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Glock 35 purchase


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Got a chance to get a Glock 35, low round count 5-15 round mags, Dawson green front sight, Glock adjustable rear, extended mag release, tupperware case with all the original stuff, original and 2 extra barrels (LoneWolf 357 Sig & LoneWolf 40SW-to shoot lead). Owner does not like the 40SW round - too much recoil. I really like the 40SW and reload for it.

Worth $499?:mad: or :screwy:

Opinions Please

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I know someone who shoots a 9mm in his G35 can't do that in a 34. However, having loaded for 40SW I know it can have really low recoil factors. Just never owned a Glock so not sure of capabilities. Have had HKs & Sigs! JUst thought a good price and helping a buddy out who needs cash.

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Guest m4coyote

That is a pretty awesome deal! Two extra barrels, and five hi-cap mags really sweeten this one. I just paid $475.00 for a G34 with Heinie sights, the two original 17 rnd mags, and the box.

If it is in nice shape, jump on it. You can make money at that price!

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Pics will be a must!!!1 ;)

Here's the pics, I'm gonna get it out this weekend!





All in all a pretty sweet deal, however, two of the mags were pretty chewed up, however, it does have extended slide release, channel plug, LoneWolf SS guide rod assbly (all the original Glock parts), slide buffer stop, 70 rounds of Speer Lawman 125 gr 357sig ammo, & some 40SW brass. I'm pretty happy with it, I know he and his wife needed the cash badly and I didn't talk him down any on price. Oh yea - I brought them pizza and beer for selling the pistol!

Edited by latisimusd
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