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150 years ago:Another indication that this country has turned to crap.

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I have watched a lot of TV over the last few days and listened to the radio. I have heard so much about gay marriage, George Zimmerman, and Obama's most recent vacation. I did not hear a single mention of the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg. Utterly pathetic America!
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I have watched a lot of TV over the last few days and listened to the radio. I have heard so much about gay marriage, George Zimmerman, and Obama's most recent vacation. I did not hear a single mention of the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg. Utterly pathetic America!

So sad that we dont teach history in school any more.

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Then this oughtta really make your head explode:



I use to laugh at stuff like this, until I realized these people can vote and I am sure they reproduce.

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Tha kind of helps explain how many young liberal zombies blame Southern White People for everything bad in this country. Now they are talking trash about southern cooking and how unhealthy it is (That makes me mad!) . I blame the media and the stupid people of America who believe anything they say.

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Don't get me started...lol  As a Civil War historian and reenactor it burns my rear that we cannot fly the confederate flag in some places we go. It's not politically correct to a certain group of people. It's my heritage! If a couple certain groups of people can show their African flags, or Mexican flags...why not me? My Great Great Grandfather fought for the Confederacy and I'm damn proud of it!


Dave S

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And what little they do is usually not correct. 


It usually comes in the form of the "white man" being the evil aggressor, particularly those from the south. .


We're all racistbigothomophobes, you know.

Edited by daddyo
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What's a damn shame is, is that so many people think the war was fought over slavery. Well, I'm here to tell you it was not! My Great Great grandfather was too damn poor to own slaves. He fought for "states rights" and the right to live his life as he chose to do. Some folks just don't know.....


Dave S

Edited by DaveS
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Guest TankerHC

Even when History is taught it isnt taught correctly. Even Gettysburg has been taught incorrectly for 80 years. "Picketts Charge" is a misnomer created by George Picketts wife in her attempt to build Picketts legendary status after Lee gave him an ultimatum at Petersburg, resign or be Courts Martialed. Pickett was in the top 5 of the worst Generals produced by the Confederacy if not THE WORST. Pickett commanded barely at a competent level at the Seven Days, missed Chancellorsville altogether because of a wound that most Privates would have been treated for and sent back to the field in a week. At Fredercksburg Lee thought so little of Pickett that he barely used his division and they saw almost no action, and the only reason his troops were used at Gettysburg was because they had not done a damn thing on July 1st and 2nd and were fresh. (not their fault, their incompetent commanders fault). Picketts charge isnt even known "Officially" as Picketts Charge, its known as "Longstreets Assault". And Pickett, contrary to what everyone might believe from the movies or Mike Shaara's reality based fiction, did not move forward with "His Virginians". Longstreet himself stated that Pickett sat right next to him with his staff and commanded by messenger. When its not called Longstreets Assault, its still not called Picketts Charge, its Trimble, Pettigrew and Picketts Charge. If you watch that fiction that is Shaara's Gettysburg, you would think "The Virginians" assaulted for "Old Virginia" when in fact Trimble commanded mostly South Carolina Troops and Pettigrew Commanded mostly North Carolina Troops. Another myth, they attacked on a linear front shoulder to shoulder all the way to the assault, at least thats what you would be led to believe watching movies,  no they didnt. For one thing, according to Shaara's version of the Battle, Trimble was their throughout the Battle, he wasnt. If Pender wouldnt have been wounded and died Trimble would be nothing more than a footnote. He spent the first two days bothering the crap out of Lee and Longstreet. Because he had no command. When Pender was hit, Lee replaced him with Trimble, Trimble's division was a follow on force, their position in the assault was BEHIND Pettigrew. If it were not for the losses on the 1st and 2nd, Pickett would have never been there, Lee left his incompetent azz to guard the supply trains (Wagons) 30 miles away in York and over near Chambersburg. Pickett was only there because he was "it", all that was left.  Lee made a single comment after the Battle about "Picketts charge" and the press took it and ran with it, then after Picketts miserable showing in the Overland Campaign, his NON Fighting at Cold Harbor (Lee put him where the Union was least likely to attack, in the Center, and he was right, Pickett never was attacked), and his failure to be there to command his troops at Five Forks during the Petersburg siege which led to the final collapse of the Army of Northern Virginia, Lee had "had it" with Pickett. Lee ordered him relieved, and everyone knew it. Its been in dispute on how it happened, but what has never been in dispute is that Lee ordered Pickett relieved before he Court Martialed him and the last time Lee saw Pickett on the field he didnt even know he was still with the Army. After the war, EVERYONE knew what happened, so Picketts wife spent the next 15+ years writing books, doing newspaper and magazine interviews, making speeches, all to build that myth that is General Pickett, when in fact the guy was nothing more than a lousy General, who got to be General in the first place by kissing General Holmes butt.


