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Zimmerman Twitter Lynch Mob

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Robert.  I, and lots of others like yourself, i believe; would like to have seen (...notice the passed tense...) this be done fairly and with impartiality.  I'm also hopin for that in the trial.  But, to my thinkin, the sad fact is that any pretense of fairness and impartiality was thrown out in this particular case when the political class opportunists took the investigation and reviews for criminal charges out of the hands of the local police department and prosecuting attorney; and started the "witch hunt" for George Zimmerman to placate the rabble who were "outraged" at the supposidely heinous murder of a child (...who wuz really an 18 year old, 185 lb. thug...).  
The real loosers in this whole debacle are the citizens of the state of florida.  They have seen that the political class on both sides of the spectrum are nothin but opportunists usin the power of the state to maliciously prosecute an individual to score political points; which, in itself, is clearly illegal.  They have murdered the rule of law in florida and sent a message to every potential dissident in the state that all you have to do to get a punitive prosecution on an individual basis is to raise a little hell and get on tv threatening to upset the political applecart and call in a few favors to the race-baiters ALA Sharpton and Jackson; not to mention threatening to vote the "wrong way" next election.  
Let's hope that this sort of "law" doesnt spread to other places, like tennessee, for instance.  On a personal basis, i dont think it will.  My guess is that this is a 50/50 state carpetbagger thing.  

One of the predominant thoughts I've taken away from today's two-day class with Massad Ayoob on the rules of engagement for the armed citizen is that the overwhelming responsibility for a "fair trial" when charged in a SD shooting rests with the armed citizen and his defense team...it's their collective responsibility to not be drawn into the traps that will be set by the prosecution and to "educate" the jury who, with almost 100% certainty, will know NOTHING about firearms or what it's like to be in a life or death, violent encounter where you have between 1-3 seconds to make that decision to fire.

Whether Zimmerman and his team can do that or not is too early to say but I to think there is at least hope.

One thing I truly believe is that had this not been a shooting involving a "white-Hispanic" and a black teenager (i.e. if both had been the same race) this trial would have never happened. What that should tell us, however, is not just what the status of race relations are in this country but also that WE COULD FACE THE VERY SAME THING no matter how righteous the shoot was. In other words, carrying a deadly weapon means the citizen has both tremendous power (to take the life of a citizen) and tremendous responsibility. We need to be ready for the aftermath of a shooting - if we aren't, then we probably shouldn't be carrying.
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Guest nra37922

Let 'em riot...I truly do not care anymore.

My only real concern is the other elements in this country that may try to take advantage of the situation. 

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Guest copperhead_1911

And this is why I carry. I really don't give a damn about the riots and if they burn their own neighborhoods down around them. But they are gonna run into a lot of suprises if they decide to kill this "cracka"

sent from the backwoods

Why do you think liberals want to disarm us? Lots of us carry for that reason.


Sometimes based on the people voting for anti-gun politicians and the ones voting for pro-gun politicians there is a part of me that wonders if the left is trying to disarm us so we are easier victims as "reparations" .

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Guest nra37922

All, iIf the SHTF after the verdict then the SHTF nothing one can do but be prepared. 


As I posted earlier I just hope the enemy inside the country doesn't add to any mayhem.

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Guest copperhead_1911

How is the one country going to exist? The "real people" are already supporting the "on the dole" people.


It will be like dinosaurs they will die off.


IN battle many fear these "people". The reality is the besides brute savagery they are yellow and only attack in packs.

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Guest copperhead_1911


I know what to say. We will be playing a good game of cowboys and liberal voting block members.


My prediction if there are riots

1, democrats will be losing some voters for 2016 as only Chicago allows dead voters.

2, crime will go down afterwards.

3, public assistance, section 8 and so forth will have less expenses

4, number 3 is in part because of all the future generations of baby mamas and so forth that wont be on the dole.

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I know what to say. We will be playing a good game of cowboys and liberal voting block members.


My prediction if there are riots

1, democrats will be losing some voters for 2016 as only Chicago allows dead voters.

2, crime will go down afterwards.

3, public assistance, section 8 and so forth will have less expenses

4, number 3 is in part because of all the future generations of baby mamas and so forth that wont be on the dole.


My guess is that these loud mouths aren't going to charge straight into heavily armed resistance (me). Stealing my TV really isn't worth it. I expect small pockets of it, and yeah, they'll probably get shot up by armed citizens. The exceptions will be places where the citizens are disarmed. A lot of it is just keyboard commando shit.

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Sounds like a bunch of twelve year olds making threats about stuff they don't have the means to follow through on, otherwise known as Internet business as usual.

If Zman gets acquitted I doubt there will be anything more significant than a few kooks parading across the liberal media to tell us how racist America is to let Zman go free. I mean, JJ and Sharpton haven't even shown up yet. Looks to me they might even sit this out.

