in the market for a $200 .410 shotgun and this guy lead me to a $1200 12 ga. I'm just doin' the math.

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reasons why I don't like gun shops:

3. Goobers (a.k.a. "gun nuts") who hang out in gun shops - they are creepy.

I don't think I've ever heard regulars at gun shops called goobers. Personally, I like the kind of atmosphere that encourages regulars to stop by for a while, talk guns, have a cup of coffee and maybe even buy something.

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I don't think I've ever heard regulars at gun shops called goobers. Personally, I like the kind of atmosphere that encourages regulars to stop by for a while, talk guns, have a cup of coffee and maybe even buy something.

Is it necessary to wear tactical gear to the gun shop? I mean... seriously...v:screwy::):D

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so have you found a shop that replaces Top Notch to do this?

Top Notch didn't have a coffee pot. I always thought that was a mistake. OTOH, you could smoke there after the stupid Tennessee public smoking ban went into effect. I didn't smoke then, but still appreciated Mike's stand against legislative stupidity.

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Guest Linoge
Yeah, that's kind of another pet peeve of mine. Some shops go to all the trouble of setting up their displays all nice but don't display a price or forget to flip the price tag over so the price is visible. Sometimes I just stop in to window shop and I don't want to waste my time or the salesman's time to ask about a price.

Seconded. I hate gun shops, jewelry stores, and any other place of business that does not have their prices published out in the open where people can easily see them. Sure, give me a discount or cut me a deal if you are really interested in doing so, but at least have something approximating a baseline price out where it is easily visible.

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Guest Disney

The one thing I find is that most guns shops that I frequent for one reason or the other, don't have the cleaning supplies I want or need. I hate having to order that stuff off the internet!!! I'd rather buy it for 2x the cost from my local store and leave with it that day than to order it from Midway.

Also, many that I have been to just have aterrible selection of firearms. It seems as though they pick the one brand to be their favorite and populate the gun cases with just that. I like to see a healthy mix.

I am VERY fortunate in that the gun shop I call "mine" has a VERY large and wide selection of firearms. Plus they have without a doubt the most knowledgable staff in the area. I've been in a lot of stores so I always feel fortunate to have my guys that I can always count on.

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one thing I hate is when a dealer takes the extra mag from the pistol case and sells it separate. You know the ziplok baggy with the sharpie writing. If it came from the maker with two I want two. Same with the century AKs we see the indentions on the battered cardboard where is the second mag? Another thing and this is me...if i see a handgun at the show selling for 300 and go to the shop and the same thing is 450, i feel like im getting bent over. I understand profit but the vender at the show is making money or he wouldnt be selling there. Id spend 350 to buy it local but as i said sometimes it obvious that its not a very good deal.

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I don't think I've ever heard regulars at gun shops called goobers.

Well, as an average guy off the street - that's how many of them (you?) come across when we walk in the door.

Not trying to offend, just calling it like *I* see it.

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  • Administrator
Well, as an average guy off the street - that's how many of them (you?) come across when we walk in the door.

Not trying to offend, just calling it like *I* see it.

That's cool. I tend to think of guys in big 4x4 trucks as being rednecks. Knee jerk reaction I guess. :D

Too bad I also drive a big 4x4 F250 diesel. :(:lol:

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That's cool. I tend to think of guys in big 4x4 trucks as being rednecks. Knee jerk reaction I guess. :D

Too bad I also drive a big 4x4 F250 diesel. :(:lol:

I guess I'm glad I don't "drive"a a big 4x4 truck then - I prefer to trailer my off road vehicle to the places I ride behind a stock height 300k mile dodge truck ;)

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