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Revenge Attacks on Whites and White-Hispanics over Zimmerman Verdict
***** Baltimore, Maryland::: In a post that drew nearly 50 comments on Facebook, real estate agent Christina Dudley said she was walking to her car just before 9 p.m. when she saw several young black males and two black females chasing a 37-year-old Hispanic man west on North Linwood Avenue past East Fairmont Avenue. “One of the boys had a handgun out and it was pointed at the back of him,” Dudley said in an interview. They caught up to the man at the corner of Fairmount and N. Streeper Street, and the male with the gun beat the victim with what appeared to be his gun while others kicked and stomped him, Dudley said. “They were just yelling and calling him names as they ran after him, but once they were hitting him and after that they started yelling, “This is for Trayvon, [expletive],” said Dudley, who heard the chant repeated multiple times.
***** Jacksonville, Florida::: The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is facing accusations that it covered up a hate crime by denying that the murder of two brothers in a parking lot on Sunday night was related to the Trayvon Martin case, despite the fact that a sticker was placed on the brother’s truck which read “Free Zimmerman”. At around 8:45 p.m. at the 7000 block of Normandy Blvd, Jacksonville, 24-year-old Andrew Austin Bohannon and 19-year-old Matthew Ryan Bohannon were sitting in their truck in the Golden Corral parking lot when they were approached by another car carrying multiple occupants. After “some type of conversation” between the two parties, multiple shots were fired at the brothers. One was killed instantly while another was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at a local hospital. “Now rumors have spread that the deadly shooting is in retaliation to a bumper sticker placed on the Bohannon’s truck that said “Free Zimmerman,” reports FirstCoastNews.
***** Senatobia, Mississippi::: A man who says he was jogging alongside of a road when three black men abducted and beat him claims the alleged attack was in retaliation for George Zimmerman’s acquittal, police in Senatobia, Miss. told Fox News. Police Chief Steve Holts told Fox News the alleged victim, who is white, was jogging Sunday night along Highway 51 when, he said, the suspects pulled over and ordered him to get inside their car. “One of them asked, ‘Do you know who Trayvon Martin was?’” Holts quoted the man as saying. At that point, the men in the vehicle allegedly attacked him. The man, who the chief described as a young resident of the area, was treated at a local hospital. Memphis television station WREG reported the assailants allegedly told the victim, “This is for Trayvon.” The television station and The Democrat newspaper reported the jogger was badly beaten and later dropped off on a road between Senatobia and Coldwater, Miss.
***** Oakland, California::: Christian Hartsock, a conservative journalist and filmmaker, says he was assaulted and beaten down to the ground by a mob with repeated strikes to the face while reporting at a Trayvon Martin rally in downtown Oakland Sunday night. ***** “One young man chanted ‘There’s gonna be some violence tonight!’” Hartsock said. “He then came up to me and demanded I erase the footage from my phone — another request I declined.” “As two other young men interrogated me, their friend behind them came up and a young man then slugged me in the face about three times — hard — and demanded that I leave,” Hartsock said. “Then I began getting clocked by others in my left temple and jaw by other assailants and was mowed to the ground by about half a dozen of them.” Hartsock feared the worst. “For a couple minutes I was pinned down to the ground — one gentleman on top of me slugging me across the face repeatedly as an indeterminable number of others kicked me in the side of the head, and tried to get my phone out of my hand… The harder my grip tightened, the harder their punches to my face became,” he said.
***** Los Angeles, California:::People protesting George Zimmerman‘s acquittal marched along Crenshaw Boulevard on Monday night, stomping on cars, chasing bystanders and storming a Wal-Mart. Several protesters made their way into the Wal-Mart as guards scrambled to close security gates. A short while later, Los Angeles Police Department officers wearing helmets and carrying batons swarmed the store as others marched through the parking lot.
***** Chester County, Pennsylvania::: In Chester County, Pennsylvania, police are investigating graffiti on a building before it was set on fire: “KILL ZIMMERMAN.” Firefighters were called to the scene of the fire at ProSigns, a company manufacturing commercial signs for business, and found that phrase spray-painted in red on the front of the building. The firefighters put out the fire without significant damage. The fire has been ruled arson.
***** Los Angeles, California::: A CBS2/KCAL9 photographer and reporter were assaulted Monday night while covering a George Zimmerman protest in Crenshaw. Reporter Dave Bryan was conducting an interview around 10 p.m. when the suspect tackled him and his photographer, the station confirmed. “All of the sudden, this guy came up from behind, he had a hood, and he knocked David on the head and he pushed the camera guy down. The camera guy went down, the camera went down, David went down,” witness Joseph Deguerre, said. “I was in shock.”
***** Oakland, California ::: A waiter was hit with what appeared to be a hammer while protecting the windows at Flora, a restaurant at the corner of Telegraph and 19th Street. “Protesters with black masks approached the window and tried to bang at it,” said bartender Phillip Ricafort. “(The waiter) said, ‘Don’t do that!’ and the guy turned around and smacked him in the face with a hammer” or another metal object. “It was gruesome,” said Ricafort. He said his co-worker was bleeding from the face.Vandals also targeted Flora’s windows over the weekend; several windows were still boarded up.
Many other assaults and murders have taken place, however local law enforcement is doing everything it can to cover up the connections and link them to the Verdict and they do not want to lose their federal funding. They will let you and your family be sacrificed.
Arm Up-Defend Yourself and Your Family! And another story about a Marine http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2013/07/hate-crime-marine-beaten-and-stabbed-by-group-of-african-american-males-2713412.html Edited by ted
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Guest TankerHC

