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Smyrna PD is hiring.

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Yeah, that triple shooting/homicide they had a few days ago was boring stuff too...
And, if that "teen" had just assaulted your mother trying to steal her pain/cancer meds maybe it wouldn't be so funny to you, idiot.
Talk out of your ass elsewhere if you're not interested.  I'm just trying to help out the TGO folks who might be. Edited by TN-popo
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Yeah, that triple shooting/homicide they had a few days ago was boring stuff too...

And, if that "teen" had just assaulted your mother trying to steal her pain meds maybe it wouldn't be so funny to you.


Talk out your ass elsewhere if you're not interested.  I'm just trying to help out the TGO folks who might be.



And thanks for posting.

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Smyrna is a good town with a sensible government. A lot of towns would be thrilled to have a slightly bored police force. That's what happens when you stay on top of the threat. Many cities have the police chasing their tails 'cause there's so much trouble.

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  • Administrator

Yeah, that triple shooting/homicide they had a few days ago was boring stuff too...

And, if that "teen" had just assaulted your mother trying to steal her pain meds maybe it wouldn't be so funny to you.


Talk out your ass elsewhere if you're not interested.  I'm just trying to help out the TGO folks who might be.




Best defense is a good offense!

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Smyrna cops are so bored they make traffic stops seem like a murder scene.

I seen about 8 cops on foot chasing a teen last saturday at CVS drug store. Funny stuff.

roflmao ..... lotsa ladies w buzz cuts n chain drive wallets working there too ;/ on a side note one day smyrna pd responded to a call from someone who told them " theyre trying to break my door down" when the pd showed up,and drew down,they learned real quick it was usms working a warrant........the one in custody belched out a holes at the pd while being dragged in hooks. I feel for smyrna PD....some good guys there but theres some that need to be enforcing squirrel jumping instead of policing.thanks for the employment 411

Edited by Dustbuster
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Actually thought about getting into LE. How hard is it?   Is there an age limit for entry into being a LEO?
What can help someone if they decide to go thru with it?

According to some on here stated in the past it is pretty simple.

You just stop and detain everyone until you determine if they are a criminal or not then say "oops" and let them go. ;)
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roflmao ..... lotsa ladies w buzz cuts n chain drive wallets working there too ;/ on a side note one day smyrna pd responded to a call from someone who told them " theyre trying to break my door down" when the pd showed up,and drew down,they learned real quick it was usms working a warrant........the one in custody belched out a holes at the pd while being dragged in hooks. I feel for smyrna PD....some good guys there but theres some that need to be enforcing squirrel jumping instead of policing.thanks for the employment 411

Not sure what even half of your post means.
I work in Rutherford Co and all LE in the county have an extremely good relatationship with USMS (my favorite Fed agency to work with, actually).
The reason I think you're full of sh*t is that USMS always notifies us, beforehand, when they're working in our jurisdictiction (it's not like they work police corruption and have to be all secret, secret).
We have not had any situations like you described.  The USMS doesn't want any Blue-on-Blue shootings, either...local bullets hurt just as much as Fed bullets.
Are you really a cop???  Doubtful, and certainly not USMS.  
So then, I'm curious, how is it that you know what was said to SPD dispatch and you were at the scene with all that 1st hand knowledge?
Like I said, F.O.S.
Ya know, I just started this thread as a friendly "heads-up" for some jobs.
Didn't really think the "tools" would come out on this one. Edited by TN-popo
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Hey TN thanks for the heads up on job posting. I guess some don't understand. Don't think I could hack dealing with the meth heads and crazies, but keep up the good work. I had a few dealings with some bad cops but don't hold it against the 90% good ones.
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I've done ride-a-longs with several of my friends in law enforcement. Its a real eye opener for those who wouldn't know what its like. I'll be honest, my adrenaline pumps hard during some of the stops and contacts in less than lovely areas. There are bad apples yes, but I have tons of respect for the good ones out there.
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I was meaning the academy? I have heard there are several across the state. Conditions and requirements vary so I have heard( from LE officers who i know personally).


I am just getting Ideas, Haven't done a ride along with a patrol officer so I wouldn't know everything they have to go thru. I hear Tullahoma PD has gone thru several officers in the past few years due to disagreements with the Chief.


Might have to schedule a ride along to see what i may or may not be getting myself into.


I have a friend who was a Chicago PD officer, He got out after being shot. Told me it wasn't worth it the ammount of money he was getting paid to be shot when he could make the same money or more at a non- LE job. But that is his take on it.

