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Cool Moment Today on the Lake


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Family and I were on the lake today, actually anchored, to let the kids swim.  The setting was a very big open space, very close to favorite sand bar to let kids wade and throw rocks.  Several military helicopters flew over (like the picture below) maybe 2-3 miles away, and at a high altitude.  I could barely make out the ball on the top, but could see it.  I clearly saw this group go out of sight heading toward the airbase at McGhee Tyson.  I got busy on the boat, and looked up maybe 5 min. later and there was one more helicopter somewhat closer, but still at a great distance and very high in the sky, but this one was just hovering, not moving.  He was not facing me, but was 90 degrees to me, I could see the whole left side of the helicopter.  I watched for a moment, you just don't see a military helicopter just hovering at a great altitude, in Monroe County, TN.  Finally, after 30 seconds or so, I waved at him, nothing major, kind of like if you were in a car, and saw a friend on the street.  I wasn't expecting anything, didn't think he was looking at us, but immediately after I waved at him there was a return gesture, he flashed some type of light under the helicopter directly in my direction, just one flash, and immediately turned the helo and left. 


I assume they were just using their high tech equipment to see us, no other way they could see us with the naked eye, and the light was bright and I could see it well.  



Edited by Runco
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Guest Bonedaddy

I remember one of the coolest things I ever saw was when I was cruisin' down a back road headed towards Halls, Tn just before the Twin Rivers slough area when I saw 5 or 6 (cain't remember which now) Apaches flyin' Map of the Earth not 20' off the ground just appear from behind the trees over the road. One sec. nothin' then "Hello!" then gone. Couldn't hear a thing with the trees blockin' sound for'm, either. Got me to thinkin' just how deadly those things can be if they were lookin' for you, ya know?

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They were everywhere today. We had three of them go right over us on the TN river in Hardin county. They always buzz us at treetop.

I was in Hardin Co. yesterday also. Went to Hookers Bend/Dickies Landing to look at at a job, then over to Savannah to pick up a few reloading supplies, didn't see any helio's, but man was the water up.

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Guest Bonedaddy

What happened to my avatar? Tryin' to go full on tard is hard enough without your intended persona. Jeesh. I hate startin' over.

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I got a cool Apache/lake story. A couple of years ago I was running about 65 mph up KY Lake/TN River down by the Beech River, just cruising along. All the sudden the guy with me reached over to get my attention. I looked to my right and there was an Apache pulling up directly beside me with his wheels right off the water. They smiled and waved. Then pulled ahead. Then another went right over the top of me, a little higher up of course, but still right above me. And another on went by just off my left side. It was crazy and awesome!

Another night I was fishing Percy Preist. You could hear several helicopters coming but couldn't make them out. Then all the sudden one of the Kiowa's in the front lit us up with a spotlight. And the group bwent over us heading into Smyrna. it was a couple Kiowas and about 20 Blackhawks with zero lights on.
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Had a B-2 leave a skid mark in about 2000. He was over my head and passing by the time I noticed it. Heading in for a landing too. Grew up in the Hampton Roads area. Used to see all kinds of flying stuff. Miss that stuff living in the burbs.
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We are near Clarksville and boat on the Cumberland. We see that a lot. On sundays when the sandbar is jam packed the will circle a couple of times LOL. It was some kind of training or exercise, and yes they were watching you. The really cool sight is when they fly over in those big Chinooks (sp) double rotor ones with  the side door open and you can see the guys in them waving. I imagine sometimes they get a special wave :wave: ....(.)(.)..... :usa:

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Guest Bonedaddy

Was doin' a float trip in the Okefenokee swamp when I was 'bout 18 when outta nowhere a pair of F-14s popped up on us flyin' low, maybe 20' above the taller trees, headed South. Didn't hear them, either till they were there and passin'. Another make ya think moment.

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I see them over here about weekly.  Usually flying really low.  They seem to follow the powerlines a lot.  Also not sure what kind of plane it is but I've had planes buzz my house at night they never have any lights on.  It shakes the entire house, there is no sleeping through it.

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There is a squadron of OH-58s at McGhee Tyson Air National Guard.  Awesome guys


Yep.  They fly over my house all the time. 


And I doubt that bird was hovering at high altitude.  He was likely moving, just so slowly that it appeared to be hovering from 1/2 mile away. 

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The Nighthawks are based out of Ft Campbell, they're the elite helo group in the Army. I'd imagine that some of the incidents described above were training missions that they've flown.

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Close man, NightStalkers is their name, 160th SOAR is their unit designation. They usually fly little birds OH-6/AH-6, Blackhawks MH-60, Chinooks MH-47s, and whatever that stealthy blackhawk is. Pretty crazy bunch..


Their motto: "NSNQ - Night Stalkers Never Quit"

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The Nighthawks are based out of Ft Campbell, they're the elite helo group in the Army. I'd imagine that some of the incidents described above were training missions that they've flown.

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Close man, NightStalkers is their name, 160th SOAR is their unit designation. They usually fly little birds OH-6/AH-6, Blackhawks MH-60, Chinooks MH-47s, and whatever that stealthy blackhawk is. Pretty crazy bunch..

Their motto: "NSNQ - Night Stalkers Never Quit"

Believe it or not, it hit me while I was out walking the dogs this morning that I'd typed that wrong.

The Night Stalkers are some bad MoFo's though!

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Close man, NightStalkers is their name, 160th SOAR is their unit designation. They usually fly little birds OH-6/AH-6, Blackhawks MH-60, Chinooks MH-47s, and whatever that stealthy blackhawk is. Pretty crazy bunch..


Their motto: "NSNQ - Night Stalkers Never Quit"


It's actually NSDQ: "Night Stalkers Don't Quit"... but they do, no matter how many times it's written on the wall of the latrine.  Especially if the sun is up.

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