I realize that is very disappointing to some folks, but perhaps we should acknowledge that there are people in the gun owning community itching for an excuse to shoot folks just like there are thugs within the black community looking for an excuse to loot and riot. Which do we classify as worse?
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Sounds like a bunch of twelve year olds making threats about stuff they don't have the means to follow through on, otherwise known as Internet business as usual.

If Zman gets acquitted I doubt there will be anything more significant than a few kooks parading across the liberal media to tell us how racist America is to let Zman go free. I mean, JJ and Sharpton haven't even shown up yet. Looks to me they might even sit this out.

I realize that is very disappointing to some folks, but perhaps we should acknowledge that there are people in the gun owning community itching for an excuse to shoot folks just like there are thugs within the black community looking for an excuse to loot and riot. Which do we classify as worse?


Can you point some of these folks out? Wouldn't those folks be looking to incite riots so they could achieve their goals? Maybe we just just get some rubber bullets so we don't hurt anybody when they kick in the front door? :)


I'm not itching to shoot anybody, but am sure not going to be wishy washy about it if I have to fight off a mob. It will be ugly for them, even if they wind up getting me.

Edited by mikegideon
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Can you point some of these folks out? Wouldn't those folks be looking to incite riots so they could achieve their goals? Maybe we just just get some rubber bullets so we don't hurt anybody when they kick in the front door? :)

I could but that might hurt some folks' feelings.

There is a big difference between someone who says "if X happens I will do Y" and someone who says "I hope that X happens so I can do Y."

There are some smart folks here that can see the difference between the two and have seen the latter posted quite regularly. Edited by TMF
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I'm not so sure the folks that "hope" really want to shoot anybody.

Well then I think it would put them in the same category as the 12 year olds saying they're gonna kill whitey when Zman is acquitted, right?
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Can you point some of these folks out? Wouldn't those folks be looking to incite riots so they could achieve their goals? Maybe we just just get some rubber bullets so we don't hurt anybody when they kick in the front door? :)


I'm not itching to shoot anybody, but am sure not going to be wishy washy about it if I have to fight off a mob. It will be ugly for them, even if they wind up getting me.

Well i'm not too woried about it myself, i'll just not take a stroll down Jefferson St. the day the verdict is read. It might be advisable for white folks not to drive trucks in Watts either. If they do riot and burn their own hoods it will at least make for some good TV.

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Guest copperhead_1911

Sounds like a bunch of twelve year olds making threats about stuff they don't have the means to follow through on, otherwise known as Internet business as usual.

If Zman gets acquitted I doubt there will be anything more significant than a few kooks parading across the liberal media to tell us how racist America is to let Zman go free. I mean, JJ and Sharpton haven't even shown up yet. Looks to me they might even sit this out.

I realize that is very disappointing to some folks, but perhaps we should acknowledge that there are people in the gun owning community itching for an excuse to shoot folks just like there are thugs within the black community looking for an excuse to loot and riot. Which do we classify as worse?


I would call defending yourselves honorable and not anything wrong.


Also as far as itching. To each his own, but a few less voters for liberals in 2016 via a game of cowboys and thugs would not hurt anyone who is not a thug.

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Guest nra37922

My Machiavellian spidey-senses are tingling, I think it'd be foolish for anyone to underestimate the potential seriousness of this event.

Potential is there granted.  However I also have the utmost confidence in the current occupier of the WH to calm any situation down...Beer summit with Jesse Jackass and Al Charlatan should help any situation.

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I would call defending yourselves honorable and not anything wrong.

Also as far as itching. To each his own, but a few less voters for liberals in 2016 via a game of cowboys and thugs would not hurt anyone who is not a thug.

Like I said above, there is a difference between doing something unpleasant that you HAVE to do versus wishing for something catastrophic to happen so you can get your shoot on. I think folks in the B column do not represent our community well, just as folks who riot and loot do not represent those communities well.

At any rate, I'll admit there was a time I was in the trigger happy column. Then I went to war for the first time. My opinions on the supposed glory of fighting bad people changed drastically.
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I dont think anyone "wants to shoot anyone"...  That is very serious business and i believe most adults with some modicum of reasonability about them fully understand the terrible consequences for all involved with this sort of thing. 


What i do believe is happening is that the forebearance and "cup of kindness" and  brotherly concern and compation  that most hard workin folks used to have for their brother and sister citizens has evaporated.  The "dole" and the overbearing rhetoric coming out of the race-baiters, their weak minded children, the main stream media, and sourland politicos have polarized the country as bad as ive ever seen; and im a relatively old man.  


People are simply tired of being badgered because they work and have a few things, are tired of being called bigots, tired of havin their pockets picked by the government, tired of government operatives opressing them and turning a blind eye to certain behaviors by some citizens; while wrongly persecuting others, and having the "on the dole" crowd demanding things or else they will tear somethin up or "kill whitey".  


I think people are on edge and in their heart of hearts do not believe that this country is a color blind place of equal opportunity for all, nor a place of safety as it's presently being governed; nor do they believe that this county as it is currently constituted is is the place that it was envisioned to be even a generation ago.   They are concerned for themselves, their families, their property, and their neighbors.  


