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Hunter Safety Course

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Well, took the kiddo for her hunter safety course now that she's 10.  Was this past weekend at Bass Pro and taught by a couple of great instructors.  They were great with kids. 


Was a bit worried that a 10 year old's attention span would be challenged by having to sit in class for 3 hours Friday nite and again all day Saturday, but she did just fine and passed with flying colors.  She did get a little upset and had to take a 5 minute break when they showed the dramatized video of the kid getting shot in a hunting accident.  Made her a little woozy.


Nevertheless, she got her head back in the game, scored well on the test, and really made her old man proud when it came time to shoot the .22 in the TWRA portable range.  2 shots at 50 feet(ish) and she puts 'em both through one ragged hole.  TWRA agents and instructors both commented that it was the best shooting of the day!

Edited by homeagain
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Well, took the kiddo for her hunter safety course now that she's 10.  Was this past weekend at Bass Pro and taught by a couple of great instructors.  They were great with kids. 


Was a bit worried that a 10 year old's attention span would be challenged by having to sit in class for 3 hours Friday nite and again all day Saturday, but she did just fine and passed with flying colors.  She did get a little upset and had to take a 5 minute break when they showed the dramatized video of the kid getting shot in a hunting accident.  Made her a little woozy.


Nevertheless, she got her head back in the game, scored well on the test, and really made her old man proud when it came time to shoot the .22 in the TWRA portable range.  2 shots at 50 feet(ish) and she puts 'em both through one ragged hole.  TWRA agents and instructors both commented that it was the best shooting of the day!



Nice shooting young Lady!



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Thanks all.  For sure, she's a shooter.  I think at this point she 'owns' more of my guns than I do....she keeps claiming them, anyway.  She's already 'liberated' me of four .22 rifles, one Rossi .22/.410 combo, two single 20 gauges, a Survivor .223 singe, and my (her) Mark II.  Now she's also asking for her own compound bow.....looks like that's next.  It was at the Bass Pro at Opry Mills.

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Thanks all. For sure, she's a shooter. I think at this point she 'owns' more of my guns than I do....she keeps claiming them, anyway. She's already 'liberated' me of four .22 rifles, one Rossi .22/.410 combo, two single 20 gauges, a Survivor .223 singe, and my (her) Mark II. Now she's also asking for her own compound bow.....looks like that's next. It was at the Bass Pro at Opry Mills.

Hahhahaa she sounds like my kids! Congrats on her passing the course, my youngest has also expressed interest in bow hunting, maybe we can get them together sometime.
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Thanks all.  For sure, she's a shooter.  I think at this point she 'owns' more of my guns than I do....she keeps claiming them, anyway.  She's already 'liberated' me of four .22 rifles, one Rossi .22/.410 combo, two single 20 gauges, a Survivor .223 singe, and my (her) Mark II.  Now she's also asking for her own compound bow.....looks like that's next.  It was at the Bass Pro at Opry Mills.


Yes sir re bob.....you will need a bigger safe now..or she will you wont have any guns to worry about a safe with!  Could be worse my BFF is outta state and she has already laid claim to a rifle and handgun when she comes to visit.....I don't know if she can even shoot!

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