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German is a beautiful language.

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Das war ein lustiges video.
And I said that very soft and sweet... Grama would be proud.
But yeah, German isn't exactly a chick-magnet.  The French and Italians have that covered.
Edited by TN-popo
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Sounds more like Klingon.

Japanese and German. Both the language of the pissed off. You can read a love poem in either one and it sounds like somebody is fixin to kill someone!


I don't know, I've heard some Japanese girls talk and I melt like butter but then... I have a natural affinity towards them... TIS BIAS!

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This is all true, but German has some good qualities.  My favorite is that they can make a complex idea or phrase into one word, for instance: schadenfreude is the pleasure you take from the misfortune of another, and backpfeifengesicht loosely translates to "a face in need of a fist".

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When I first got to the States and I had a really bad  German accent People used to say that they loved listening to me talk. Now I have somewhat of a TN accent and  most people cannot tell I am German..

Now that I have a German friend here and we talk in German all the time the accent is coming back.. Its rather funny because she is from southern Germany and her accent is really bad

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It's also very logical.  The German word for "hydrogen" is Wasserstoff---material or "stuff" that makes water.

Actually.. no.. not correct... :)  stoff does not mean stuff ( as in random "stuff"..   "material"l is commonly used most.. also pertains to a liquid that has items in it that are not solid anymore..


Itsnot  used to describe random "stuff" ...

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Actually.. no.. not correct... :)  stoff does not mean stuff ( as in random "stuff"..   "material"l is commonly used most.. also pertains to a liquid that has items in it that are not solid anymore..


Itsnot  used to describe random "stuff" ...


You're just jealous because we won.  :taunt:

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The video has been removed due to copyright.



new link, probably the official.  Just a guess



Hmmm? I guess it's a case of someone re-posting a video without giving credit to the original poster on Youtube.

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