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Zimmerman Trial: Verdict Reached!

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That will make no difference. I have already seen 2 reports that certain "factions" are bringing Civil Suits.

If the accused can factually establish pre-trial (civil suit) that his or her use of deadly force occurred under the circumstances outlined in Section 776.012 or Section 776.013,(stand your ground or self defense) the State of Florida is legally and procedurally barred from further prosecution in the matter. In the event that a civil action is brought against the person who used qualifying deadly force, a court must award reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred in the defense of the case. Now that Zimmerman has had his self defense use of deadly force proved out by a not guilty verdict, he is immune.

The procedures for asserting prosecutorial immunity under the “Stand Your Ground” law are outlined in Peterson v. State, 983 So. 2d 27, 29 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008), a Florida First District Court of Appeal decision. The Petersen decision definitively established that Section 776.032 was created by the Florida Legislature to establish a “true immunity” and not merely an affirmative defense.
Best cure for stupid is charging them all the cost, and that is straight forward handled by statutory law in FL.
Edited by Worriedman
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Guest TankerHC

The feds did that a few times in the 60s, if they try it now I would think they will have to prove there was a racial motive in GZ killing TM. GZ didn't lynch TM from a tree in a town square in Mississippi so logically the feds can't prove racism.

BUT, logic and reality doesn't mean squat today with the federal government so anything can happen.


And that's the problem.  Everyone's argument that it cant be done is valid. My argument that it will be done regardless of whether it can be done or not is also valid. Personally, I hope I turn out wrong. I'd like to see Justice served, it already has been, lets not turn it racial (Even though every single news report I have seen tonight said it was racial, as well as every single black organization that has issued a press release, made a statement, etc.).


The NAACP has their own personal Congressional Delegation, its called the Black Caucus and they are all Democrats. The decision to go with Federal charges will be up to Obama and Holder. (NAACP is going directly through the Justice Dept.). Once that request is made, they will be "All in".


Note that every photo of TM on the news tonight was of the smiling 12 year old. Not the 17 year old throwing gang signs. Zimmerman didnt defend himself against a 12 year old child, he defended himself against a 17 year old man. But the press has already started (30 seconds after the verdict was read) setting the picture of an injustice done by acquitting a child murderer.


If I am wrong, Ill be the first to say so. if I am right, and Federal Charges are brought, I wont say anything. Once those charges are brought, Zimmerman is up the creek without a paddle.


At that point the man has the press, the black community, multiple Civil Rights organizations, Martin Luther Kings wife (She has already been making statements tonight), Obama and Eric Holder and the weight of the Federal Government against him.


I would like to see him win that one (If charges are brought and it makes it to court). But I don't think so.

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Guest TankerHC


If the accused can factually establish pre-trial (civil suit) that his or her use of deadly force occurred under the circumstances outlined in Section 776.012 or Section 776.013,(stand your ground or self defense) the State of Florida is legally and procedurally barred from further prosecution in the matter. In the event that a civil action is brought against the person who used qualifying deadly force, a court must award reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred in the defense of the case. Now that Zimmerman has had his self defense use of deadly force proved out by a not guilty verdict, he is immune.

The procedures for asserting prosecutorial immunity under the “Stand Your Ground” law are outlined in Peterson v. State, 983 So. 2d 27, 29 (Fla. 1st DCA 2008), a Florida First District Court of Appeal decision. The Petersen decision definitively established that Section 776.032 was created by the Florida Legislature to establish a “true immunity” and not merely an affirmative defense.
Best cure for stupid is charging them all the cost, and that is straight forward handled by statutory law in FL.



Still makes no difference. These are all Florida Statutes and State Level court decisions. This is going Federal.

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Still makes no difference. These are all Florida Statutes and State Level court decisions. This is going Federal.

I would very surprised. Then again, I was very surprised that there was no evidence to prove murder 2 when the trial was prosecuted.
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Still makes no difference. These are all Florida Statutes and State Level court decisions. This is going Federal.

Boy, you know a lot more than I do about civil suits, and here I was thinking that was handled at a State level.  Civil Rights are in fact a Federal thing, but money to a family over a shooting is normally done on a State by State basis.  I will be digging big hole now...

