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What now for Zimmerman?

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I'm sure there will be a ghost assisted book in the works, and at least a made for tube movie or two, which will include advance money in hand.


- OS


OS is right here.  I also see George and others involved in this case on the "rubber chicken" speaking circuit.  I dont like chicken; but im interested in hearing his thoughts.  I hope he is outgoing enough to do the speaking thing.  Inquiring minds want to know about the absolute impartiality and fairness of the florida criminal justice system.... . 


Maybe ole George can save up enough garbanzos to go to Law School.  


On a personal basis, i would like to see ole George go to the U of Fla on a full scholarship paid for by panderin Angela Corey and pimpin Ben Crump.  The Corey one might just happen--- here's hopin....



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Guest nra37922

OS is right here.  I also see George and others involved in this case on the "rubber chicken" speaking circuit.  I dont like chicken; but im interested in hearing his thoughts.  I hope he is outgoing enough to do the speaking thing.  Inquiring minds want to know about the absolute impartiality and fairness of the florida criminal justice system.... . 


Maybe ole George can save up enough garbanzos to go to Law School.  


On a personal basis, i would like to see ole George go to the U of Fla on a full scholarship paid for by panderin Angela Corey and pimpin Ben Crump.  The Corey one might just happen--- here's hopin....



Few colleges will take him as the left would pitch a fit and shut the school down with all types of BS Racist protests...

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Jesse, Al and Calypso Louie, all are poverty pimps and/or race hustlers ready to make a buck or two from this case or any race based case.  Keep the feces stirred up and get money and power in the process. 

Poverty Pimps......that's a new one. In all my 30 years as an EEO Rep and Union Stewart....I've not quite heard it put that way. Out of 700 employees, not a single whisper of it. Something has you stirred up Sir and you need to vent. Lay it on us. Can we not address these fine Gentlemen by their proper title?


But yes, I agree, it's all about the money. There is a whole bunch of screw-ups by both Zman and Trey (may he rest in peace). We can't change nothing. We have to live with it and hopefully with all our voting rights we can change things in the future. Pick up your Bible, read a few scriptures, take a deep breath, have a glass of nice wine and chill for a bit.


Bless you Brother.



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Guest 6.8 AR

I have to agree with him, Dave. They are poverty pimps. If we were rid of welfare, and these people like Jesse and Al

were not crying racism all the time, for the last several decades, we might not have had problems like these creeping up.

Some of it can't be avoided, but the obvious moochers should be shown the exit door. There are many who parade

around saying things that incite problems that don't need solutions to what they preach. Listen to their message. Do

they care about the problem or is it more about themselves? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and several others have

done more to stir up people and keep them stuck in a cycle of dependency that they have successfully made them a

permanent class until their generation dies off.


If they really cared about their "issue", why don't they address their own problems first, instead of always blaming

someone else? Of course I don't agree with altruism and you may.


Some problems are created when they didn't need to be. Some people become hypocrites when they co-opt others'

actions, like the Democrats taking place of the Republicans, who had more to do with the issue of civil rights than

the Democrats ever had. There are several of us who could straighten out where the history was re-written, if you're

interested. quite fascinating how they did it. But it's also quite fascinating how many fell for it.


And I agree, pick up your Bible, but throw that union crap out the window. There may be the source of your

propaganda. The two can't coincide. One is a lie and the other is a message. Been there, done that, friend.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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[quote name="DaveS" post="1000275" timestamp="1373913969"]

Poverty Pimps......that's a new one. In all my 30 years as an EEO Rep and Union Stewart....I've not quite heard it put that way. Out of 700 employees, not a single whisper of it. Something has you stirred up Sir and you need to vent. Lay it on us. Can we not address these fine Gentlemen by their proper title?

But yes, I agree, it's all about the money. There is a whole bunch of screw-ups by both Zman and Trey (may he rest in peace). We can't change nothing. We have to live with it and hopefully with all our voting rights we can change things in the future. Pick up your Bible, read a few scriptures, take a deep breath, have a glass of nice wine and chill for a bit.

Bless you Brother.

"Fine Gentlemen" "Proper title" I do believe sir, their "PROPER TITLE" would not be allowed by this fine forum to be put into such...words. And "fine" does not belong in the same sentence as "gentlemen" when describing those two goons.
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I found this to be interesting and thought I'd share with you all.



