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Obama tells Vietnamese that Ho Chi Min was inspired by our Founding Fathers.

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

"It may come as some unwelcome news to the families of the nearly 60,000 Americans who died in the Vietnam War that the whole thing was just a misunderstanding."




This President is a fricken idiot and ignorant of History. US HISTORY. Ho was never "Inspired by the founding fathers". He asked for and got help in 1945 because he allowed his new Viet Mihn Army to rescue downed American pilots. In exhange we sent a few offiers to Ho to train his Viet Min, then had to rescue France's azzes from those same people! I have seen Ho in interview after interveiw say that he always felt Communism was the best path for Vietnam. So how exactly is that being inspired by our Founding Fathers? I suppose our POTUS must feel our Founding Fathers were Communists.
"While Jefferson did get pretty fired up about “the blood of tyrants,” it’s hard to see how the Sage of Monticello inspired the murderous career of the Vietnamese dictator."  "Estimates run as high as half-a-million killed in Ho’s effort to consolidate power after his communist forces drove the French out of Indochina"
He and his Leninist regime used V.I. Lenin’s tactics: murder, terror and “reeducation” to obtain, maintain and expand power."
Maybe he should have bowed down and apologized while he was kissing Communist Vietnamese azz.

Edited by TankerHC
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Don't color these liberals stupid, they are extremely intelligent and manipulative to twist history for their own goals and agendas.  


What would be the purpose to blatantly lie and have that rubbish spewing from his vile mouth? A new anti-American goal or another American restriction on our Constitutional freedoms maybe?

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Guest nra37922

BSNBC News Flash


Jane Fonda to play Barack Obamas mother, Ann Dunham, in Mel Brooks new movie, script still being written.

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Guest TankerHC

BSNBC News Flash


Jane Fonda to play Barack Obamas mother, Ann Dunham, in Mel Brooks new movie, script still being written.


I heard about that movie, its called "The Non Producers"

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My Dad, who spent 18 months there as Army Infantry would disagree.


"if only Ho and Truman could have done what Obama and Sang did this week, so much unpleasantness might have been avoided."

Unpleasantness...that's rich.
Edited by TN-popo
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I remember when Ho Chi Minh died. South Vietnam had a national day of morning for him. At the time I couldn't believe this or understand it, after all he was the enemy. Years later I read that he was a national hero in both north and south because he defended the French. France was our Allie. Truman was trying to get NATO up and running in 1946. Needed France to do so. No way he could help Ho Chi Minh. US has helped and backed a lot of dictators since WWII. Had Ho been one of them, 60,000 brave Americans may not have had to made the ultimate sacrifice. 

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Guest TankerHC


I remember when Ho Chi Minh died. South Vietnam had a national day of morning for him. At the time I couldn't believe this or understand it, after all he was the enemy. Years later I read that he was a national hero in both north and south because he defended the French. France was our Allie. Truman was trying to get NATO up and running in 1946. Needed France to do so. No way he could help Ho Chi Minh. US has helped and backed a lot of dictators since WWII. Had Ho been one of them, 60,000 brave Americans may not have had to made the ultimate sacrifice. 




The difference is Ho was a Communist Dictator  along the lines of Pol Pot, before Pol Pot. And we DID help Ho, former OSS led by some LTC trained the Viet Mihn, who went on to defeat the French. (At least thats the way I read it in several books on the subject years ago). Dont forgot we also trained Mao's Army, see how well that turned out.


Should see Chinese GM vehicles here pretty soon. Soon as they get done fully fielding their version of the F-35, before we do.

Edited by TankerHC
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Well, on two occasions, the end of WWI and WWII, Ho Chi Minh petitioned for Vietnamese civil rights and independence. In both those instances he cites the Declaration of Independence. I don't believe it was a matter of belief in the ideals of a capitalist society, or even basic inalienable rights included in the Bill of Rights. I think it was strictly about colonial rule by the French and the desire for independence. Like it or not, our little war with the Brits inspired so many revolutions around the world in the following centuries; even those we may have opposed.

Whether or not that is where Ho Chi Minh drew his inspiration doesn't really matter anyway. Serial killers have been known to draw their inspiration from pop culture icons in music and television. I don't think that is an indictment of the person that has nothing to do with the circumstance. If I was to say that Hitler drew his inspiration from the Bible, would we hold Christianity responsible for his actions or blame the Bible in any way?

At any rate, I don't believe his use of founding father literature was proof of being inspired by them. I think that was just the medium he used in order to "speak our language" of understanding, especially since the two folks he was petitioning when he quoted Jefferson was Wilson and Truman. They both ignored him. Who knows, maybe if we chose not to back the Frenchies on that one Ho Chi Minh would have never taken aid from the Commies. After all, before the Commies took power in China he even let the French back in to N. Vietnam under a mutual understanding, then the French backdoored him. This is only a couple years after we stormed the beaches of Normandy. If you ask me we should have used our influence to tell the French to take a breather. Colonialism was dead anyway. The world no longer would support it. Vietnam might not have been a bastion of freedom, but it wouldn't have ended up as a proxy war with the Russians.

Sorta off topic, but if you really want to get your blood boiling over the whole thing read Dereliction of Duty. It is an eye opener. Edited by TMF
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