Edited by Worriedman
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Maybe he'll turn into a Jeremiah Johnson, having to take on assailants one at a time for the rest of his life.

I suggest he pick up something with more than 7+1 though.

Only took him 1 bullet last time (disclaimer: I own and frequently carry the Kel-Tec PF9).

Well, I wouldn't suggest going mano y mano each time just to get that sure a shot as a long term strategy!
- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Robby Zimmerman completely owned Morgan during their interview. It was really enjoyable to watch. Definitely worth looking up on you tube for those that may have missed it.

I caught the end of it and I felt the same way. He was very calm and did a great job handling himself. It's very hard for me to watch piers morgan without wanting to shoot my television.
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Maybe he'll turn into a Jeremiah Johnson, having to take on assailants one at a time for the rest of his life.

I suggest he pick up something with more than 7+1 though.

Only took him 1 bullet last time (disclaimer: I own and frequently carry the Kel-Tec PF9).

Well, I wouldn't suggest going mano y mano each time just to get that sure a shot as a long term strategy!

- OS

I agree and keep my PF9 only as an athletic shorts type of carry gun since its lighter than my normal.
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Guest TankerHC

Boy, you know a lot more than I do about civil suits, and here I was thinking that was handled at a State level.  Civil Rights are in fact a Federal thing, but money to a family over a shooting is normally done on a State by State basis.  I will be digging big hole now...



Just an FYI


federal civil case involves a legal dispute between two or more parties. To begin a civil lawsuit in federal court, the plaintiff files a complaint with the court and "serves" a copy of the complaint on the defendant. The complaint describes the plaintiff's injury, explains how the defendant caused the injury, and asks the court to order relief. A plaintiff may seek money to compensate for the injury, or may ask the court to order the defendant to stop the conduct that is causing the harm. The court may also order other types of relief, such as a declaration of the legal rights of the plaintiff in a particular situation.


NOTE: I bet real Attorney's here and on other boards just LOVE sh__house lawyers. Because I have yet to see an Attorney on a Forum, and I know of many on many Forums, state specific opinions on a specific case. Im sure it MAY never jeopardize their profession, but it could. Bet it really sucks to know what your talking about but not be able to comment on it, but I dont blame them one bit. US (And I mean all the non lawyers) do have opinons and can only say based on reading and other research. But if I ever were to get in trouble, and need representation, Im not asking here or anywhere else, Im calling a lawyer. Im opinionated...not stoopid.


And one last thing, I certainly wouldnt want to rely on my own knowledge of the Legal Profession.....I'd end up in jail for 100 years on a traffic violation. :x:

Edited by TankerHC
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I'll get that started now with this statement:

Glocks are the best functioning and best looking gun ever made. All 1911's are substandard junk and should be shipped to places like CA and NY.

Also ... 9mm is a far better defensive round than .45

Additional proof - stupid can't be fixed.

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Did anyone else watch the O'mara / Don West interview after the verdict? When West began to talk, you could hear O'mara saying "easy, easy......easy, easy".  :rofl:



Yep, I would  love to have someone like West on retainer

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Too late.
30 minutes before my post, the NAACP, currently holding their Convention in Orlando issued a statement. I cant recall word for word but it went something like this "There is still Justice to be served. We will request that the Justice Department bring Federal Charges on Civil Rights Violations against George Zimmerman".

Even though we are talking about Obama, I seriously doubt that the DOJ Is going to reopen an investigation after they've already cleared him of civil rights charges Just because some race baiter organization wants them to do so.

That doesn't mean they won't do it, but I still doubt that they will.

Moreover, with Zimmerman's background and now the acquittal I don't think Zimmerman has anything to worry about on that in. But I guess only time will tell.
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Just a tidbit for the day: If a Civil suit is pursued, keep in mind that the standard of proof is "preponderance of the evidence" which is significantly lower than "beyond a reasonable doubt". Moreover, the 5th amendment does not attach & Zimmerman could be called to testify.

Sent from my GSIII using TPR 3.17
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Guest Emtdaddy1980

Out of proportion is correct. Just wishful thinking by the ignorant. Nothing to celebrate. This decision just proves that it's alright to kill a young man for "fitting the description".