The only thing interesting about that article is the fact that a black man (OJ) was found not guilty of killing two unarmed white people, then went on to live a fairly normal life. I don't recall a bunch of rabid animals hell bent on taking the law into their own hands. Obviously some people are a little more evolved than others.
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I have to agree with him, Dave. They are poverty pimps. If we were rid of welfare, and these people like Jesse and Al

were not crying racism all the time, for the last several decades, we might not have had problems like these creeping up.

Some of it can't be avoided, but the obvious moochers should be shown the exit door. There are many who parade

around saying things that incite problems that don't need solutions to what they preach. Listen to their message. Do

they care about the problem or is it more about themselves? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, and several others have

done more to stir up people and keep them stuck in a cycle of dependency that they have successfully made them a

permanent class until their generation dies off.


If they really cared about their "issue", why don't they address their own problems first, instead of always blaming

someone else? Of course I don't agree with altruism and you may.


Some problems are created when they didn't need to be. Some people become hypocrites when they co-opt others'

actions, like the Democrats taking place of the Republicans, who had more to do with the issue of civil rights than

the Democrats ever had. There are several of us who could straighten out where the history was re-written, if you're

interested. quite fascinating how they did it. But it's also quite fascinating how many fell for it.


And I agree, pick up your Bible, but throw that union crap out the window. There may be the source of your

propaganda. The two can't coincide. One is a lie and the other is a message. Been there, done that, friend.

I actually agree with you. You make some very valid points. As far as the union part goes sorry, it's just something offered to thousands of Government Employees. I just had the opportunity to serve as Stewart and EEO rep for about 700 of them. Something I took great pride in and would change nothing about it. What an awesome experience it was.


Some of what I mean about my above post, and I'm guilty too, is most of the post here (I haven't seen much of it in your post thank God), is they seem so full of hatred toward people or groups of people. I just don't get it. I understand why the Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton took the actions that they did. They felt a wrong was being committed by whitey and they wanted action. Why should we, as adults hold so much hatred toward them for that? If I thought I was wronged by a race of people and everyone ignored me, I would love for someone to come forward to stir the pot. The Black people of this great country have J. Jackson, A. Sharpton to fight for them. Who does whitey have? Please tell me. But the hatred on both sides has to stop! It all starts right here, right now! I damn sure don't ever want to hear anyone call the members of TGO a bunch of racist and not want to join our community. The hate filled post here has to stop. We, the members of TGO have full control of that. So referring to our fellow man as a ghetto pimp or ghetto monkey has stop, and stopped by us.


Rant over.



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Few colleges will take him as the left would pitch a fit and shut the school down with all types of BS Racist protests...


Dunno if state supported schools would have much choice if his LSAT and whatnot fits into whatever quota system they have.


All in all, though, I think probably a legal name change, longer hair, and if he can grow one, a beard or at least mustache. But if he's gonna appear in media in the future, that option won't be too effective I guess.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Dunno if state supported schools would have much choice if his LSAT and whatnot fits into whatever quota system they have.


All in all, though, I think probably a legal name change, longer hair, and if he can grow one, a beard or at least mustache. But if he's gonna appear in media in the future, that option won't be too effective I guess.


- OS


OS, I have a feeling and I hope I'm wrong, but Zimmerman is going to be a media whore. He's going to take every camera second he can get. JMHO! He did it before, and he'll do it again!



Edited by DaveS
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OS, I have a feeling and I hope I'm wrong, but Zimmerman is going to be a media whore. He's going to take every camera second he can get. JMHO! He did it before, and he'll do it again!




When did he "do it before" this whole incident?


What's DSWD?


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest Lester Weevils

If Z lucks up and the feds let him be on civil rights charges, then am inclined to think that he could count his blessings that he only expended 8.9 of his 9 lives, and gratefully fade into obscurity.

If he takes his remaining 0.1 life as another "sign from god" rather than unbelievably good luck, and busily becomes a famous personality in every venue that will have him-- Opining expansively on any and all topics on which he is questioned-- I would conclude that he had not learned much from his life experiences.


But that is only a personal opinion, and what Z does is his own business of course.


