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Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

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Hey DaveS, quick question for you man.

During the witness testimony yesterday the officer coordinating the NHW program said that she asked Zimmerman to join a special doohicky dealy-dad where he'd get to use a civilian, but market vehicle to patrol the neighborhood in as well as & a semi-official uniform, designating him as a civilian patrol officer.

According to her Zimmerman declined her offer of the vehicle & uniform, doesn't that seem odd if in fact Zimmerman was a "wanna-be cop" as you kept relentlessly asserting?

Wouldn't Zimmerman voluntarily turning down all of those "cop-wanna-be" goodies suggest that maybe you had the guy pegged wrongly?

That is precisely the point that the defense made yesterday on cross.


The prosecution is trying to paint Zimmerman as this hate-filled, frustrated, vigilantly cop-want-a-be who was looking for one of “them” that he could murder.  Unfortunately for the prosecution; all their witnesses on cross painted the opposite picture; the picture of a man who was willing to help his community; who followed the guidelines of the NW program and a person so well thought of by the police that he was invited to become a member of the police’s citizen patrol (with an actual, unmarked police cruiser and uniform) yet this alleged cop-want-a-be turned that down.

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It' possible I had him pegged wrong. I've been wrong before and not ashamed to admit. But, I still call him a wanna cop.  


Dave S


You've been wrong on this whole thing, but we still love ya. :). Zimmerman turned down the opportunity to join the Wannabe Cop program with the Sanford PD, after they INVITED him.

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Guest 6.8 AR

You've been wrong on this whole thing, but we still love ya. :). Zimmerman turned down the opportunity to join the Wannabe Cop program with the Sanford PD, after they INVITED him.

I didn't know that, Mike.

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I didn't know that, Mike.

Andrew's page from today. Witness was a member of the Sanford PD


Zimmerman Trial Day 2 – Analysis of State’s Witnesses


It turns out that it’s a program in which the Sanford Police Department would provide Zimmerman with a civilianized patrol car and a uniform of sorts, and provide additional training that would allow him to effectively conduct patrols of his neighborhood. In contrast, the NWP program was far less pro-active, involving only observation and reporting.

Surely the Zimmerman described by the State as a “wannabe cop” seeking to “take the law into his own hands” and “profile” and “chase” unfamiliar black boys would fairly leap at such an opportunity. It was as close to being a police officer as Zimmerman was ever likely to get, the chance of a life time.

Zimmerman declined the opportunity.

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You've been wrong on this whole thing, but we still love ya. :). Zimmerman turned down the opportunity to join the Wannabe Cop program with the Sanford PD, after they INVITED him.

Yep I heard he turned it down. He could carry a gun as NW Commando and not as a Kinda -Cop. I wouldn't join either. On a serious note, why did he not do it? No pay maybe? 


Dave S

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OK folks, seems like I was wrong about my thoughts here. This whole time I thought Zman shot an UNARMED kid. Seems the defense has proven that TM was armed with a deadly weapon.....the SIDEWALK! Now I have to sit back and re-think this whole thing again!



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OK folks, seems like I was wrong about my thoughts here. This whole time I thought Zman shot an UNARMED kid. Seems the defense has proven that TM was armed with a deadly weapon.....the SIDEWALK! Now I have to sit back and re-think this whole thing again!



The sidewalk is deadly enough for me. If you pound my head on the sidewalk, plan on getting shot..

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The sidewalk is deadly enough for me. If you pound my head on the sidewalk, plan on getting shot..

Yes sir, you are absolutely right. However, one should not get himself in the situation to get your head pounded right? 


Dave S

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Don't assume that I'm changing my stance here, but if your the Prosecution....put a witness on the stand that is at least 1 IQ point smarter than a tree stump! Sheezzzz...


Dave S


No need to change now. We already got used to the way you are :)

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Wow is that the Prosecution Start Witness: Kermit the frog all grown up? Geez.. She got outed yesterday with more details than what the prosecution would have wanted to share.. BTW 19 yr old, drinks, gets high, and does nothing, yup morally great witness right there..

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Guest nra37922

MS(BS)NBC News Flash


Chris TIngleLegs reports that George Zimmerman indicted as a co-conspirator along with Aaron Hernandez in the murder of 27-year-old Odin Lloyd.

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Wow is that the Prosecution Start Witness: Kermit the frog all grown up? Geez.. She got outed yesterday with more details than what the prosecution would have wanted to share.. BTW 19 yr old, drinks, gets high, and does nothing, yup morally great witness right there..

And apparently she has learned all she knows about life from TV (First 48) and just can't seem to reemmber what she said in her deposition.


The best part was when, on cross, Zimmerman's attorney indicated they would have to continue tomorrow she said something like "I aint gona be here" with quite a little bit of attitude in her voice.  Apparently "First 48: doesn't cover issues like that. :)  ROTFLMAO

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And apparently she has learned all she knows about life from TV (First 48) and just can't seem to reemmber what she said in her deposition.


The best part was when, on cross, Zimmerman's attorney indicated they would have to continue tomorrow she said something like "I aint gona be here" with quite a little bit of attitude in her voice.  Apparently "First 48: doesn't cover issues like that. :)  ROTFLMAO

That was pretty funny. Then at the end the Judge told everyone what time to come back..she says "what"?? I don't think she was very respectful either. Go figure...


Dave S


Dave S

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Guest nra37922

And apparently she has learned all she knows about life from TV (First 48) and just can't seem to reemmber what she said in her deposition.


The best part was when, on cross, Zimmerman's attorney indicated they would have to continue tomorrow she said something like "I aint gona be here" with quite a little bit of attitude in her voice.  Apparently "First 48: doesn't cover issues like that. :)  ROTFLMAO

And the defense and judge said/did what afterwards. 

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Guest nra37922

And to think that some got peeved at me when I mocked what I thought she was going to say earlier in this thread.  Her piss-poor testimony and hints of an attitude far exceed anything I envisioned.   

Edited by nra37922
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And to think that some got peeved at me when I mocked what I thought she was going to say earlier in this thread. Her piss-poor testimony and hints of an attitude far exceed anything I envisioned.

Yea, seems to me an apology or two might be in order.

I found it very interesting that she testified that Trayvon used the racial slur "creepyass cracker" to describe Zimmerman to her just prior to Trayvon's ambushing/assaulting Zimmerman.

If this is true, does that make Zimmerman the victim of a "hate crime"?
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