They are wary of their government and their fellow citizens who are breathing out threats against them.   I dont think anyone who works for a living will "look for trouble". I do believe that those who say "....were goin to burn, kill, and maim ALA the South African model...." better be damn careful where they decide to do it.   I simply do not believe that people will sit idly by and have what they have worked for destroyed by these "children of lower estate" and their thug accomplices.


Ole Charley Manson may not have been as crazy as he seemed when he talked about the comming race war. He may have been a visionary; seeing far into the future.  I think that folks need to understand what has been preached in places like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church in Chicago; is not a message of brotherly love and christian kindness.  It has been quite the opposite.  The last thing that the 'social gospel" is is the preaching of brotherly kindness and love.  And, the truth is that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright aint the only preacher in the black community sayin these things.  You add the Black Panther dimension to this stuff; plus the race-baiters, and demigogue polititians and you get what we've got.


You add the permissive blind eye post-civil war reconstruction selective prosecution atmosphere created by Eric Holder, and you simply embolden these folks to act on these evil impulses.  I think more and more people are realizing this and are becomming alarmed by it.  I think they well should be.  Do i think there will be trouble here?  Will there be trouble in other places?  Probably so.



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If you bring an umbrella to work, it does not rain that day. Forewarned is fore-armed.


If a guy is standing on my front lawn with a torch, and I'm standing on my front porch with a shotgun, the guy with the torch can go elsewhere and no one dies at my hand.


My neighbors for the most part feel the same way about their homes in our neighborhood.

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Guest copperhead_1911

Potential is there granted.  However I also have the utmost confidence in the current occupier of the WH to calm any situation down...Beer summit with Jesse Jackass and Al Charlatan should help any situation.

Barack drinks bud light, but I wonder if the other two will ask for 40s of Colt 45

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Guest copperhead_1911

I dont think anyone "wants to shoot anyone"...  That is very serious business and i believe most adults with some modicum of reasonability about them fully understand the terrible consequences for all involved with this sort of thing. 


What i do believe is happening is that the forebearance and "cup of kindness" and  brotherly concern and compation  that most hard workin folks used to have for their brother and sister citizens has evaporated.  The "dole" and the overbearing rhetoric coming out of the race-baiters, their weak minded children, the main stream media, and sourland politicos have polarized the country as bad as ive ever seen; and im a relatively old man.  


People are simply tired of being badgered because they work and have a few things, are tired of being called bigots, tired of havin their pockets picked by the government, tired of government operatives opressing them and turning a blind eye to certain behaviors by some citizens; while wrongly persecuting others, and having the "on the dole" crowd demanding things or else they will tear somethin up or "kill whitey".  


I think people are on edge and in their heart of hearts do not believe that this country is a color blind place of equal opportunity for all, nor a place of safety as it's presently being governed; nor do they believe that this county as it is currently constituted is is the place that it was envisioned to be even a generation ago.   They are concerned for themselves, their families, their property, and their neighbors.  


They are wary of their government and their fellow citizens who are breathing out threats against them.   I dont think anyone who works for a living will "look for trouble". I do believe that those who say "....were goin to burn, kill, and maim ALA the South African model...." better be damn careful where they decide to do it.   I simply do not believe that people will sit idly by and have what they have worked for destroyed by these "children of lower estate" and their thug accomplices.


Ole Charley Manson may not have been as crazy as he seemed when he talked about the comming race war. He may have been a visionary; seeing far into the future.  I think that folks need to understand what has been preached in places like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church in Chicago; is not a message of brotherly love and christian kindness.  It has been quite the opposite.  The last thing that the 'social gospel" is is the preaching of brotherly kindness and love.  And, the truth is that the Rev. Jeremiah Wright aint the only preacher in the black community sayin these things.  You add the Black Panther dimension to this stuff; plus the race-baiters, and demigogue polititians and you get what we've got.


You add the permissive blind eye post-civil war reconstruction selective prosecution atmosphere created by Eric Holder, and you simply embolden these folks to act on these evil impulses.  I think more and more people are realizing this and are becomming alarmed by it.  I think they well should be.  Do i think there will be trouble here?  Will there be trouble in other places?  Probably so.



I have been saying this for a long time and people refuse to see it. I have friends of all colors. The sad reality is more blacks would riot over not getting their way than whites and that is why all this pc crap.


Sooner or later the producers will get tired of it. Demographics are changing yet the achievement gap is not. If that holds true who will pay for everything in 50 years if the tax base is all retired? I think there is a very nefarious motive in trying to disarm us and one aspect is racial in they know lots of white folks have read about the Knoxville horror and know what will happen in riots.


I would rather die a free man than live a slave

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Potential is there granted. However I also have the utmost confidence in the current occupier of the WH to calm any situation down...Beer summit with Jesse Jackass and Al Charlatan should help any situation.

Nope, I'm afraid that everything is going according to plan, you should be too.
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