Now some victims of tragedy I don't feel thataway. For instance, IMO it is a good thing for Randy Weaver to appear here and there to tell his tale. For one thing, Randy you couldn't exactly characterize as "lucky" though it is surprising he didn't end up dead, and Randy's tale is more instructive to "keep reminding people about". Talk about somebody genuinely screwed by the system!

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Guest 6.8 AR

I actually agree with you. You make some very valid points. As far as the union part goes sorry, it's just something offered to thousands of Government Employees. I just had the opportunity to serve as Stewart and EEO rep for about 700 of them. Something I took great pride in and would change nothing about it. What an awesome experience it was.


Some of what I mean about my above post, and I'm guilty too, is most of the post here (I haven't seen much of it in your post thank God), is they seem so full of hatred toward people or groups of people. I just don't get it. I understand why the Reverend Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton took the actions that they did. They felt a wrong was being committed by whitey and they wanted action. Why should we, as adults hold so much hatred toward them for that? If I thought I was wronged by a race of people and everyone ignored me, I would love for someone to come forward to stir the pot. The Black people of this great country have J. Jackson, A. Sharpton to fight for them. Who does whitey have? Please tell me. But the hatred on both sides has to stop! It all starts right here, right now! I damn sure don't ever want to hear anyone call the members of TGO a bunch of racist and not want to join our community. The hate filled post here has to stop. We, the members of TGO have full control of that. So referring to our fellow man as a ghetto pimp or ghetto monkey has stop, and stopped by us.


Rant over.



Follow the money, Dave. They are crooks. As far as the union thing goes, I've been in two unions, one voluntarily, then

involuntarily, and the other, involuntarily. I got the same messages from both: propaganda from Communists. But the

necessity and the good that can come out of the union is not always on the same path. Sometimes they act responsibly

toward their members, mostly on a local level, but not from the international level at all. You were the local rep who knew

the membership and knew what they needed out of their membership. Nothing at all wrong with that.


As far as Al and Jesse go, one extorted Bank of America, recently, just to maintain his lavish lifestyle. Nothing went to

the people he so-called represented: the poor, the down trodden. The other one got his name to fame on a ruse played

by making someone into a victim, which was contrived and proven to be completely false. Of course, not many people

know that, since the media doesn't care to devour it's own.


Seek the truth. It's out there. And it isn't just a response from the Republicans. Kinda like when we hear something for

so long, we start assuming things to be true. They have willing participants in the media. This race card thing is so

old, it's whiskers are starting to fall out when you can find blacks tired of it, also. I've been able to find many.

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When did he "do it before" this whole incident?


What's DSWD?

He went in front of the cameras last year a time or two addressing the public to donate to his defense fund. Remember? He's actually been in front of the camera several times and of his choosing. Heck, I can't wait until he gets in front of one again....I kinda miss him. "DS" is short for DaveS and "WD" is my old screen name which people still address me, so I started using DSWD as to not slight anyone. How's that?



Edited by DaveS
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He went in front of the cameras last year a time or two addressing the public to donate to his defense fund. Remember? He's actually been in front of the camera several times and of his choosing. Heck, I can't until he gets in front of one again...

I don't see anything he's done after the incident to be indicative of "media whore", rather just survival. Unless you think he shot TM just to become one.

"DS" is short for DaveS and "WD" is my old screen name which people still address me...


IC, thnx.


- OS

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Follow the money, Dave. They are crooks. As far as the union thing goes, I've been in two unions, one voluntarily, then

involuntarily, and the other, involuntarily. I got the same messages from both: propaganda from Communists. But the

necessity and the good that can come out of the union is not always on the same path. Sometimes they act responsibly

toward their members, mostly on a local level, but not from the international level at all. You were the local rep who knew

the membership and knew what they needed out of their membership. Nothing at all wrong with that.


As far as Al and Jesse go, one extorted Bank of America, recently, just to maintain his lavish lifestyle. Nothing went to

the people he so-called represented: the poor, the down trodden. The other one got his name to fame on a ruse played

by making someone into a victim, which was contrived and proven to be completely false. Of course, not many people

know that, since the media doesn't care to devour it's own.


Seek the truth. It's out there. And it isn't just a response from the Republicans. Kinda like when we hear something for

so long, we start assuming things to be true. They have willing participants in the media. This race card thing is so

old, it's whiskers are starting to fall out when you can find blacks tired of it, also. I've been able to find many.