Dont get me wrong, Pickett was a brave man, among the bravest, he proved that in Mexico and again during the Civil War. And he was a good Company Commander, but at Division Level Field Command he was about as incompetent as they come, Command at that level was far beyond his capabilities. And the "Glorious Pickett and Picketts Charge" is a myth, a Myth concocted by his last (3rd) wife, Lasalle.


But you read the contemporary accounts by nearly every Commander, very few, and I mean very few Generals liked Pickett. The majority considered him incompetent, including Lee.


As far as Tactics go people making movies need to read some manuals. Napoleonic linear tactics were all but gone by 1863. Casey's Infantry Tactics was written in 62 and addressed that issue. Lateral dispersion became their new tactic, by the time of Longstreets Assault if they did what they did in that movie, there would have been a bunch of Courts Martial's. Every time you see a Civil War movie inevitably they "Send out some skirmishers", wrong again. By 63 Skirmishers were gone for the most part. The tactic was still drilled, but the "Skirmish Formation" was rarely used. It was replaced with the "Line of Battle" formation. Skirmishers, according to the movies, were "Some guys they sent out", no, skirmishers were sent out in a formation to cover a large area. After a year of war I think they had it figured out, when I watch those movies I think "oh, so you think they were really that stupid". I guess understanding that fighting with rifled muskets while in a shoulder to shoulder linear formation guaranteed a hit at 300 yards was too far beyond those Colonels and Generals reasoning to figure it out.


I prefer History, not revisionist history. But even if they taught the myth's it would be better than what they are teaching now. And that "Every soldier in the Union and Confederate Armies (Especially the Confederate Armies) were pious teatotalling soldiers fighting for God and Country, always praying and thinking about mother. Another myth that gets me every time I see it on screen. The truth is out there in the contemporary writings of the Soldiers who fought in out of print and copyright books all over the web you can get for free, in the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion (My set cost 900 bucks 20 years ago, today its available on disk for about 40 and you can download it for free from the Gutenberg Project).


I know THESE men were god believing people, but they sure as hades were not teatotalling and had no aversion to cussing.


Seated, my 3rd Great Grandfather John. He died in 1921, he raised my grandfather and my grandfather raised me. I know so much about him I feel I met him. Wounded 5 times, 3 times at Gettysburg and went back into Battle voluntarily all three times, most severe wound was from shellfire in right shoulder during the the assault on General Barlows position (Today known as Barlows Knoll at Gettysburg), also wounded at Marye's Heights during 2nd Fredericksburg (Chancellorsville) and the first time at the Stone Wall at Antietam. Company K, 61st Georgia. In 1867 my entire family swore allegiance to the United States on the same day, they did this in order to get their voting privileges restored. Two refused, John was one of them. He never swore allegiance although he lived until 1921 and he was never allowed to vote again. He was a REAL unreconstructed Confederate. Every June on the 4th Sunday we hold our family reunion and celebrate Johns birthday. (June 26, 1826) and have for over 100 years.


Left is his cousin, Stephen Lee J, served under Tige Anderson and was wounded at Gettysburg on 3 July after his company was attached to Evander Laws division, (ANother Gettysburg debacle) and had his horse killed. 7th Georgia Cavalry.


Right is my grandfathers nephew John Lee J, Company D, 61st Georgia. Wounded and lost his right arm at Second Manassas. After the war became very active in Politics and although he had 3000 acres and a logging operation he was rewarded for his service to the Confederacy by being named Postmaster of Tattnall County and served in that position for nearly 15 years. He did everything humanly possible to keep Governor Hardwick from being elected.(You may recognize some of Hardwicks actions) John Lee was a member of the UCV and American Legion. In 1921 the Legion held a huge rally in Atlanta in support of Hardwicks opponent. John wrote a letter to the head of the legion that was printed in the Atlanta Constitution, handed out to every member of the Legion and handed off to voters. I have that letter. in it he states that when the World War broke out he was as adamant about defeating the Germans as he was about defending the Confederacy. When Hardwick was in the US Senate (Appointed not elected), his attorneys sent men to the County to help draftees avoid service, he called them a bunch of slackers and said he told them if they listened to Hardwicks men they were going to jail, and they did. Someone sent Hardwick a mail bomb, afterwards, Hardwicks friend and US Attorney General ordered 4000 Russian Immigrants rounded up as Communists, they did, except instead of 4000 people, they rounded up 10,000 and the majority were former Confederate Veterans or their family members. Hardwick promised to be tough on crime, instead he instituted prison reform, and stopped prisoners from being punished with corporal punishment, he promised to help the Confederate Veterans, he did, by cracking down on the Klan and rounded them up and holding them without trial even though there was no proof these people were Klan members. Things like that. Hardwick was the 1921 version of a progressive Liberal.





