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LEO pepper sprays dude's pizza?

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Guest TankerHC

I would think it would be on camera. If he went near the car, pulled out his spray and reached his arm in I would suspect with two cars there one of them should have been recording the stop.


If they did and this is a lie, (which is sorta sounds like, I agree), then the teens need to spend some time behind bars.


Isnt it a felony to taint food?

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I think it would be very difficult to spray someones pizza on a traffic stop without the people in the vehicle noticing.  Some of the spray is going to get into the air and there is a distinct smell and feeling to just being in the area of OC spray.  OC is also a pressurized canister and makes a sound when dispensed like any other aerosol can. 



If the kid was out of the car i'd say its possible, if he was in the car at the time i dont think it could have been done without the teen noticing.

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Am I misreading this? This happened 11 months ago and he's just now being arraigned.

Without a sample of the pizza to test for OC, medical evidence that they ingested OC, or a confession, I can't even see this making it to court. I'm guessing they have some kind of evidence in order to get a nearly year-old complaint into court.
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Am I misreading this? This happened 11 months ago and he's just now being arraigned.

Without a sample of the pizza to test for OC, medical evidence that they ingested OC, or a confession, I can't even see this making it to court. I'm guessing they have some kind of evidence in order to get a nearly year-old complaint into court.


It's California. That fact should explain any signs of incredible stupidity

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Guest Keal G Seo

Same story from multiple "credible" news agencies. No doubt it happened. Not that hard to do if the guy wasn't in the car when it happened. As stated there is a sound associated with discharge. As for feeling effects in the car though, nah. First consider what kind he had. LEOs usually don't carry fogger types, rather stream or foam usually. Foam would be the most concealable but even if he had a streamer most of any mist would just be caught inside the box when he closed it.

MO: Just a dumb cop (probably somewhat new) that decided since he couldn't beat the kid up for being disrespectful or something tried to eff him over some other way. Just didn't think it through. If there is evidence he did it then there should be more than assault/battery by an officer, maybe something like attempted poisoning. He may not have been trying to kill the kid but he was using a non-food item to cause harm. If there is no evidence or just word vs word, I don't see it going anywhere.

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Same story from multiple "credible" news agencies. No doubt it happened.


So?  Tawana Brawley's "rape" was reported by every news agency in the country and was later found to be a hoax for which she owes half a million dollars in restitution.  I don't care how many "news" agencies report something, it doesn't make it true. 


The only thing that is fact is that this event was reported by someone who has a motive for revenge on these officers.  It very well could have happened, but my BS meter is detecting high levels.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I'll bet it was especially spicy if they did spray it, kinda like the waiter asking if you wish fresh pepper on your salad. :D

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest Keal G Seo

So?  Tawana Brawley's "rape" was reported by every news agency in the country and was later found to be a hoax for which she owes half a million dollars in restitution.  I don't care how many "news" agencies report something, it doesn't make it true. 


The only thing that is fact is that this event was reported by someone who has a motive for revenge on these officers.  It very well could have happened, but my BS meter is detecting high levels.

And you know good an well that is exactly what I meant by that. That it was reported, that it wasn't just satire of some type. If you think I meant that it made him guilty you should have finished the quote with where I said "If there is no evidence".

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And you know good an well that is exactly what I meant by that. That it was reported, that it wasn't just satire of some type. If you think I meant that it made him guilty you should have finished the quote with where I said "If there is no evidence".

No, as I interpreted it you meant that this indeed happened. If that isn't what you meant then okay, but that is what I was responding to.
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...but he was using a non-food item to cause harm.


I don't know.  If it was O.C. spray (oleoresin capsicum) and ONLY O.C. spray (not a mix of O.C. and chemical spray like Sabre or something) and didn't contain a die, etc. then I really don't see how it could be 'poison'.  Heck, technically it could even be considered a 'food item'.  Pure cap (pure capsaicin, which is the 'heat' in capsicum, in a vegetable oil 'base') is available for purchase as a food additive (my understanding is that they technically have to call it a 'food additive' an not a 'hot sauce' because it is an extract, not a sauce - although some places still slip 'hot sauce' in the description/name sometimes.)  Here is one example:




So, as long as there wasn't an otherwise harmful chemical in the mix, the cop could probably skirt 'poisoning' charges.  Other than lighting someone up at both ends, I doubt there would be lasting, negative effects unless a person had a pre-existing ulcer or maybe it was so hot that it became difficult to breathe.  Surely one bite of the pizza wouldn't have any real, dangerous effects - and if the teens kept eating it after the first bite then they probably aren't all that bright, anyhow (or they are lying.)  Heck, I'll be honest - as a chile head who has been known to eat sliced, raw ghost chiles, as long as he didn't spray too much on the pizza, I'd probably be like, "Thanks, dude!  From now on, I'm pepper spraying every danged pizza I eat!"

Edited by JAB
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Two points.
1. I've eaten it straight...you don't get sick. It's a pepper.
2. When discharged, OC stinks up the WHOLE area. Even when we have to fight someone in the ER, we don't spray it for medical reasons because it affects the entire floor and the other patients. Hell, I've had to spray people in the back of my / other's cars (and other enclosed areas) and I didn't want to get back in. Don't tell me they got back in the car and didn't notice.

BS Edited by TN-popo
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