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White folks gonna riot???

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You know, he tried to tip toe around it by not getting overly specific but he's ABSOLUTELY right.  Ain't nobody seen nuthin' till white folk riot.  Study your history book.  There isn't a race color or creed on earth any better at wholesale slaughter and asswhoopin' than a pale faced man.  


If there was a full scale unified white riot in this country, we'd be burying the dead for months.  You see the Rodney King riots and now the paltry Zimmerman riots, but what they gonna do when people start opening up all them zombie preps?  What happens when some of the guys from the Knob Creek shoots take to the street?  White AMERICAN men love small arms and ammunition and there is SOOO MUCH OF IT!  



This may be a bit of a joke, but what if it wasn't?  It would be bad....very bad.

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WOW!  Just wow. That's about all I can say after listening to it all.

It's confusing to hear that dialect from a black gentleman saying those things.

I know a couple of black guys that are similar. It's very ...confusing. AND welcome. Very welcome.
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I think it's rather insulting to the black, African-American, hispanic, latino, Asian, EurAsian, Middle Eastern, and all other non-white, hard-working Americans who also are being robbed of their wealth by the leeches in this country when he singles out whites. In addition there are plenty of whites who are just as much on the government teet as the blacks to whom Dr. Manning refers. I think overall his message is positive but his delivery leaves much to be desired. YMMV.

Edited by LagerHead
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