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Petition against funding obamacare

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Arm yourselves with this information before you contact your senators or confront them at town hall meetings.

EXCUSE #1 -- "The information you have is wrong; I fully SUPPORT defunding Obamacare."

RESPONSE -- We're NOT asking you to support defunding. We're asking you to OPPOSE all Obamacare funding.

Supporting legislation to defund Obamacare that has ZERO chance of becoming law is only symbolic. We need Senate Republicans to OPPOSE the upcoming government funding bill if it funds Obamacare. This is our only point of leverage. If these senators haven't signed Senator Mike Lee's letter, they haven't pledged to oppose Obamacare funding when it counts.

EXCUSE #2 -- "You can't defund Obamacare on a spending bill because some Obamacare funding is mandatory."

RESPONSE -- This is not true. Legislative language can be included that stops all funding for Obamacare.

Congress has the power to make laws and it can add language to the government funding bill to turn off all funding for Obamacare. Senator Ted Cruz has written language that can be included in the funding measure to do just that. Again, if these senators haven't signed Mike Lee's letter, they aren't truly against Obamacare.

EXCUSE #3 -- "I oppose Obamacare, but I don't want to be blamed for a government shutdown."

RESPONSE -- If you're not willing to fight to stop Obamacare when it counts, then you don't really oppose Obamacare, you don't have the courage to lead, and you should NOT be in office.

If President Obama shuts down the government just to implement his failing and unpopular health care law, that's a debate we can win. But many Republicans are afraid to take stands that cause them to be criticized. These politicians are more interested in holding on to power than protecting Americans from socialized medicine.

The time for excuses is over. 

If Republicans won't draw a line in the sand to stop Obamacare, when will they? And if they're not willing to ever have a showdown with President Obama, what's the point of electing them and having two parties?

POLL QUESTION: If Republican senators vote to fund Obamacare, should they face a primary challenge in their next election?

Americans want Republicans to have the courage of their convictions. It's why the Republican Party will never restore its image and begin to win national elections until it puts principle ahead of politics.

It's also why the Senate Conservatives Fund will only support true conservative leaders for the U.S. Senate in 2014.

Republicans need to either lead or be replaced with people who will.

Thanks for your continued support. We will keep fighting.

Best regards,
Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ThePunisher


The Congressman espoused too much common sense for the Libtard/Commies to understand. But IMHO the commies are hellbent on destroying the best healthcare as well as the best country in the world. Their ideology is bent on destroying life instead of preserving life, and bent on stifling technology that strengthens life and country. They are just like bulls running wild in a china shop. They have lit the fuse of patriots patience, and I believe there is gonna be a huge reaction to this Libtard/Commie leadership stupidity. Forces of evil and good are sure too clash soon. God help the USA.
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Guest 6.8 AR

What's sad about Obamacare, a lot of people don't know about, are the provisions that are in the act that will directly impact

things you might think it wouldn't. The social aspects alone are going to devastate this country, forgetting the impact on

medical treatment. Things like the divorce rate will climb, how much is not really known, but it is estimated to impact it, also,

due to increasing costs for funding for families with incomes and no subsidies. Those at the lower income levels will only

see their care and treatment go down, along with everyone else, but the cost on the higher income folks will continue to

bear the cost for all, just like the income tax system does, or worst.


That bill was designed purely for social engineering purposes and the destruction of the medical institution. Don't anyone

kid themselves into thinking they will be better off because of it. If the IRS employees union and the asses on capitol hill

don't want, why should anyone else? They got their deal. They should be eradicated from any collective bargaining, just

like any other union in government.


Not one good thing will come of Obamacare.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 6.8 AR

ObamaCare is already 90% funded by the law itself, and this whole push  won't succeed to deny the rest.


The only thing that will change it is when it is shown as a total failure, then it will be changed in Congress. If Dems control both houses, it will become the one payer plan, 100% government healthcare, which is what most of them wanted from the gitgo.


- OS

Not true. It is funded annually by congressional authorization, just like everything else. Any language in that bill that makes it

mandatory can be over-ridden by future congresses. It is not a Constitutional Amendment, but a poor excuse of one. But you're

right that it will fail miserably if allowed to go forward. It already is failing in several states, due to money appropriated and

over spent.


They can write anything down and call it the law of the land, but that doesn't make it so when people finally see it for what it is,

which is a majority of the people, just not Congress.


There's another thing wrong with this. The Supreme Court ruled it as a tax. Tax bills are to start in the House of Representatives.

This one started in the Senate. It is unconstitutional and has not been addressed by the states suing or annulling. If that doesn't

happen, the only thing to do with it is defunding it and dismantling it with the present or a future Congress. If it is a tax bill, it isn't

the Affordable Care Act, which is a socialist's wet dream.

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Not true. It is funded annually by congressional authorization, just like everything else. ...


