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You are correct in what you say. What you fail to see, however, is that as long as the FOP continues to cover for these select few a##holes, you will all be lumped in together.


If you'd like LEO to once again be a noble profession, you and others need to fight to purge the garbage from your ranks and not support and protect them.


Remember the old saying "A few bad apples ruin the whole bunch."

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Police and other LE have a tough, thankless job.  There have been, and always will be those who third base their every move.  All that bein said; most folks hold them to a higher standard.  They signed on for the duty knowin it would be that way.  I simply wouldn't do it.  I'm glad there are those who are willing to do it.



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There's good n bad everywhere. I agree w popo one thing i have noticed over the past 10 years its easier for word to travel due to the net and social media. One of the worst traits of a group is there is always a common desire for a common enemy,that's what keeps groups together as well as taking em to sides. Telling popo or any officer it's their responsibility to rid their workplace of someone who did something the masses aren't happy with is funny yet understood but yet a moot request. Wanna bitch about an officer?,go to the supervisor chief or sheriff or a higher elected official.if you can't do that your gripe may be minimal or just part of the plan to have the common enemy in pursuit of self satisfaction. Its no different than bitching to a manager about a bad waiter or poor service.Ill take this 180 degrees, if the next person Ross stopped after the video incident was drunk, blew double the limit and was arrested, where does Ross stand now?? Not at the funeral of the family grieving for their dead loved one who could have been alive had Ross NOT done his job. We all have good and bad days. The common enemy factor is prevalent on this issue. Seems to go with the question how come we can name every tyrant and terrorist by name and act who is dead,but not name one innocent victim? Again common enemy stuck in ones mind. How many folks thank supervisors chiefs and sheriffs when their loved one is saved or an act of heroism occurs not many. I believe people should stop using the nancy grace approach of trial by masses, media, and speculation, and consider what an officer has to go through w every call,traffic stop and crime scene investigation before organizing the emotionally weak or needy who need to feed on someone's temporary shortcoming or mistake.on a side note I feel for any officer having to work a dui checkpoint in a college town. Every other car probably has at least one drunk and one sea lawyer ready for battle along with a driver whose condition is unknown. Now that I've exercised my 1st amendment right,ill ask that before anyone take negativity to the next level, know real fact and understand we're all human, none of us are perfect, and most of the time most people enjoy helping people, especially in law enforcement.
Back to my Nomex tent
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