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Picked this up a few weeks ago for a few hundred bucks,Republic Arms RAP 440,40SW , made in South Africa of all places,Astra 75 clone 

all metal weighs like 3 lbs loaded ,its heavy ! ,DA/SA  .. good sights, so so trigger,fairly accurate  ,i like it because there are none on gunbroker 

or anywhere else i have looked  .  These little odd balls guns impress me and if it had a name brand it would be 3x the cost 






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Couple of oddballs here. First my CCCP market Nagant revolver. A lot of info out there about these, mine looks to have been never fired or at least very little. Neat design, the cylinder moves forward to make a seal with the forcing cone. Cool price of Soviet tech.

Next is my Star model B 9mm. Another beat old gun, these were originally designed off of the 9mmLargo. Unfortunately when they switch over to the 9mmLuger all they really changed was the barrel/chamber. It's accurate but has feeding issues that make it less than desirae as a defence tool and even frustrating as a range toy. Doesn't get shot much.

Last is a Zipp Gun. Still not sure why I bought this exactly, its cool but I have much better 22. pistols. Fired once to test function and accuracy, it functions, its accurate, it's currently a safe queen. Maybe a collectors item one day?
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Here is mine:




I bought it a couple weeks ago off Gunbroker. It's not a typical Glock, it's their Professional Line, noted as "GL23PL, or PL23 for short. It's now my daily carry. I like it because with the included holster, you are guaranteed not to shoot yourself if it discharges negligently because of where it is pointed when holstered. And trust me, it discharges negligently a lot. It's worth it though because not only do these discharges replace my CW badge (because I no longer have to display that I have a gun when everyone can just hear rounds popping off in the distance while I am walking), but it also looks different too when I have to toss it to the ground shortly before being tackled to the pavement by the LEO's I now know by name.


Top of its class though. Top of its class!

Edited by CZ9MM
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Here is mine:




I bought it a couple weeks ago off Gunbroker. It's not a typical Glock, it's their Professional Line, noted as "GL23PL, or PL23 for short. It's now my daily carry. I like it because with the included holster, you are guaranteed not to shoot yourself if it discharges negligently because of where it is pointed when holstered. And trust me, it discharges negligently a lot. It's worth it though because not only do these discharges replace my CW badge (because I no longer have to display that I have a gun when everyone can just hear rounds popping off in the distance while I am walking), but it also looks different too when I have to toss it to the ground shortly before being tackled to the pavement by the LEO's I now know by name.


Top of its class though. Top of its class!



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Here is mine:




I bought it a couple weeks ago off Gunbroker. It's not a typical Glock, it's their Professional Line, noted as "GL23PL, or PL23 for short. It's now my daily carry. I like it because with the included holster, you are guaranteed not to shoot yourself if it discharges negligently because of where it is pointed when holstered. And trust me, it discharges negligently a lot. It's worth it though because not only do these discharges replace my CW badge (because I no longer have to display that I have a gun when everyone can just hear rounds popping off in the distance while I am walking), but it also looks different too when I have to toss it to the ground shortly before being tackled to the pavement by the LEO's I now know by name.


Top of its class though. Top of its class!



I always liked FishGill Glocks  but for some reason they never took off......If it were mine id have a spare receiver for it,OD Green maybe   :)
but that is one ODDBALL Glock
Edited by SonnyCrockett
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Well, it's not rare or anything, but a 9mm non moon clip single action revolver is my "oddest" one:




- OS


Not odd at all, at least to me. I find it very desirable. I currently have 2 9mm revolvers, both SA/DA models though. A Smith and a Taurus. And like them both.

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I have a Glock that has FTF all the time. It has been back to Glock 3 times. The only ammo that has had no issue is CCI. Everytime I am at the range and someone hears the problems I have they comment on how rare for a Glock to have issues is. The only part of the gun that is original at this point is the frame so now I own a Glock 17 that is going to sit in a safe for the rest of my life, I can't sell it and would never trust it to save my life. I can post a pic if this counts as rare.

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I have a Glock that has FTF all the time. It has been back to Glock 3 times. The only ammo that has had no issue is CCI. Everytime I am at the range and someone hears the problems I have they comment on how rare for a Glock to have issues is. The only part of the gun that is original at this point is the frame so now I own a Glock 17 that is going to sit in a safe for the rest of my life, I can't sell it and would never trust it to save my life. I can post a pic if this counts as rare.

You must be limp wristing it...

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You must be limp wristing it...


I wish, that can be fixed. Several of my buddys have shot mine with the same results, and we had no issues shooting their Glocks. Glock admits getting the same results but cannot figure it out and I am out of warranty and tired of dumping money into it.

Edited by LI0NSFAN
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Out of warranty? Glock isn't working with you on this? I must admit to being rather stunned at that.

Me too.
You could try driving it down to the factory in Smyrna, GA and talking to them in person. They spent a lot of time and practice ammo in one of my bro's Glock's with a brass-to-face issue and wouldn't give it back till they were satisfied with it (subsequently he is also). You'll get a lot of free goodies too (lanyards, decals, etc.), and it's not too awful far from GA Arms (for ammo) and Moss Pawn of YouTube fame.
I've been probably 4-5 times (live in Atlanta right now) and they've always been friendly, helpful, and efficient.

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my gun show bought S&W 19-3 ,its an ex Shelby County Sheriffs gun

notice the markings SCSO... Neet huh,gun is not for sale either :) 

I added some old school grips,the little wood things this came with are not good for hanging on to this snubby with hot loads thats for sure

Pinned and recessed and nice holster wear she comes out often for targets and has one of the sweetest triggers you ever pulled




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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have it anymore and kick myself everyday for letting it go... but mine WAS a Springfield Omega 1911A1 10mm, was a short run handgun designed by Peter Stahls out of Germany and Springfield had the exclusive production rights to it in the US problem is though they had a dispute with them and stopped producing it, to boot, the parts dried up to the point to where the parts are almost irreplaceble though having a lifetime warranty, Springfield will replace the weapon if it cannot be fixed, with an "equal value" pistol, this is why I reasoned getting rid of it. :cry:




Edited by whitewolf001
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