Taint so Mark, most of the funding for ACA would require amending or repealing the Act itself. The only thing that "defunding" can do is nuke some of the seed money from the discretionary fund to promote and support organizational stuff:


Ongoing funding of ACA is accomplished first of all, by the individual and employer mandate penalty, then:

  • +.9% Increase in Medicare Tax Rate (plus next item…)  
  • 3.8% New Tax on unearned income for high-income taxpayers= $210.2 billion ($200,000 for individual and $250,000 for joint filers) 
  • New Annual Fee on health insurance providers = $60 billion (For calculation - Sec 9010 ( B) of the PPACA.)[1]
  • 40% New Tax on health insurance policies which cost more than $10,200 for an individual or $27,500 for a family, per year = $32 billion (inland tax as opposed to an importation tax)
  • New Annual Fee on manufacturers and importers of branded drugs = $27 billion (For calculation - Sec 9008 ( B) of the PPACA)[2]
  • 2.3% New Tax on manufacturers and importers of certain medical devices = $20 billion
  • +2.5% Increase (7.5% to 10%) in the Adjusted Gross Income floor on medical expenses deduction = $15.2 billion
  • Limit annual contributions to $2,500 on flexible spending arrangements in cafeteria plans (plans that allow employees to choose between different types of benefits) = $13 billion
  • All other revenue sources = $14.9 billion (this is perhaps what could be cut in budgetary "defunding)
    • 10% New Tax imposed on each individual for whom “indoor tanning services” are performed.
    • 3.8% New Tax on investment income. Includes: gross income from interest, dividends, royalties, rents, and net capital gains. Investment income does not include interest on tax-exempt bonds, veterans’ benefits, excluded gain from the sale of a principle residence, distributions from retirement plans, or amounts subject to self-employment taxes. (The lesser of net investment income or the excess of modified Adjusted Gross Income over a the dollar amount at which the highest income tax bracket, typically $250,000 for married filing jointly and $200,000 filing as an individual).


Everything in that list would take amendments to the act itself and are not controlled by line items in the budget.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Okay, assuming all that's correct, and the current status of the ACA is that it is already almost out of money to just setup

the pools, defunding would kill it. The IRS can't act unilaterally without a law to adjust rates to completely fund the act. If

it is starved to death, it will not work. A future Congress can kill it. It is not a constitutional amendment, just another law.


If it isn't funded, it can't work. Reality, though, would suggest that O would try an EO to make the IRS and their constitutional

amendment an acceptable excuse to suck the rest of the money out of the people paying taxes. I really doubt that, though.


Until a future Congress repeals it, which means a filibuster proof majority in the senate and a clear majority in the house,

and/or a willing president, yes, we are stuck with it, but the ACA is already failing. It can't be fully funded and defunding the

rest would kill it until the Dems take complete control. Maybe they will, but I doubt it in the next election cycle, unless there

is massive voter fraud.


It was never intended to succeed anyway, just to kill the healthcare delivery system and rob our country's treasure.


Oops, I forgot to add this, Mac. Obamacare ain't funded at all, legitimately. Our current budget is being handled by

continuing resolution, in lieu of a budget. There is no line item in the budget. Everything is being robbed from thin

air and whatever the Treasury decides to print. This country is effectively, and has been since the first continuing

resolution excuse for a budget. One big shell game. Not that it's any different from before.


The employer mandate is nonexistent. He broke his own law by deferring. There is no individual mandate until later

this year, so how is this funding it? And it won't make it to the single payer system he thinks it will end up as because,

by then it will be broken into pieces, or the country will not exist.


Just about every one of those things you posted are also showing to not be able to meet those targets of funding.

That was shown to be true by several CBO estimates after the act was passed. Nice of them, wasn't it?


It will never be completely funded. But, it wasn't designed to succeed, anyway.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest nra37922

Congress should only worry about funding what is called the  ACA AFTER


1)  ALL, and I mean ALL, our veterans that need heath care are properly taken care of by the VA.  This includes Dr's visits that are not months off,  no more paper backlogs etc...


2)  Social Security is back in the black and the government is no longer issuing IOU's for the money they've stolen.


3)  Welfare reform is put in place that actually encourages folks to get off the dole.


4)  Budget is balanced and the national debt starts coming down


DO this and then lets talk about the ACA....

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It's over a million, now.


Even though it could very well fail, the chances for it's de-funding would increase with the failure, or

veto of a continuing resolution by Obama. If he is willing to shut down the rest of the government to

protect this boondoggle, he would be showing the tax paying citizens they need to vote him out of

office, any way they can. Government intervention and regulations have been the cause and effect

driving rates higher. Private insurance carriers have been essentially increasing cost to payers to

pay for the over-billing from hospitals that have to make up for indigents being treated, and under-

payments from Medicare to hospital and physician, alike.


