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Who reloads youth loads for 30-06, or subsonic????

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I have wanted to try this for some time.  I have a favorite hunting load for my Sako Finnbear with 150 gr projectiles, but it's time to move my girl and son into large bore and so far I have done a good job of keeping them from flinching etc. I want something they won't get tired of practicing with so when the time comes they make the real shot count.  What are you all using?

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This probably isn't much of a low recoil round, and no fps to know for sure, but he said all he did was take 10 grains off of his load. He limits his kids shots to about 60 yards.
Using IMR 4350 powder, not posting the charges since I have no personal experience with it.
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The problem is with such a large case you are, at a minimum, going to run into inconsistency issues. I did a test once where I pointed the muzzle to the air and shot across a chronograph then pointed at the ground and shot. Both shots were significantly off. The one where the powder was at the rear of the case had higher velocities and the nose down shot had reduced velocities. Something else that can happen is something called Secondary Explosive Effect. What happens there is rather than the powder burning at a constant rate it ignites completely and explodes all at once. This can destroy the gun just like a over charge can.


My suggestion is to find another caliber that has a smaller case capacity. They also make adapter to allow you to shoot 32 ACP out of a 30-06. Not sure how accuracy is but it is safer than running reduced loads.


Here is the chamber insert for $15:


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followup to my earlier post - One of the advantages of Trail-Boss for reduced loads is that the case is filled to ~70% or more capacity, reducing the effects of orientation 


http://www.imrpowder.com/PDF/Trail-Boss-data.pdf has a suggested load for .30-06.  I have tried these in several calibers.  They work pretty well. I keep a few cans of TB around just for this.

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Has anyone here used this product? I have used Dacron filler that is used to make pillows as a filler for high velocity .308 rounds using ball powders which did not fill the case. You can also buy it in bulk where they sell fabrics. A couple of bucks will buy you a lifetime supply. It will improve accuracy in max pressure loads by filling the case. Most stick powders used for such high pressure loads are usually case fillers or slightly compressed for best accuracy.

However, in sub-sonic loads with fast burning pistol powders, I have not seen a need to use fillers. In the past I have used Red Dot, Unique, Bullseye, Green Dot, 231 and Blue Dot for 1,000-1,200 fps with cast bullets. These fast burning powders are not positional sensitive. The addition of fillers do not seem to affect accuracy one way or the other.

Because your rifle is unique to all others, you need to experiment to find the right load for your gun in the velocity range you are looking for. The target below was shot in a .308 1:12 twist with 8 grs. green dot. Velocity would have been about 1100 fps. with no recoil.

If a better shot than I were shooting this load in this rifle, the results would be impressive indeed!
8GrsGreenDot_zpseefabd7e.jpeg Edited by jaysouth
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Guest Bonedaddy

I know this is kind of a thread jack but I sold my Remmy 700 SPS Tactical .308 and would like to (soon I hope) get another 700 with wood furniture, 22" brl and iron sights, since most huntin' I do is 250 yds or less (usually 75-150). Would ya'll rather go 30.06 or .270 Winny? I'm a kinda leanin' towards the ought 6 but know the .270 is flatter shootin'. What say ye?

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