If someone is "fitting the description " of being on top of me and pounding my head into the pavement, then I'm going to act accordingly. I'm not going to wait to verify their age and I'm not going to care at all what color their skin is. If you feel differently based on the fact that trayvon was black, then you sir are a racist.
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If someone is "fitting the description " of being on top of me and pounding my head into the pavement, then I'm going to act accordingly. I'm not going to wait to verify their age and I'm not going to care at all what color their skin is. If you feel differently based on the fact that trayvon was black, then you sir are a racist.

Being too old to run or fight, I'd have to use the only other option available.

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Geraldo Rivera interviewed one mom (at the protest, I guess) and asked her what she would tell her child to do if followed by someone. She said she didn't know.... SHE DIDN'T KNOW!!!!   Geraldo seemed incredulous and tried asking another way and she just went off on a tangent about justice.


I really don't have much hope for this woman's children.


How about telling them: 1) run away 2) tell an adult 3) tell a police officer 4) call 911  5) run home, go inside and lock the door. Don't call or text your friends, get away. There are bad people in the world; don't let your ego about feeling dissed cause you to take a fist into a gun fight or a knife fight.

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Still makes no difference. These are all Florida Statutes and State Level court decisions. This is going Federal.


I am no lawyer, but I am not sure the federal courts would have any jurisdiction for civil lawsuit in this matter.  Maybe if the disputants were residents of different states, or there was some connection to the US Govt, I could see it.  This incident occurred between two private individuals solely within the state of Florida, so I am not sure there is any jurisdiction for the federal civil courts.


Now, if you are talking prosecution for civil rights violations (which would be a criminal charge), then that is a different story.  I am sure the FBI is investigating this case, as well.  However, unless they come up with some earth-shattering evidence that was missed by the state prosecutors over the past year, then I think federal prosecution is unlikely.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I'm sure they said they same thing before the LA riots...


Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I hope you are right Daniel but history says otherwise.

Yeh, sending this to two who could be viewed as opposites to me, but, and not getting on a biblical horse, if you

read Isaiah 9:10(?) you might find there are correct ways of resolving a problem and not. History is replete with

examples of solving issues the right way and wrong. Perhaps just getting ready for a particular problem won't

fix anything, even though that may be required in the end.


That verse is an example of what is a wrong response. That's all I wanted to say, not to get in a biblical argument.

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Geraldo Rivera interviewed one mom (at the protest, I guess) and asked her what she would tell her child to do if followed by someone. She said she didn't know.... SHE DIDN'T KNOW!!!! Geraldo seemed incredulous and tried asking another way and she just went off on a tangent about justice.

I really don't have much hope for this woman's children.

How about telling them: 1) run away 2) tell an adult 3) tell a police officer 4) call 911 5) run home, go inside and lock the door. Don't call or text your friends, get away. There are bad people in the world; don't let your ego about feeling dissed cause you to take a fist into a gun fight or a knife fight.

That's part of the problem; stupid parents giving birth to stupid children. Sadly, too many children won't learn from Trayvon's mistakes.
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I am no lawyer, but I am not sure the federal courts would have any jurisdiction for civil lawsuit in this matter.  Maybe if the disputants were residents of different states, or there was some connection to the US Govt, I could see it.  This incident occurred between two private individuals solely within the state of Florida, so I am not sure there is any jurisdiction for the federal civil courts.


Now, if you are talking prosecution for civil rights violations (which would be a criminal charge), then that is a different story.  I am sure the FBI is investigating this case, as well.  However, unless they come up with some earth-shattering evidence that was missed by the state prosecutors over the past year, then I think federal prosecution is unlikely.

Well we are still talking about the federal govt., they can magically take weak evidence and turn it into earth shattering evidence,they can even make evidence appear out of thin air if they want. It was political pressure from the race baiters including the race baiter in chief that pressured the state to charge GZ in the first place, not credible evidence, and the same race baiters will pressure some federal prosecutor to charge GZ with a civil rights violation criminal charge.

It may not happen, it shouldn't happen, but I wouldn't be shocked or surprised if it did, nothing surprises me from this administration.

Edited by K191145
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