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Guest Mbeck

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Guest Mbeck

Well, I have not been here at the forum for a while.. because I was working on this:



Let me know what you guys think!

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Good concept and good choice for a first guest. You appear a bit nervous, but I'm certain that you will settle down after a little more time in front of the camera. Over all, good job and I'll be following.
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I only get a 3G signal so I wasn't able to watch a lot of the video, the set did look nice until the camera panned down & I saw the cinder-block/plywood table.

If you need help building a better suited alternative table, gimme a hollar.
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Guest Mbeck

Good concept and good choice for a first guest. You appear a bit nervous, but I'm certain that you will settle down after a little more time in front of the camera. Over all, good job and I'll be following.


Thanks!, and no I am not the host. I am the creator of the show.. but I am not great on camera. The host is my brother, this is his first time as a host of a show.. I am sure he will get better :)



Holy Jew-Fro Batman!!!! :stunned:         Lolz, I kid.... ;)


Hahaha! :)


I only get a 3G signal so I wasn't able to watch a lot of the video, the set did look nice until the camera panned down & I saw the cinder-block/plywood table.

If you need help building a better suited alternative table, gimme a hollar.



Just to be clear I was being serious when I said I liked the table haha. I guess everyone has opinions but I like it!


I like the table too.. but I am absolutely open to suggestions. I am all for improving the show in any way I can!

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Guest Mbeck

Where in TN are you guys shooting the show? I am on the far-west side, but there are lot's of TGO'ers who can probably build a table for you.

We shoot in Milan, TN. Near the west end of the state. :) 

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Guest Mbeck
Yeah man, we will be looking for gun industry people, and gun nerds to be on the show. So maybe we can get you to come in the show :)
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How do you feel about having a hillbilly blacksmith on the show? Lol

Tapatalk ate my spelling.

I think that would be an excellent idea! Maybe have some previously shot video of you working in the shop that could be shown while you're on the show.
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I think Spots would be a great guest.


I appreciate the opportunity to be in on the maiden voyage.  Good folks and great endeavor.


I do need to trim about 50 lbs and take some "un-country" voice lessons if I am going to pursue such happenstances as a career...

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Let me know what you guys think!

The good: Looks like a good start and good format, should be interesting to see what guests you have. Good Luck

The bad: Your brother needs to quit saying "right" and "yeah" while the guests are taking; it is very distracting.
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