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Famous fokes in east TN


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After reading the thread about Adam Ant living in Dayton. Thought it would be cool to see who else lives in east tn. NOT people from here, People living here now


Shaquille O'Neal lives in Maryville


Doc Severinsen from the old tonight show band lives in knoxville

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The Shaq in Muryvulle? Interesting. I guess that balances out Lamar being from there. :D


Yep.  His new love interest lives here.  He's bought some property and is building a house.    Shaq sightings in the summer are fairly regular.  Everything I've heard says he's exactly like you see on TV, just a (very) big fun loving kid.  He's played pick-up b'ball games with kids in the park down the road from my house, he's been seen at the Waffle House, ...


As for Lamar... while he may be from here, he's been living in DC so long that I personally don't consider him a local anymore. 


Earl Scruggs (bluegrass musician) lived in Sparta up until his recent passing.


Pat Summitt lives in Alcoa.


Phil Fulmer lives in Maryville, a couple miles from my house. 


Reggie White had a house here for many years. 


Trevor Bayne is from Knoxville. 

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I went to high school with Shaq.


Archie Gouldie, the Mongolian Stomper, lives in the Knoxville area. He worked for Knox County Sheriffs Office until retiring from there about a decade ago.


Harry Fujiwara, Mr Fuji, Also lives in the Knoxville area. Last I heard he was collectig ticket stubs at a local theater.

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I went to high school with Shaq.


Archie Gouldie, the Mongolian Stomper, lives in the Knoxville area. He worked for Knox County Sheriffs Office until retiring from there about a decade ago.


Harry Fujiwara, Mr Fuji, Also lives in the Knoxville area. Last I heard he was collectig ticket stubs at a local theater.


Mr. Fuji!  How cool is that?  Which theater?

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Here are a few ya might not have thought about:


---- John Sevier, Revolutionary War commander that fought with the over mountain men at Kings Mountain and Cowpens.  These two battles effectively ended the Revolutionary War in the south and paved the way for the British surrender at Yorktown.  A real "Three Percenter" who made a difference when it counted.  Sevier County is named for him.

--- Davey Crockett,  Need i say more.

--- Harvey Marion LaFollette, Founder of Lafollette, TN and father of the coal and iron boom in upper east tennessee in the 1890 - 1900s.

--- James P. Carter, Upper East Tennessee businessman.   Builder of the Clinchfield Railroad, founder of the feast for East Tennessee State University, Kingsport, TN and Irwin, TN. He essentially opened turned the upper east tennessee area into a business hub single-handedly with the railroad that connected the midwest and the southeast.  He also ran a huge coal mine operation in West Virginia.

--- Cas Walker, Grocery magnate, businessman, entrepreneur, public servant, and all round great character.  He made it all the way to Life Magazine by way of a famous picture of a fight between him and another knoxville city councilman during a knoxville city council meeting when politics was great.



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Guest 6.8 AR

"--- James P. Carter, Upper East Tennessee businessman.   Builder of the Clinchfield Railroad, founder of the feast for East Tennessee State University, Kingsport, TN and Irwin, TN. He essentially opened turned the upper east tennessee area into a business hub single-handedly with the railroad that connected the midwest and the southeast.  He also ran a huge coal mine operation in West Virginia."


Didn't know this guy's name. That's where I got my job on the railroad: Erwin,TN.


That's some neat stuff about some of the occupants of Maryville. Really good to hear people talk about Shaq like that, too. You

just don't hear those kinds of things about people, often, nowadays.

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Here are a few ya might not have thought about:


---- John Sevier, Revolutionary War commander that fought with the over mountain men at Kings Mountain and Cowpens.  These two battles effectively ended the Revolutionary War in the south and paved the way for the British surrender at Yorktown.  A real "Three Percenter" who made a difference when it counted.  Sevier County is named for him.

--- Davey Crockett,  Need i say more.

--- Harvey Marion LaFollette, Founder of Lafollette, TN and father of the coal and iron boom in upper east tennessee in the 1890 - 1900s.

--- James P. Carter, Upper East Tennessee businessman.   Builder of the Clinchfield Railroad, founder of the feast for East Tennessee State University, Kingsport, TN and Irwin, TN. He essentially opened turned the upper east tennessee area into a business hub single-handedly with the railroad that connected the midwest and the southeast.  He also ran a huge coal mine operation in West Virginia.

--- Cas Walker, Grocery magnate, businessman, entrepreneur, public servant, and all round great character.  He made it all the way to Life Magazine by way of a famous picture of a fight between him and another knoxville city councilman during a knoxville city council meeting when politics was great.




Then, of course there are the Butcher Brothers... but one is no longer around and the other lives in Georgia now... :stir:

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The Curse was filmed there.

The house was still standing till fifteen or so years ago when the serial arson burnt it down.

I remember that. I was in elementary school, I think. I remember we passed John Schneider in the school bus once. Everyone stuck their nose to the window to catch a glimpse of Bo Duke.

That was such a horrible movie, though.
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I have never actually met the man but one of the 'celebrities' who I think really deserves respect is Stan Brock.  Folks my age (42) and older might remember him going up against some pretty dangerous beasties on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom (apparently managing to subdue them one way or another without ever, actually, doing any lasting harm to them.)  Others may or may not realize that he is the founder of the RAM (Remote Area Medical) Clinic that works to provide free medical care to people in remote parts of the U.S. and the world.


I was thinking that Mr. Brock owned a ranch in Sneedville, TN.  I am still thinking that he did at one time but, according to the RAM website, he now lives in Knoxville, TN (although he probably travels with RAM a lot.)




Here is an episode of Wild Kingdom showing Mr. Brock, in his younger days, in Africa chasing down and lassoing a wild buffalo from horseback then jumping off the horse and 'calf roping' the buffalo.  Oh, and notice that he is barefoot (or maybe he is wearing some kind of very light/minimal sandal?)  So maybe Cody Lundin didn't originate the practice, after all.  Jump to somewhere around the 12:35 mark to see the actual lassoing.  Apparently, they wanted to use an instrument they had to check the creature's heart rate or something as part of a study that was being conducted.  When all is said and done, Mr. Brock releases the buffalo to go on it's merry way with nothing hurt but its pride.


EDIT: For some reason unknown to me, when I click on the embedded video, it starts somewhere around the 15:30 mark where he is already releasing the creature.  If it does this when you click on it, you can just drag the progress indicator backward to the right spot to see Mr. Brock in action.



Edited by JAB
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Guest TankerHC

Schwarzenegger owns a big chunk of property in Rhea County up on the mountain, supposedly the adjoining property is owned by Stallone. Schwarzenegger started that military HUMVEE gathering here. Once a year you can come to Dayton and will see civilian owned military HUMVEE's all over the place, with military equipment, fording equipment, all sorts of stuff.


The writer Rachel Held Evans lives here. She is fairly famous as a writer.


Tom Wopat (Luke Duke) has a house in Dayton. My BIL knows him and my niece and nephew go to school with his kids. He doesnt live here from my understanding (he married a woman from Dayton) after thier divorce he come and goes, my BIL worked in a Shop Rite here and would see him up until last year when he stopped working at Shop Rite.

Edited by TankerHC
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