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I was meaning the academy? I have heard there are several across the state. Conditions and requirements vary so I have heard( from LE officers who i know personally).
I am just getting Ideas, Haven't done a ride along with a patrol officer so I wouldn't know everything they have to go thru. I hear Tullahoma PD has gone thru several officers in the past few years due to disagreements with the Chief.
Might have to schedule a ride along to see what i may or may not be getting myself into.
I have a friend who was a Chicago PD officer, He got out after being shot. Told me it wasn't worth it the ammount of money he was getting paid to be shot when he could make the same money or more at a non- LE job. But that is his take on it.

My brother was a cop in the Phoenix area but I imagine the training is similar. There was a lot of learning how to write properly for reports and the like. Be in good shape, the minimums are the low end so work to surpass the minimum physical requirements and that will help. There was a lot of homework to so be sure that your home situation is conducive to that, my bother had 4 kids at the time but his wife was very supportive.

I imagine that getting shot is a lot more likely in Chicago than Smyrna. I don't live there though so I could be wrong:-)

My brother did say that the most difficult thing about being a cop was all the bad things that he saw and couldn't do anything about, especially involving kids.
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My brother was a cop in the Phoenix area but I imagine the training is similar. There was a lot of learning how to write properly for reports and the like. Be in good shape, the minimums are the low end so work to surpass the minimum physical requirements and that will help. There was a lot of homework to so be sure that your home situation is conducive to that, my bother had 4 kids at the time but his wife was very supportive.

I imagine that getting shot is a lot more likely in Chicago than Smyrna. I don't live there though so I could be wrong:-)

My brother did say that the most difficult thing about being a cop was all the bad things that he saw and couldn't do anything about, especially involving kids.

The hardest thing for me was dealing with spouse and child abusers. The most dangerous thing was working on the actual streets. Working accidents and traffic stops puts you right were those huge bullets were traveling. I slid on the ice in front of an oncoming semi and barely clawed myself out of the way before getting hit. One officer got grazed by a trailer in the middle of the night during a traffic stop on the Interstate. Fortunately, his heavy vest and luck prevented severe injury.

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If you meet the requirements, the first thing you should look at is if you can pass the physical agility tests. I have no idea how hard there are for SPD, but they got rid of over half the applicants were I was.


As far as a career in LE for anyone looking farther down the road; I would suggest you talk with people in the department you might want to go to, most departments I know of aren't impressed with a criminal justice degree. Get a degree in something you can use if you later decide you don't want to be a cop .


Do ride alongs if the department you are interested in allows them. Like any other job; a personal recommendation from the right people can go a long way.

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My brother did say that the most difficult thing about being a cop was all the bad things that he saw and couldn't do anything about, especially involving kids.

Pretty much what I have always thought as well. The shift work can be a little difficult but sometimes it's also one of the better parts of the job. The job can be a relationship killer for many reasons.
The job can be hard on your body, especially your back and kneck, but that is pretty much true for any job where sitting or driving occurs so frequently. Contrary to popular belief, most cops don't get fat from eating too much it is the high calorie drinks. A lot of cops love to stop at every convenient store and run in, say hi and get a free fountain drink.
Most places, looks like Smyrna, pay pretty well with decent benefits. If you have a two or four year degree you could maybe make more doing something else, but the average young man or woman with HS Diploma and less than 1 yr of college may make more than their peers by being LE.
Getting in is so competitive now, I mean it is tuff. If you don't certify yourself it can be hard to get a job. A college degree of any kind can hurt and help, so dont worry about that. ANY arrest or serious traffic violation completely eliminates any interest in you. Most places are so politically driven you may get told you were the best candidate they interviewed but someone lives closer and they went with them.
All in all it is fun, but not for everyone. Expect every decision you make to be criticized by the public, they have no clue what your job is and what you may actually be working on at any given time.
As far as physical conditioning most all LE conditioning test are what you should be able to do just to be healthy. Run 1.5 mile in 11min or less, 35 pushups, and 35 situps middle aged males should be able to do anyway. Edited by Patton
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  • Administrator

Not sure what even half of your post means.

I work in Rutherford Co and all LE in the county have an extremely good relatationship with USMS.

The reason I think you're full of sh*t is that USMS always notifies us, beforehand, when they're working in our jurisdictiction (it's not like they work police corruption and have to be all secret, secret).

We have not had any situations like you described.  The Feds don't want any Blue-on-Blue shootings, either...local bullets hurt just as much as Fed bullets.


Are you really a cop??? 



Ya know, this thread started as a friendly "heads-up" for some jobs.

Meh, whatever...


It's always entertaining to have people post absolute nonsense about your job, though.  :lol:

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