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Diabetic having attack is ripped from her car by police

Guest AmericanWorkMule

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

I've dealt with people having Diabetic reactions like this and to some it may at first think they were drunk or high on something but why treat a person just in a vehicle accident so violently?



Revena Garcia's blood sugar dropped so low that she became extremely disoriented and could not open her car door. Deputies assumed she was a drunk driver and broke through her window, ripped her limp body from the vehicle, handcuffed her facedown on the hot pavement, where they left her, motionless.






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I hope she sues them for about $20million and wins...there is simply no excuse for that kind of idiocy...even if she had been drunk she deserved better treatment than that.


Hell, the cops usually treat fleeing felons they've caught after a foot chase better than that and will call for medical if the thug even has a scratch.

Edited by RobertNashville
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I am starting to believe the cameras in the cars must have some type of device that keeps officers from deleting the footage?


I know they can choose when to turn on and off but the amount of videos like this is very disturbing.


I saw a different one on the news this morning.

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I hope she sues them for about $20million and wins...there is simply no excuse for that kind of idiocy...even if she had been drunk she deserved better treatment than that.

Hell, the cops usually treat fleeing felons they've caught after a foot chase better than that and will call for medical if the thug even has a scratch.

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Guest Bonedaddy

This is exactly why we made my grandmother stop drivin'. She was startin' to have way too many of these spells and almost didn't make it back home, the last time. She passed out after coming through the door like an inebriated drunk. Yea, there would be a big ass law suit and a serious bitchout to those LEOs involved.

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At first she was "thrown" then "dropped" and at last laid on the ground. Oh no lets arm chair quarter back those no good P**s and burn them all!

Lets defend piece of shit cops to the end so that they know no matter what they do, their brother has their back. Reminds me of a lot of gangs...

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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yeah your right lets sue them all take everything they own and ruin the rest of their lives because they made a mistake and thought she was DUI. Hell lets also sue them for the window they broke out, maybe they should have just left her in the car to die? Oh wait they are LEO not EMTS...... never mind I was wrong.

Edited by NRA
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yeah your right lets sue them all take everything they own and ruin the rest of their lives because they made a mistake and thought she was DUI. Hell lets also sue them for the window they broke out, maybe they should have just left her in the car to die? Oh wait they are LEO not EMTS...... never mind I was wrong.


So that kind of reaction is acceptable?  Even if DUI the woman was obviously incoherent with no control of her faculties. 

Edited by Garufa
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This woman ran right into the guy stopped at a light. Why was she driving, she could have killed him? Did she not know she had this condition?

What appears to be a drunk fails to respond to orders and is forcible removed from physical control of the vehicle. She went limp after an accident; they probably should have waited for paramedics before moving her off that hot azz pavement.








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yeah your right lets sue them all take everything they own and ruin the rest of their lives because they made a mistake and thought she was DUI. Hell lets also sue them for the window they broke out, maybe they should have just left her in the car to die? Oh wait they are LEO not EMTS...... never mind I was wrong.

What if that was your wife or your mother? If you drag my wife out onto the pavement, in cuffs while she is having a diabetic episode, then a lawsuit will be the least of your worries. A badge doesnt keep you from getting your ass stomped. Mistakes like this should not be tolerated. Those kinds of mistakes get people killed. A mistake that carries that kind of weight should cwrry sever consequences. Period

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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What if that was your wife or your mother? If you drag my wife out onto the pavement, in cuffs while she is having a diabetic episode, then a lawsuit will be the least of your worries. A badge doesnt keep you from getting your ass stomped. Mistakes like this should not be tolerated. Those kinds of mistakes get people killed. A mistake that carries that kind of weight should cwrry sever consequences. Period

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

If a person has a medical condition that can cause the death of an innocent person they should not be driving…. Period.


Was the guy in truck injured?

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What if that was your wife or your mother? If you drag my wife out onto the pavement, in cuffs while she is having a diabetic episode, then a lawsuit will be the least of your worries. A badge doesnt keep you from getting your ass stomped. Mistakes like this should not be tolerated. Those kinds of mistakes get people killed. A mistake that carries that kind of weight should cwrry sever consequences. Period

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

If a person has a medical condition that can cause the death of an innocent person they should not be driving…. Period.

Was the guy in truck injured?

And if the medical condition is unknown? Cops do not have a license to treat people like shit and abuse their power. And you can say it 10% all you want, but there is alot of evidence to the contrary. Im not saying every cop is bad. Some are good people. But id say 70% of the police force nation wide needs a major attitude check if not a pink slip

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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My bad.  Don't know what I was thinking.  Just getting really tired of reports like this.

Just like with stories of gun owners; it’s the media grandstanding. She plowed into an innocent freaking guy sitting at a light. She could have killed him.


First thing you do at an accident scene is make it safe for the victims and the people in the area. Even before treating anyone you turn the vehicles ignitions off to keep from having a fire and make sure no drunks or injured people are still in control of a vehicle. . It took them a minute to figure out what was going on.

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And if the medical condition is unknown? Cops do not have a license to treat people like #### and abuse their power. And you can say it 10% all you want, but there is alot of evidence to the contrary. Im not saying every cop is bad. Some are good people. But id say 70% of the police force nation wide needs a major attitude check if not a pink slip

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

I know that’s your opinion; sorry you have such bad luck with bad cops.


But if you see a car plow into another car and the person appears to be drunk; I can assure you that your first thought won’t be; “maybe she is having a medical emergency”. An investigation will determine if the cops overreacted. I’ve seen plenty of videos of cops overreacting; this one doesn’t rate very high on the list.

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see how easy it is to get the facts all f***d up. But it is ok to judge LEO by what the news said.

Favts? What facts are you talking about?

The facts are these cops treated this woman like a piece of garbage. Unless all of these cops were deaf dumb and blind They should have been able to see that she needed help.

This wasn't some felony arrest with a gunfight that had just ended; It was just a stupid auto accident. Speaking of which, I was a volunteer EMT With my fire department for many years. The last thing I would do to someone involved in an accident Would be to drag them out of their car, handcuff them, and then lay them facedown on the hot asphalt.

There are a few people on this forum who defend cops more than I do, but what these cops did cannot be defended.
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Guest AmericanWorkMule

Diabetics don't always know when their sugar level is going to drop and when it does it can drop fast. All though they're supposed to have it always within reach when driving, they don't always have time to reach for their candy.
Still no reason to be abusive.
What if she had just had a stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, or spinal injuries and couldn't respond?

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Guest Lester Weevils

Dunno what can be done, but things like this happened even back "in the good old days". Person in diabetic shock gets picked up and thrown in the drunk tank, where person subsequently dies. I recall reading cases like that back in the 1960's and 1970's. Lots more drunks out in public than people in diabetic shock.


Maybe an alcohol test would catch some of that nowadays. Dunno. But people in bad diabetic shape can have "fruity breath" and various chemical-smelling aldehyde odors, so a "smell test" might sometimes also lead to the "passed out drunk" diagnosis.

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