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With sequestration, budget cuts and the drawdown....The U.S. Air Force sets new flight training standards.

Guest TankerHC

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Well, these expensive planes and armaments keep plenty people employed. What would be better, having more unemployment or having a few extra fighter jets. My dad has been working "testing" the air-forces jets and missiles for the past 38 years. Even tested the space shuttle back in the late 70's-early 80's.


Thing that irks me is POTUS calls for sequestration and still he's spending our tax dollars like there's no tomorrow.

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The problem is that it is a complex question with a complex answer and an uncertain solution.  I fatfingered the key above, but depending on the variant (A,B,C), cost estimates range from $300 million to $122 million PER PLANE.  To me, that is an unacceptable number because I don't believe it will stay static or go down.  Like most cost estimates given by the .gov/defense contractors, they are rarely accurate.


On the other hand, due to constant use over the past decade, a lot of our airframes are weakened or near/at/past the end of their life cycles.  We NEED newer planes, whether they be Gen4+, 4++, or 5.  I just don't think the F35 is the Droid we are searching for. 


But my knowledge is a passing knowledge.  There are far smarter people than me talking about these things.


You guys want to see a sweet Gen 4++ fighter, check out the SU35.  The Aussie LTC I work with was talking about it the other day.

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After seeing the previous post I was reading about the new SU35 and it is amazing, especially compared to our newest fighters. Most everything our fighters can do the SU35 can do better and for about 1/2 the cost. There are a few things our aircraft can do better but from what I have read the SU35 is a better aircraft overall than anything we have or will have. As a matter of fact a lot of countries that had placed orders for our newest fighter have since cancelled and are ordering SU35 aircraft instead.


I always assumed WE were on the cutting edge of technology when it comes to our military but it seems that may not be the case.


I welcome anyone to read up on the SU35, it surprized the hell out of me.



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Guest TankerHC

Everyone, even the AF Brass, DoD leadership and the Defense Analysts have been telling Congress for a long time that the F-35 is not needed. The F-22 outperforms the 35 in every area. There is already a Navy Marine Corps F-22 variant, the Sea Raptor.


The only reason the F-35 wont go away, just like the worthless LCS is that it is contracted out to companies in all 50 states. Everyone got a piece of it. The plans were compromised several years ago when someone (China?) downloaded the entire schematic, engine configurations, including proposed configurations and everything else.


We should be building hardware to win wars, not to keep people employed.

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Guest 6.8 AR

After seeing the previous post I was reading about the new SU35 and it is amazing, especially compared to our newest fighters. Most everything our fighters can do the SU35 can do better and for about 1/2 the cost. There are a few things our aircraft can do better but from what I have read the SU35 is a better aircraft overall than anything we have or will have. As a matter of fact a lot of countries that had placed orders for our newest fighter have since cancelled and are ordering SU35 aircraft instead.


I always assumed WE were on the cutting edge of technology when it comes to our military but it seems that may not be the case.


I welcome anyone to read up on the SU35, it surprized the hell out of me.



You may be completely right in your assessment, Gordon, but I think a heads up confrontation will be needed

to back it up. I don't know for a fact, but I would assume our fighter pilots are the best in the world. Technology

is great, but it is still that fighter pilot who will make the difference.


It's definitely obvious the technology is making other military forces more competitive. Russia has designed some

of the most beautiful aircraft, but have serious problems them, at the same time. We've had our share of flops,

though. The Chinese are spending tons of money on their aircraft, also.

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