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Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

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Guest nra37922

BTW, what does wet grass sound like? Oops, she made it up and got called on it..


She's fooked!!! 

Well I guess the rolling papers don't light..

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I'm really trying to give this woman the benefit of the doubt; her attitude is back in full and at this point she is even contradicting her only testimony from earlier this morning...watching her testimony is painful...I think I need to make an appoint for a root canal.

I'm going to go tie some trout flies.....ya'll let me know if I miss something...... 



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Now they are saying she's fatigued.. Once again, if she's the key witness, this is not going to be end well for the Prosecution. One thing Females don't like is attitude and the hole jury is female, that won't vibe well.. 

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West the defense attorney is crazy like a fox.


His long pauses, his gentle demeanor, his persistent questioning, allows "Dee-Dee" to exhibit her attitude, prejudice and ignorance in all its unfettered, horrible glory. There was a video shot yesterday of her that went well beyond rolling her eyes; she made a hideous face at West behind his back, just short of sticking her tongue out on him, on full view for the jury. The longer she stays on the witness stand, the more she helps the defense. If I were the defense team, I'd bring her back for a third day, just to watch her go ballistic and to sink the prosecution. She is a train-wreck, a squirming, snarky, ignorant, sarcastic, hate-filled train wreck.



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West the defense attorney is crazy like a fox.


His long pauses, his gentle demeanor, his persistent questioning, allows "Dee-Dee" to exhibit her attitude, prejudice and ignorance in all its unfettered, horrible glory. There was a video shot yesterday of her that went well beyond rolling her eyes; she made a hideous face at West behind his back, just short of sticking her tongue out on him, on full view for the jury. The longer she stays on the witness stand, the more she helps the defense. If I were the defense team, I'd bring her back for a third day, just to watch her go ballistic and to sink the prosecution. She is a train-wreck, a squirming, snarky, ignorant, sarcastic, hate-filled train wreck.




All those crackers are pissing her off.

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I found it very interesting that she testified that Trayvon used the racial slur "creepyass cracker" to describe Zimmerman t...


I seen one version of the 911 call where Z called TM and F****** Coon...right before he called him an a-hole. ..


Already cleared up for you, I see, but note that besides "creepyass cracker", Big Rachel Jeantel also said Trayvon referred to his "pursuer" as a "ni**er" too.


I guess he didn't consider Zim a "white Hispanic". :)


- OS

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Can you show me where it clearly states that?  You could look at it this way, the perp could have just stopped and told him, he was staying with his parents at so and so address, that he went to the stop to get something to drink and a snack. But, from the testimony of the his said GF, didn't look like that was an option in his head. I'm not sure how can everyone just put all the blame on GZ for this, The young man didn't do the right thing either and he paid with his life. Sucks, but he you mess with the bull you get the horns..

What about three lesson that we all teach our kids about not talking to strangers? If Martin felt that he was being followed by a "creepy ass cracker" wouldn't that be cause to disengage? Secondly, just as Zimmermann wasn't required by law to stay in his vehicle, Martin wasn't required to stand there and be interrogated by a stranger.

The prosecution is presenting a terrible case. From what I've seen so far, as long as the defense keeps Zimmermann off the stand he should walk. It won't change my mind about his guilt.
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Already cleared up for you, I see, but note that besides "creepyass cracker", Big Rachel Jeantel also said Trayvon referred to his "pursuer" as a "ni**er" too.

I guess he didn't consider Zim a "white Hispanic". :)

- OS

Not a justification but,
With younger people it's a generic term. Don't hold as much power as when said by some of the older types. Some of these guys must be pretending to be out of touch with todays youth. Edited by LINKS2K
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Guest nra37922

The only thing that I can find GZ guilty of is not being an ostrich and sticking his head into the sand.  Country is full of wolves, sheep and an occasional sheepdog and I am not going to crucify someone for looking out for the sheep.  


Could he have stayed in his truck, yes.  Better yet could he have said screw it not affecting my house and done nothing, yes.  Unlike, what I am afraid are a lot of citizens, he did not beat feet, go home, lock the door and surf internet porn.


Good for GZ...

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Negative ghost rider. The stereotypical description given in the gentleman's impression on what he thought of a teenage girl was not what I saw. I saw a 19 year old girl get questioned for several hours in court on a case with national attention and millions of people watching. She seemed soft spoken and clearly articulated despite her Haitian upbringing. Being from Florida and having a few Haitian friends when I was young, they aren't exactly easy to understand through their accents, even ones who have been raised in the US.

NRA accurately nailed his portrayal of the witness's speech & demeanor, maybe you had not read any of her twitter tweets, but some of us knew what to expect when she took the stand.