This guy is my grandfather Johns brother Bennet. He is also a Civil War Veteran. He went with all the men to enlist but was told he was to old. So he joined up with Symons Brigade of Georgia Militia. (1st Gerorgia, Reserves) and only had one minor skirmish as far as I know when some of Shermans Bummers decided to come through town. The rest of his Civil War military time was spent sending deserters back to their Units. When Cold Mountain came out and I saw how they portrayed the local militia as a bunch of goons, it pizzed me off to no end. We know we have 3 relatives who deserted, all three brothers, all three came back. No one chased them through the woods, or shot at them or anything else. They were talked to. And if they didnt want to go back they didnt have to, but it wouldnt have looked good and they would not have been very respected if they didnt. So they went back. All three were brothers.




Our family reunion in 1919. The guy second from left is Johns son James, his other son Andrew Jackson is my 2nd great grandfather. Andrew is also a CW Vet, but in Symons Brigade because he was too young (13) to go with the 61st, or he would have gone.  (John had 11 kids). Those two on the left right, I knew them both. They were at the Reunion in 1919 and they were at the reunions in 72, 73, 74. They were my grandfathers drinking and running buddies and cousins, and came to visit him, Perry and Josey, Josey came to visit all the way up to 1980. That car on the left, thats my grandfathers first car and the first car anyone in our family ever owned, its a 1916 Chevrolet and he bought it used for $12.




Sorry about the long post gentlemen, but the OP is right, it should pizz everyone off. We can defend the Constitution all we want, but if we let the progressives and revisionists destroy our heritage, then the Constitution is meaningless. How can a student believe or defend a Document when teachers teach that the Constitution came into being because the Founding Fathers committed what was essentially an act of terror against Great Britain and The Crown, it's a damn shame when you have to search for reports on TV about the Revolution, the Civil War, or anything else. Its easy to find online, especially if your interested in what bad people we have been for the last 229 years. Well my family is only one family,. but we are a very large family and we know were we came from, our family has fought tyrannical Governments from the British, to their own Countryman and their own families at times to the NAZI's to the Communists. We know what it took for us to get here, some of us are poor (Me for example) some middle class and some rich, but we all had the same opportunities. We are for the most part Conservatives and I CAN speak for the majority of our family, and if someone doesn't make it, no one is to blame but them. But we know where we came from, and our kids know and their kids and on down are going to know. You have no heritage, you have no country, you have no country, then the Constitution is meaningless and everything everyone did to get to the current point was for nothing.


Come November 2014 we have an opportunity to turn this Country around. But we actually have an opportunity to start now, by re-enforcing our heritage and stopping the historical revisionists. We need to let future generations know why they have what they have and who is responsible and not that they have what they have because "a government" gave it to them.


The left is doing a fine job of destroying our history.


Sorry about the preaching.

Edited by TankerHC
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I have watched a lot of TV over the last few days and listened to the radio. I have heard so much about gay marriage, George Zimmerman, and Obama's most recent vacation. I did not hear a single mention of the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg. Utterly pathetic America!


1) Turn them off.

2) Read a book.


You're not going to find useful information in the media - their intent is to entertain, and they do that less and less every year.  Don't support the idiots in your life.


PS - My Great-granddad's brother won the MOH in the "Recent Unpleasantness".  Guess that means he fought for the wrong side.  :D

Edited by enfield
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Guest TankerHC

1) Turn them off.

2) Read a book.


You're not going to find useful information in the media - their intent is to entertain, and they do that less and less every year.  Don't support the idiots in your life.


PS - My Great-granddad's brother won the MOH in the "Recent Unpleasantness".  Guess that means he fought for the wrong side.  :D


Definitely something to be proud of. Especially the fact that he still has it since your family knows about it. Reason being around 1000 that were awarded were revoked. And no name lists or awards show who accepted the awards that were revoked. Since it was the only Medal available, some Commanders thought it was a good idea to hand it out for service. It also makes him one of the first. Yea, if that were my Ancestor that Medal would be hanging prominently on my living room wall along with a History of the Regiment and his discharge papers.


Personally I dont consider either side the wrong side. (I know you were joking), but as far as I am concerned they both had legitimate grievances. I had an ancestor who fought for the Union, my mothers great grandfather Valentine Rehberger, a German Immigrant. 5th Maryland Regiment. Entire Unit Captured at Winchester, lock, stock and barrel. From the highest ranking officer down to the bugler. Good thing too, since he missed a couple of bloodbath's because of it. Otherwise I might not be here typing this. My fathers great grandfather was also captured, at 3rd Winchester (Opequon Creek). Sorry he had to spend 6 months in that Point Lookout hellhole, but his unit started the war with 1000 men, and including all the replacements surrendered at Appomattox with 86 (And no weapons). Based on his records he seemed to not care about being hit, or even treated before he went right back to the fight. I would still be here because his son (My great grandfather) was already born, but 99% of my family wouldn't, because his other ten kids had not been born yet.

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