I used to live on Linwood Avenue. Thats Canton. My old neighborhood when I was growing up. Except I lived on the South Side. Ever see that TV show "The Corner"? Thats Fairmont Avenue and the North Avenue area. Used to be all white, mostly Ukranians and Polish, lots of post WWII European immingrants (Legal ones) today (Last 30 years), one of the worst areas for crime in the Nation. This goes on every day, nothing unusual there.


"This is for Treyvon" is an excuse for something they do every day and have done every day for the last 30 years.

Edited by TankerHC
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10 bucks says they don't give it a shot with me, though I'm not sure I wouldn't enjoy it. I'm working in a nice lil ghetto right now laying a retaining wall, and my truck is not more than 10 ft away with my "softball bat" in the front seat.

Posted Image

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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Isn't all of that just lovely behavior being carried out in the name of a justice system that acquitted The accused by jury trial...I will stand my ground as I hope others do. Ezekiel 25:17 the path of the righteous man shall prevail...
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Goin to O. K. Corral in the morning the run a few down range with some friends. After that, come back home and keep my eyes open. Stupid is as stupid does boys and girls, and there's a whole lot of stupid going on around us. Stay aware and safe my friends.
I don't always carry a gun but when I.....wait, yes I do :)
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[quote name="Spots" post="1002995" timestamp="1374291418"]10 bucks says they don't give it a shot with me, though I'm not sure I wouldn't enjoy it. I'm working in a nice lil ghetto right now laying a retaining wall, and my truck is not more than 10 ft away with my "softball bat" in the front seat.


Is that a Super Major League Baseball Bat I've never seen one that Big WOW

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Welp the twitterverse is freaking ripe with J4T retaliation reports, I had hoped things would settle down the farther out from the verdict we got, but it appears to be getting worse.

I don't think that they are not going to let this one go, at least not without spilling a lot of blood first ...
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Is that a Super Major League Baseball Bat I've never seen one that Big WOW

