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1000th Post

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Ahhhh...how I so fondly remember the excitement of my 1000th TGO post.  The breathtaking sense of achievement one experiences when reaching such an important milestone in life is rare, making it that much more fulfilling.


Seriously, congratulations on the big 1000.  I don't think I've ever posted a picture of my face here because I'm always in disguise.  My wife saw the real me once and said "Don't do that again".

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I went through Fort Benning jump school in the summer of... let me think... 1969 or maybe 1968. We had a guy in our class who had never flown before. By the end of class, he had flown 5 times in a plane, but never landed in one. :rofl:

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Guest PapaB

Congrats on the 1000th post. I hadn't noticed that I've gone past that mark. Over 1000 posts and I still haven't said anything worth reading. :up:

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I don't know which is more cool, the flashlight or the watch . . . or the face paint.


The face paint was from a week long training event against Soviet defensive positions.  We had just finished a night live-fire (note the 0900 on the watch) trench clearing exercise. 


I still have that flashlight!  The watch however disappeared off my wrist during a night jump at Bragg.  It was a Swiss Elgin...., I trust a fellow paratrooper found it later and is still wearing it today.


Wish the picture had shown my entire LBE setup.  Three M16 mag pouches, 1911 mag pouch, M8A1 bayonet, two canteens, buttpack with dry socks, and a 1911 carried in a Model 1916 holster.  My Dad was a Korean war vet and his comment "Have More Ammo than You Really Want to Carry" always seem to be good advice to me.  


You don't look anything like Kilgore and I don't know what to think now.  :lol:


Agree, I have no resemblance to Robert Duvall at all. 


However, there were comments over the years that I did act like Kilgore while assigned to CAV units.  Maybe it was the Stetson.


Picture taken at my Farewell party as the Operations Officer of D/4-7 CAV.




There is a lot of Non-PC activities happening in that picture.  I'm sure there were several violations of the UCMJ going on.  Therefore I cropped to picture just enough to hide the faces of those taking part in the festivities. 


BTW - - - In that picture are a couple of folks who would later receive awards for valor at different places and during different times.  

Edited by DMark
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