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IDPA Classifier at Gallatin Gun Club

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Gallatin Gun will host the IDPA classifier July 13th starting at 9:00AM. Set up starts at 7:00. I need a couple of Safety officers to help run the event. Match fees will be $10 for club members and $15 for non-club members per gun classified. Gate will be lock, we will do gate checks to get every body in. 90 rounds min, bring extra.

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The way I read it, If you make SSP marksman. sharpshooter, expert or master under the old rules, you will keep that classification when the new rules take effect. All of the SSP times have been changed to more closely follow ESP times when the new rule book takes effect.

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I had to see it to believe it.


A classifier at GGC with Robert Standley as the MD that didn't include....... 




High Winds


More Rain

Thunder and Lightning


Temps in the teens

Temps in the 100s


Good Lord - - - Could today be proof of Climate Change!  :panic:


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I bomber into low cover a little too hard. Knees are carpet burned.

I have 13 seconds to get rid of by Oct. 1st to make "paper" Master. Now if my match times would pick up I would be happy.

Wow, nice shooting John!!! Keep it up.

BTW, my XDM slide is at King's getting a coating of "burnt bronze". Don't have a return date yet.

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