We allowed this monster to grow by allowing insurance in the door, and then following bad models

like Social Security to get their foot in the door in the name of Medicare and Medicaid. Not that that's

necessarily wrong, but the government has never handled anything with any form of efficiency with

our tax dollar. If this was done privately, decades ago, there would have been a completely different

result. It was never considered, though.


The idea of allowing everyone who has no income and already lives off the government, free medical

care is absurd. I'm tired of already funding other people's altruism. You feel guilty, you pay for it, but

don't drag me into your game. I'd much rather my charity be voluntary.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Guest Bassman17SC

Since a lot of the funding comes from the employee mandate, have the impacts (i.e, loss of funds) from all of the exemptions been calculated?  I would imagine that they would be significant.  Also, since some funding is derived from the Medicare tax, wouldn't it be prudent to get more people employed and working instead of pushing policies that stifle job growth?


I have to agree with 6.8 AR that this crummy law was designed to fail (in order to clamor for a single-payer insurance system). 

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Yep, any time you get more people paying taxes, you get an increase in funding of anything. Obamacare is doing everything

it can to reduce the number of jobs. Can anyone blame an employer when they try to reduce costs? It can't work.

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Since a lot of the funding comes from the employee mandate, have the impacts (i.e, loss of funds) from all of the exemptions been calculated?  I would imagine that they would be significant.  Also, since some funding is derived from the Medicare tax, wouldn't it be prudent to get more people employed and working instead of pushing policies that stifle job growth?
I have to agree with 6.8 AR that this crummy law was designed to fail (in order to clamor for a single-payer insurance system).

Yep, a single-payer system is their ultimate goal
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LAMAR ALEXANDER (R-TN) -- Senator Alexander also voted to fund Obamacare earlier this year and he refuses to oppose funding for it now.

What's Lamar Alexander telling voters in Tennessee?

lamar_ad.pngHe's running a new campaign commercial that says he "led the conservative fight against Obamacare." This is the same Lamar Alexander who supported the individual mandate long before Obamacare was written. If anything, he helped pave the way for Obamacare. And if Senator Alexander truly opposed Obamacare today, he would be leading the fight to stop its funding before October 1st.

These Obamacare Republicans can't defend their liberal position so they have decided to lie about it.
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I cringe every time I hear his radio spots. Nothing but a pack of lies.


I sure hope one of his opponents are putting something together to counter his lies, otherwise.....


As of now Joe Carr is my man and when I put a sign in my yard there will be a homemade "RETIRE LAMAR" on top of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thousands of you made phone calls this week to encourage conservative lawmakers in the House to oppose the Republican leadership's "trick rule" to fund Obamacare, and it worked.

Dont_Fund_It_1237.pngHouse Republican leaders do not have the votes to advance the bill so they have pulled it from the calendar and postponed the debate until next week.

This is a major accomplishment and you made it happen.

Some Republicans in the House were annoyed by your calls, but that's okay. They needed to know that freedom-loving Americans from across the country were counting on them to stop Obamacare.

Only 18 Days to Go -- Help Us Turn Up the Heat


The American people oppose Obamacare and the votes do not currently exist in the U.S. House to fund it. 

boehner_mcconnell.jpgThe question now for Republican leaders in Washington is whether they will accept this reality and join us in the fight to defund Obamacare ... OR ... will they keep trying to find ways to trick us.

Will John Boehner and Mitch McConnell listen, or will they continue to work to fund a program that will destroy our country? Time will tell.

We hear that Republican leaders are now trying to cut a deal where Republicans would get a one-year delay of certain parts of Obamacare and give the Democrats more spending and a higher debt limit in exchange.

There are a couple BIG problems with this.
  1. The only way to delay Obamacare is to DEFUND it. If Obamacare is not defunded, the Obama Administration will still be able to use our tax dollars to implement portions of the law. The health exchange subsidies that are designed to make Americans dependent on Obamacare, for example, will go forward.
  2. Americans should NOT be forced to permanently pay for more spending and debt just to get a temporary delay in Obamacare. Congress already spends far too much. If Democrats want to also raise the debt limit, they should be forced to completely REPEAL Obamacare and pass a balanced budget.
We will keep you informed as things develop.


We won Round 1, but the fight isn't over.

Please help us turn up the heat by making a secure, online donation to the Senate Conservatives Fund today.

Your support will help us:
  • Run more national TV and radio ads against Obamacare
  • Build upon the 1.2 million petitions to defund Obamacare
  • Drive thousands of calls into House and Senate offices
  • Target wavering Republicans who need to join the fight
We need to raise another $50,000 to pull out all the stops.

Obamacare starts in October so we don't have much time. If we work together, we can fund the government without funding Obamacare.

Best regards,
Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund


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