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Justice For Zimmerman

Guest nra37922

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As far as Memphis goes it was, and parts still are, nice.  But when the New Madrid cuts loose again, probably sooner rather than later, Memphis will be the new worlds Atlantis.  Then you talk about a SHTF situation!


But getting back to Zimmerman well old Fast and Furious Eric Holder is bitchin about the Stand Your Ground laws and using TM as the poster boy.

Two years ago as part of the TN State Guard in conjunction with the National Guard, FEMA, other state guards and state emergency agencies from 13 states we simulated a major shift along the New Madrid with the epicenter in Memphis...the anticipated level of destruction of a major event was beyond incredible; anything within 50-100 miles of Memphis would simply be gone.

The simulation was bad enough; I hope I never see that for real.


The closest I've come was in WA in May of 1981 when St Helens blew her top...I was lucky then.

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Guest nra37922

These commies are determined to get your guns, and people are willing to give up their 2nd A rights by continuing to vote these commies in office. Voting has consequences.

But these commies give stuff away...  Hard to not vote for someone who promises you stuff you didn't earn.  Bunch of frickin dumb asses but they vote...

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old Fast and Furious Eric Holder is bitchin about the Stand Your Ground laws and using TM as the poster boy.


Holder just doesn't understand the facts - - - hard thing for a Lib to do anyway.


TM didn't employ Stand Your Ground since its sort of hard to retreat when you are on your back and the attacker is beating on you mixed martial arts style.

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Guest ThePunisher

I doubt Zimmerman will ever vote for another Democrat. Evidently he voted for Obama.

Will this Zimmerman trial spectacle sway the Hispanic vote against the Democrats?
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I want to take a moment to offer a public apology to anyone I may have offended during discussions regarding this case. I strongly believe what I believe, and I allowed my frustrations to get the better of me in a few of my posts. While some of my comments clearly came across as personal attacks, that was never my intention. If you are one of those I have offended, I sincerely apologize. 


Don't apologize for someone else misunderstanding you.. that's their problem, not yours.

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Holder just doesn't understand the facts - - - hard thing for a Lib to do anyway.

I think he understands the facts just fine but no hack like Holder is ever going to let facts get in the way of his far, far, far, left-wing socialist agenda.

Edited by RobertNashville
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