6.8 I do agree with you for the most part. No argument from me. But where do "we" help put a stop to the hatred? I have no use for their past actions, but I can't HATE them either, as that makes me no better than the "race haters", "race baiters" whatever you want to call them. I don't agree with a lot of things going on around me, and in a lot of things I see, but I can't HATE. Hating because of race makes me a looser. I hate that sir because I've always been a winner! And I'm going to keep on winning! Do as you choose. We all have to walk the roads we pave. Period.



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I don't see anything he's done after the incident to be indicative of "media whore", rather just survival. Unless you think he shot TM just to become one.


IC, thnx.



No sir, he's done nothing post trial. But is it coming? I think so...that was my point.



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No sir, he's done nothing post trial. But is it coming? I think so...that was my point.


I fully expect him to be on media again, but again, still a matter of survival. When you have your normal life taken away, you have to do whatever you can to make do.


To claim some sort of "media whore" intent you'd have to show he was that way pre-Trayvon.


- OS

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It appeared to me that he was trying to clear his name and get out his side of the story, not being a media whore. If I felt like I was wrongly accused of something like that, I'd do whatever I could to clear my name. If it meant I had to do an interview on every channel known to man, so be it.
Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Guest 6.8 AR

6.8 I do agree with you for the most part. No argument from me. But where do "we" help put a stop to the hatred? I have no use for their past actions, but I can't HATE them either, as that makes me no better than the "race haters", "race baiters" whatever you want to call them. I don't agree with a lot of things going on around me, and in a lot of things I see, but I can't HATE. Hating because of race makes me a looser. I hate that sir because I've always been a winner! And I'm going to keep on winning! Do as you choose. We all have to walk the roads we pave. Period.



Tell the real haters to go to an island in the Caribbean and shut the heck up. I don't hate them(blacks, or anyone in particular), and I don't need anyone telling me that I may be a victim for me. You certainly don't, either. Why, then, do the blacks need a spokesman, who doesn't have the creds to represent anyone in the first place, to represent them, when they apparently don't speak for all of them. Too many disagree with their antics, but never get the camera time. It is pure politics. Joseph Stalin called people like Al and Jesse useful idiots. Actually he used the term to describe John Maynard Keynes, in particular, but the term applies. They are useful idiots when they further a goal established by an ideology that can benefit from their actions and no

good comes to the people they supposedly represent.


We don't have a racial problem in this country. We do have a problem, though. It's called crony politics. If you take the time and looked back through the history of our country, you would find a pattern of it, including the race game played.


Do you know who initially tried to get civil rights legislation passed? And who blocked it? This was in the fifties.

If you don't know, the answer will surprise you.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Just a thought, but if the DOJ still has an active investigation concerning Zimmerman doesn't that mean that he can not be compelled to testify during a civil suit.  From my understanding civil courts wont touch you if there are possible criminal charges pending as that would violate your constitutional rights.  If that holds true in this case then the DOJ's investigation would actually be serving to protect Zimmerman in the short run

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Tell the real haters to go to an island in the Caribbean and shut the heck up. I don't hate them(blacks, or anyone in particular), and I don't need anyone telling me that I may be a victim for me. You certainly don't, either. Why, then, do the blacks need a spokesman, who doesn't have the creds to represent anyone in the first place, to represent them, when they apparently don't speak for all of them. Too many disagree with their antics, but never get the camera time. It is pure politics. Joseph Stalin called people like Al and Jesse useful idiots. Actually he used the term to describe John Maynard Keynes, in particular, but the term applies. They are useful idiots when they further a goal established by an ideology that can benefit from their actions and no

good comes to the people they supposedly represent.


We don't have a racial problem in this country. We do have a problem, though. It's called crony politics. If you take the time and looked back through the history of our country, you would find a pattern of it, including the race game played.


Do you know who initially tried to get civil rights legislation passed? And who blocked it? This was in the fifties.

If you don't know, the answer will surprise you.

Very good points Sir, and not arguable on my part. I just don't know where the hatred in these threads here come from. Go back and read some of them. I agree 6.8 on most of your issues. You make valid points. It's the hatred "HERE" that's getting me.


Peace Out Bro...



Edited by DaveS
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