Purposely butchering the english language is not an "accent" or even "accidental" in case you haven't been paying attention the last 30 some-odd years in certain demographic subcultures in this country the speaking of proper english is what is refered to as "acting/talking white".

That is a serious social faux-pas in some circles, but it is the most prominently enforced/embraced in the ghetto community, which discourges it's young people from "acting/talking white" limiting their potential future career choices.

As Links wrongly asserted this is how "black people speak" which is not entirely true as not all/only black people speak this way, nor is ghetto-speak limited to only blacks, as there are plenty of hispanics, asians, cacausions, etc have adopted the whole ghetto life-style & mentality, along with that speach.

Regonal/national/cultural accents are one thing, this purposely manufactured & voluntarily practiced ghetto-speak is another & IMHO anyone engaging in &/or encouraging it says a lot about the content of that person's character & absolutely nothing about the color of their skin.
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Guest 6.8 AR

What about three lesson that we all teach our kids about not talking to strangers? If Martin felt that he was being followed by a "creepy ass cracker" wouldn't that be cause to disengage? Secondly, just as Zimmermann wasn't required by law to stay in his vehicle, Martin wasn't required to stand there and be interrogated by a stranger.

The prosecution is presenting a terrible case. From what I've seen so far, as long as the defense keeps Zimmermann off the stand he should walk. It won't change my mind about his guilt.

Good point on the talking to strangers. Martin should have walked away and not come back. Same with Zimmerman.

Martin didn't have to stand there and be interrogated, if that is what happened. It doesn't justify any escalation to violence,

does it?


Next question should be "who started the fight?" After that, the one we will never know, "how did it escalate to the


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Guest 6.8 AR

NRA accurately nailed his portrayal of the witness's speech & demeanor, maybe you had not read any of her twitter tweets, but some of us knew what to expect when she took the stand.

Purposely butchering the english language is not an "accent" or even "accidental" in case you haven't been paying attention the last 30 some-odd years in certain demographic subcultures in this country the speaking of proper english is what is refered to as "acting/talking white".

That is a serious social faux-pas in some circles, but it is the most prominently enforced/embraced in the ghetto community, which discourges it's young people from "acting/talking white" limiting their potential future career choices.

As Links wrongly asserted this is how "black people speak" which is not entirely true as not all/only black people speak this way, nor is ghetto-speak limited to only blacks, as there are plenty of hispanics, asians, cacausions, etc have adopted the whole ghetto life-style & mentality, along with that speach.

Regonal/national/cultural accents are one thing, this purposely manufactured & voluntarily practiced ghetto-speak is another & IMHO anyone engaging in &/or encouraging it says a lot about the content of that person's character & absolutely nothing about the color of their skin.

Which, in my mind is just racism, as it has the same connotation as any non black person doing other acts. Racism

cuts both ways and for it to be played by the black is totally disingenuous without viewing it in it's whole.

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NRA accurately nailed his portrayal of the witness's speech & demeanor, maybe you had not read any of her twitter tweets, but some of us knew what to expect when she took the stand.

Purposely butchering the english language is not an "accent" or even "accidental" in case you haven't been paying attention the last 30 some-odd years in certain demographic subcultures in this country the speaking of proper english is what is refered to as "acting/talking white".

That is a serious social faux-pas in some circles, but it is the most prominently enforced/embraced in the ghetto community, which discourges it's young people from "acting/talking white" limiting their potential future career choices.

As Links wrongly asserted this is how "black people speak" which is not entirely true as not all/only black people speak this way, nor is ghetto-speak limited to only blacks, as there are plenty of hispanics, asians, cacausions, etc have adopted the whole ghetto life-style & mentality, along with that speach.

Regonal/national/cultural accents are one thing, this purposely manufactured & voluntarily practiced ghetto-speak is another & IMHO anyone engaging in &/or encouraging it says a lot about the content of that person's character & absolutely nothing about the color of their skin.

With regards to her tweets...there seems to be a real possibility that some or all of them will be introduced as evidence. I suspect that prosecution doesn't like that possibility as they don't paint a good picture of this witness' ability to tell the truth.

As fare as he language goes; the last question of West before she was allowed to step down was to make clear that she was born in the U.S. and has spoken English her entire life...under those conditions, any problems she has will English would seem to be self-inflicted.

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Could he have stayed in his truck, yes.  Better yet could he have said screw it not affecting my house and done nothing, yes.  Unlike, what I am afraid are a lot of citizens, he did not beat feet, go home, lock the door and surf internet

 I bet he does next time.



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