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Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

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Jury could still do the politically safe thing,and this IS a political trial if there ever was one, and find him guilty.  By safe I mean they are off the hook and don't have to be looking over their shoulders for years and wouldn't be blamed for any rioting that happens.  They can do this knowing that an appeal will be immediate asked for and that GZ will eventually be found not guilty after the 'heat' turns down.


Convict him for the wrong reasons? You won't get 6 people to agree to that. I've done jury hagglin before. It's not easy to get everybody in the room to agree on anything.

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"Defense is doing a good job"

"Dude, this is the prosecutions' witness lineup.  Defense hasn't even started yet."

"Wait, what?  Why'd this go to trial?"

"Obama needed Florida, and a distraction from F&F and the economy."


After this is over Zimmerman should own CNN. CBS and ABC, for starters.

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There is a local station here covering the case daily. They have a few legal commentators discuss every afternoon and they were absolutely blown away by how stupid the State was today. The defense won big time today.


The lead investigator said that not only did she believe GZ was telling the truth, she also said she had basically nothing to charge him with. Another cop(different investigator?) said he felt outside pressure to charge GZ.


Every day that goes by looks better for GZ. Hell, the fact that the lead investigator believed his story tells me he is innocent. Correct me if I'm wrong but are cops not trained to detect lying? If they think GZ was telling the truth that says enough for me. 

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Not just the cops.  The physical evidence, the witnesses, and the re-enactment.  Even Martins' conversation with Jeneal, or whatever the heck her name is - he reached the yard of the house he was staying at, then went back to confront Zimmerman.

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I think there was more than one officer, and they were split. I recall that from early on. Did they interview more than one today?

Which is why we hae district attorneys. 


They can certainly be corrupt or playing to their voters but most of them, at least according to Massad Ayoob, are honest, decent people who try to make the best decisions they can...that's one of the reasons I put as much faith as I did (and do) in the original DA rather then the DA that the state went shopping for.

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Does anyone know if the trial is streaming on any of the Sirius/XM channels? I'm no longer seeing Court TV in their lineup, so unless one of the news channels is streaming the trial, I'm probably out of luck today.

HLN runs it all day and they are broadcast on XM.
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She got reelected, and added another 10 pounds to that big ass. I guess you can tell I don't like her very much.

I seem to recall advice from a Knighted gentleman regarding the correlation between one's enthusiasm for large asses and their trustworthiness. Not calling you a liar, but just think about it for a moment.
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I seem to recall advice from a Knighted gentleman regarding the correlation between one's enthusiasm for large asses and their trustworthiness. Not calling you a liar, but just think about it for a moment.

How can one even doubt his words? His is the very face of honesty.

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Guest 6.8 AR

She got reelected, and added another 10 pounds to that big ass. I guess you can tell I don't like her very much.

Never saw her ass, but I didn't care much for the other end after hearing her speak like it came out of her ass.

Just think about the 30 pages of posts on here, just because of little ole Angela and her PC-run life.

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Never saw her ass, but I didn't care much for the other end after hearing her speak like it came out of her ass.

Just think about the 30 pages of posts on here, just because of little ole Angela and her PC-run life.

She should have married Nifong...she really needs to suffer his same fate but of course, she won't.

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Does anyone know if the trial is streaming on any of the Sirius/XM channels? I'm no longer seeing Court TV in their lineup, so unless one of the news channels is streaming the trial, I'm probably out of luck today.

I listen to HLN on Sirius when I'm away from home.
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I'll repeat what I said, and highlight a couple of facts for you, since apparently you have either missed them, or are blissfully ignoring them.

The EVIDENCE shows the situation came to Zimmerman. The EVIDENCE shows that Martin doubled back, to confront Zimmerman, which is what led to Martin's shooting, regardless of how you feel/what you think. The EVIDENCE shows that in fact Zimmerman was never "advised to not follow Martin", a dispatcher told him they didn't need him to do that, per the 911 call. Which basically means squat. He broke no laws by stopping his truck or keeping an eye on Martin, the only law broken that started the ball rolling was Trayvon jumping Zimmerman. So, please, tell me again about this "force" you speak of. Besides any of this, if Zimmerman broke no laws (which there has been no EVIDENCE to say he has), and presented no threat to make Martin fear for his life, he was justified to end Martin's life with his firearm to protect his own. That's what the EVIDENCE shows.


The evidence also shows that Zimmerman stopped his truck and got out.  If he had stayed in his truck and let the cops do their job then the whole situation could have been avoided.  Therefore, the situation didn't simply 'come to him'.  He wasn't chilling out on his porch and sipping lemonade when some thug kid jumped him.  Instead, he left his vehicle and followed Martin on foot. Therefore, he actively participated in the series of events that led to the confrontation.  Is he guilty of murder?  I don't know but if he had stayed his ass in his vehicle instead of going looking for Martin after alerting the cops then what followed would never have happened.

Edited by JAB
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Guest 6.8 AR

Now, that's interesting. I like that Larry Klayman and his group.


The indictment about the security leaks by Biden and Obama is very interesting. So is the one with Corey.

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