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cops still have his phone and rifle

Guest AmericanWorkMule

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Guest AmericanWorkMule

I'm sure you can determine the rest of the story without even reading the article


Veteran Arrested And Charged For Legally Open Carrying AR-15

Last Saturday, Mack Worley, eager to exercise his second amendment, open carried his rifle while grabbing a soda and viewing a fireworks stand before attempting to walk back to his car.





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I wouldn't waste a good cigarette on somebody that's stupid enough to open carry an AR.

Yeah. Screw that guy for exercising his second amendment right to Keep and BEAR arms. He should be a good little subject and keep all his firearms hidden like they are illegal or wrong or bad.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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Yeah. Screw that guy for exercising his second amendment right to Keep and BEAR arms. He should be a good little subject and keep all his firearms hidden like they are illegal or wrong or bad.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

As I hinted at in my initial post, he basically did the same thing Kwik was doing when he got busted. Almost no one stuck up for his decision to exercise his Second Amendment right, so I wouldn't expect to see much different treatment here. 

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Yeah. Screw that guy for exercising his second amendment right to Keep and BEAR arms. He should be a good little subject and keep all his firearms hidden like they are illegal or wrong or bad.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

As I hinted at in my initial post, he basically did the same thing Kwik was doing when he got busted. Almost no one stuck up for his decision to exercise his Second Amendment right, so I wouldn't expect to see much different treatment here.

I wasnt around when the kwik thing happened and havent looked into it. From what the article says he was doing nothing illegal by walking around with a long gun on public property per state law. He should have left when the resturant owner asked him too, otberwise the police simple ran to the baahhhsss of the frightened sheep who saw an armed law abiding citizen as a threat. Its a shame that so many, including those here, feel the need to hide and cower. No wonder we are in the shape we are in where we must pay the state $120 to exercise our RIGHT. Pathetic

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

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the only "right" we have left is the right to remain silent ... unless of course that is we specify we are doing so prior to remaining silent, or we are being water-boarded or if we are being compelled to testify or .... *sigh*.
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Yeah. Screw that guy for exercising his second amendment right to Keep and BEAR arms. He should be a good little subject and keep all his firearms hidden like they are illegal or wrong or bad.

Tapatalk ate my spelling.


Where you been, Spots? They don't recognize those rights. If you open carry an AR, you're gonna tangle with the cops, and they're gonna win (at least on the front end). Your (or my) interpretation doesn't matter. Getting your rifle confiscated to make a statement is stupid in my book. It ain't the way to make things change.

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Right or wrong, you want attention you're going to get it.


Politically...does this sort of thing help or hurt the 2A cause?

Tactically...sorry, retarded.


However, before you OCers attack me, I had this experience just yesterday...

On duty, in uniform, I zip into Walmart to grab something. 

Dude walking around, shopping, and OCing an XD (open-topped floppy IWB, turned backwards, and clipped to a pocket...more retardedness).

Anyway, someone asks, "Are you going to check him out?"

Me, "Uhh, no."




"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

Edited by TN-popo
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Guest AmericanWorkMule

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."


That is the way I see it as well, on both sides.

Just because you can open carry a rifle somewhere doesn't mean you should.

It goes just as well for law enforcement. Just because they can harass or even further arrest someone with trumped up charges, if someone is open carrying legally and not breaking any laws, then why mess with them?

I don't understand why the scared sheep that call 911 about a person open carrying a gun aren't educated that within the state they are in, the law may be that it is perfectly legal?

If some idiot is carrying around a fire extinguisher that may be legal yet scares some sheep, I'm sure that dispatcher may educate the caller that there isn't a reason to come out.


Right or wrong, you want attention you're going to get it.


Politically...does this sort of thing help or hurt the 2A cause?

Tactically...sorry, retarded.


However, before you OCers attack me, I had this experience just yesterday...

On duty, in uniform, I zip into Walmart to grab something. 

Dude walking around, shopping, and OCing an XD (open-topped floppy IWB, turned backwards, and clipped to a pocket...more retarded).

Anyway, someone asks, "Are you going to check him out?"

Me, "Uhh, no."


"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."

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This seems to be happening more and more now. Probably YouTube's fault.

At any rate, one would figure that PDs would get a little wise to the attention whores doing this stuff and brief their guys to break contact after initially approaching them and determining they aren't a psychotic. I keep seeing videos of Kwik's extended family and cops that are dumb enough to take the bait. Edited by TMF
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I think I'm going to open carry a honey badger then post a video about how my rights were violated when I get approached by animal control.

I don't see why you should worry about if animal control would get upset, it isn't like the honey badger is gonna give a s#!+.
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Right or wrong, you want attention you're going to get it.


Politically...does this sort of thing help or hurt the 2A cause?

Tactically...sorry, retarded.


However, before you OCers attack me, I had this experience just yesterday...

On duty, in uniform, I zip into Walmart to grab something. 

Dude walking around, shopping, and OCing an XD (open-topped floppy IWB, turned backwards, and clipped to a pocket...more retardedness).

Anyway, someone asks, "Are you going to check him out?"

Me, "Uhh, no."




"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."



Should have told him you don't run a register at Wally World part time.

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I wasnt around when the kwik thing happened and havent looked into it. From what the article says he was doing nothing illegal by walking around with a long gun on public property per state law. He should have left when the resturant owner asked him too, otberwise the police simple ran to the baahhhsss of the frightened sheep who saw an armed law abiding citizen as a threat. Its a shame that so many, including those here, feel the need to hide and cower. No wonder we are in the shape we are in where we must pay the state $120 to exercise our RIGHT. Pathetic

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

Kwik wasn't a thing, it was things. Several things.

Edited by bubbiesdad
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