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Tax dollars at work

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California is getting a grant from the federal govt to teach 2500 junior and seniors of Cali public school system to "sell" Obamacare to their community.

I understand that the students are volunteers and probably will take a path in the health care field but they should not be using our tax money to push this bs.



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Shame our tax dollars are being spent by socialists to promote socialism, without those doing so being in fear of being stood against a pock-marked wall by members of our armed forces, or at the very least being tarred & feathered by angry mobs.

I had always (wrongly it seems) believed that our military would have protected us from all enemies, both foreign & domestic ...
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Guest TankerHC

Notice how they were going to temporarily suspend the Employer mandate, but now it's the employer and single payer mandate.....until after the Nov. 2014 elections. Screw that, if your going to destroy the economy, we need to see it now, not after the elections. But, they will fool most of the people (Enought to get everyone re-elected) all of the time.

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The greatest coup / accomplishment / heist the Left ever did was gain control of the majority of America's education system.

They have K-16 (at least) of near constant indoctrination...funded by us.

They're constantly churning out voters who have never read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Federalist Papers, etc. and vote accordingly.


And we wonder how we got here?

Sorry, but I believe we're past the point of no return.

Edited by TN-popo
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