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Ruger SR22 AWESOME!!!

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I picked up a like new Ruger SR22 with a bunch of mags. It has shot everything well except Stingers. I am having a blast with it. I need a small grip for it and some of the pinky extensions as they were missing but I am fine with the large grip. But I want my wife to shoot it well so I have to get a small grip for it. But it is the most fun I have had in a while.

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SR22 was my first gun. I got it almost exactly a year ago and now it is one of many.

My wife and I take it to every range visit because it's just a blast to shoot. Glad to hear you enjoy yours so much.
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I agree that it is not atack driver. I had a sweet Ruger MKII with the 6 7/8th inch barrel that would drive tacks.....it was not nearly as much fun as this little 17.5 ounce pistol.. Reading reviews the only problems I saw were some of the early ones did not have the steel pin in the slide stop cut and the steel slide stop was gouging the slide badly. Luckily this one has the steel pin. Also luckily, I didn't realize how hard it is to get mags for these little suckers, so to get a handful with it is nice.

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My SR22 shoots extremely well and is accurate as my MK pistols.


The only thing I hate, yes HATE, is the fact you cannot buy the threaded barrel from Ruger. Before I bought mine I was assured they would be available but now they have changed their tune. They told me how much they will cost but they said if my gun came with a non threaded barrel then that is the only barrel they would install. And they said they would not sell a barrel to anyone, only fit it from the factory.

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Update: No way this little sucker is keeping up with a MkII in accuracy but there is no way a MkII is keeping up with it for fun. I chronoed a  lot of different HP's and I found that I had one lot of Stingers that would feed reliably. My second choice was the CCI Mini-mag HP's. I was only shooting seven yards and was shooting dixie cup groups off a rest. But for it's intended purpose and and reliability....it is head and shoulders above the heavy steel Mk series and the small Berettas. This thing is a blast......probably going to be a his and hers and I have never, ever done that in 32 years of marriage.

Edited by glockster157
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The best, yes BEST, ammo to use in a 22 pistol if that is all you have for defense is the Aguila 60 grain SSS. It creates a larger permanent wound channel and penetrates over 8" into gelatin. It tumbles immediately upon impact if it is not already tumbling in the air. Stingers are the worst choice because they need barrel length to get the velocities they claim. I have chornographed a lot of the "hyper velocity" stuff in short barrels and most will not break 1,050 fps. Combine that will the 30-32 grain bullet and you have what is equal to a 22 short.
Second choice would be the CCI Velocitor. It too suffers from reduced velocities in the short barreled pistols but it also has a 40 grain bullet which works well for going deep.
I have chronographed the SSS in a Taurus PLY22 and it average 790 fps. May not seem like a lot but that is within 25 fps of what is chronographs in most rifles.
Here are a few videos of the SSS in gelatin

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I wasn't going to use Stingers but that is why the guy sold it to me. He said it wouldn't feed stingers and he was right....about his stingers. I chrono'ed his at 1050 and then tried a lot that I have and they functioned. fine...they hit 1150 fps.  Regardless, I plan to use the heaviest bullet I can get and I will try to track down these Aguila 22's. I use 158 grain +P's in my air weight 38 as penetration is more important than expansion.

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