Thats what she said...... Sorry it was just to good to pass up. I hand turned that one out on a lathe. 30" long, 3.5" diameter head. I made it look like a ball bat so that noone would notice it in the truck. One of these days I'm gonna bore out the and pour it full of melted wheel weight lead then plug it.
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Guest Emtdaddy1980
My wife and I took my parents downtown to the Terminal Brewhouse in chattavegas last night for their 44th anniversary last night.
(They are NOT posted BTW.)
We decided to walk next door to the choo choo to let the kids check out the model railroad after dinner. So we have my Mother and Father both in their 60s with my dad carrying my 1yr old son, my stepsons 11and 9 and then my wife and I. As we were walking two young black men with no shirts and half their drawers showing fell in behind us. They were following closer than I like and their pace changed to bring them closer still. My wife has been around me enough that all it took was a touch on her arm for her to shift slightly and change her pace while I slowed down so that I was between them and my family. I then slowed my pace just enough to create a small distance between the family and myself with the men still behind me. I then turned and stopped with my hand in my pocket. I made eye contact but said nothing. Either they were just unaware that they were following too close or they changed their mind about whatever they had planned, they briefly glanced at eachother and then crossed over to the other side of market street before continuing north. I may have just been paranoid, but something about them tripped the spidey sense. I'd rather be paranoid and alive than a PC corpse.
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My wife and I took my parents downtown to the Terminal Brewhouse in chattavegas last night for their 44th anniversary last night.
(They are NOT posted BTW.)
We decided to walk next door to the choo choo to let the kids check out the model railroad after dinner. So we have my Mother and Father both in their 60s with my dad carrying my 1yr old son, my stepsons 11and 9 and then my wife and I. As we were walking two young black men with no shirts and half their drawers showing fell in behind us. They were following closer than I like and their pace changed to bring them closer still. My wife has been around me enough that all it took was a touch on her arm for her to shift slightly and change her pace while I slowed down so that I was between them and my family. I then slowed my pace just enough to create a small distance between the family and myself with the men still behind me. I then turned and stopped with my hand in my pocket. I made eye contact but said nothing. Either they were just unaware that they were following too close or they changed their mind about whatever they had planned, they briefly glanced at eachother and then crossed over to the other side of market street before continuing north. I may have just been paranoid, but something about them tripped the spidey sense. I'd rather be paranoid and alive than a PC corpse.

Good for you.  Bad guys pick up on the "I'm armed, don't mess with me vibe" pretty quick.  Since most people are oblivious to their surroundings, it's easier for the bad guys to just move on to a softer target. It would be interesting to see if there were any muggings in that area last night.

Edited by jgradyc
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Guest nra37922

My wife and I took my parents downtown to the Terminal Brewhouse in chattavegas last night for their 44th anniversary last night.
(They are NOT posted BTW.)
We decided to walk next door to the choo choo to let the kids check out the model railroad after dinner. So we have my Mother and Father both in their 60s with my dad carrying my 1yr old son, my stepsons 11and 9 and then my wife and I. As we were walking two young black men with no shirts and half their drawers showing fell in behind us. They were following closer than I like and their pace changed to bring them closer still. My wife has been around me enough that all it took was a touch on her arm for her to shift slightly and change her pace while I slowed down so that I was between them and my family. I then slowed my pace just enough to create a small distance between the family and myself with the men still behind me. I then turned and stopped with my hand in my pocket. I made eye contact but said nothing. Either they were just unaware that they were following too close or they changed their mind about whatever they had planned, they briefly glanced at eachother and then crossed over to the other side of market street before continuing north. I may have just been paranoid, but something about them tripped the spidey sense. I'd rather be paranoid and alive than a PC corpse.

Good for you.  You were more than likely being sized up for some sort of snatch and dash. 

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Guest Emtdaddy1980

HK45C on the hip with spare mags
PF9 in a pocket
MP5K clone hidden within easy reach in the truck

I'll be fine :-)

I wanna be more like you lol
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Guest nra37922

I profiled today at the store. I saw some throwing up "gang signs" and my hand went in my pocket on my knife just in case.

Obviously these poor youths were deaf and just communicating that way.  Knife is better than a fist but NOTHING trumps a .45.

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Guest Field Boss
I thought this would be fitting to add to this topic.


You won't recognize me. My name was Antonio West and I was the 13-month old child who was shot at point blank range by two teens who were attempting to rob my mother, who was also shot. A Grand Jury of my mommy's peers from Brunswick GA determined the teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty...too bad I was given a death sentence for being innocent and defenseless.

My family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder was not ruled a Hate Crime. Nor did President Obama take so much as a single moment to acknowledge my murder.

I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media doesn't care to cover the story of my tragic demise, President Obama has no children who could possibly look like me - so he doesn't care and the media doesn't care because my story is not interesting enough to bring them ratings so they can sell commercial time slots.

There is not a white equivalent of Al Sharpton because if there was he would be declared racist, so there is no one rushing to Brunswick GA to demand justice for me. There is no White Panther party to put a bounty on the lives of those who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life.

So while you are seeking justice for Treyvon, please remember to seek justice for me too. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get tee shirts with my face on them and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Treyvon
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