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Weed, fights and guns: Trayvon Martin’s text messages released

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Guest 6.8 AR

Isn't that for a jury to decide? 


Dave S

Actually, no, it's not, unless there is a law he violated. It will be in the instructions given to the jury what they can decide on and not. There is no law against stupid.


I do agree with you guys who think he was stupid, but it is primarily his stupidity to neglect covering his own ass while going back to his vehicle without getting caught up in a  fight, whoever started. As far as his right to be

where he was, he most certainly had that right, and Martin had no right to jump him, which is what I think happened. I know I would have covered my ass making sure I would have avoided any conflict. And I sure wouldn't have picked a fight with anyone.


That's as far as I can go with all the evidence. The way I see it, I wish Martin had a more stable family to have been raised in and kept away from all the influences that helped this to it's end. But, at the end of the day, I am not my brother's keeper. I have enough problems of my own.


The police, almost everywhere, are part of an adversarial system, along with the District Attorney, who, in this case was convinced that, based on the evidence that night, there was no other reason to hold or charge Zimmerman. It was after race was full bore injected into the equation that politicians made some bad calculations that have it where it is, right now. Politics of racism and political correctness. Something Lady Justice used to not know of.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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Wrap up from the first eye witness.


Gave different testimony today than at 4 previously recorded interviews


Liked the J4T facebook page


signed the change.org petition titles arrest the killer of our son 17 year old trayvon martin


said she waited to go to the police to avoid the spotlite, yet did a long interview with the media that was never aired prior to speaking with the police

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Wrap up from the first eye witness.


Gave different testimony today than at 4 previously recorded interviews


Liked the J4T facebook page


signed the change.org petition titles arrest the killer of our son 17 year old trayvon martin


said she waited to go to the police to avoid the spotlite, yet did a long interview with the media that was never aired prior to speaking with the police

I'm surprised at the apparent lack of witness preparation of the prosecution of their witness...I would have thought they would have rehershed with their wittness to prevent multiple versions, etc.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Guest nra37922

Cannot wait til this political trial is over.


Now as far as using the term white-Hispanic to describe Zimmerman should not the press also refer to the O as being a white-African American President?  After all his mom was a white women.  But the politics of racial division is what keeps so many in power.

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I'm surprised as the apparent lack of witness preparation of the prosecution of their witness...I would have thought they would have rehershed with their wittness to prevent multiple versions, etc.

most of her version was the same, but this time around she said that she heard movement that sounded like it was moving from left to right and never mentioned direction of movement before.  Which would have been a big boost to the prosecution had she not been completely torn apart

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IF you thought her cross was bad for the prosecution you should be watching ms bahadoors cross if your not already.

watching this trial is almost as entertaining as watching the walking dead.

I hate that I'm missing some of this testimony. I only was able to catch a glimpse of it yesterday at the end.
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Looks like Zimmerman's attorney missed the mark again:

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The Onion is one of my favorite satire websites. They're not as good as they once were, but they do post some funny stuff from time to time.

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Guest nra37922

MS(BS)NBC News Flash


Just in from Washington, D.C.  President Obama has issued an executive order outlawing George Zimmerman. 

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Judge just allowed the Prosecutors to present ALL of Zman's past 911 calls to the jury! The state is going to try to set a pattern with Zman. Maybe today will go better for the Prosecution than yesterday.


Dave S

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Judge just allowed the Prosecutors to present ALL of Zman's past 911 calls to the jury! The state is going to try to set a pattern with Zman. Maybe today will go better for the Prosecution than yesterday.

Dave S

Naw, the defense is prepared. The fact that a citizen is taking a proactive role in keeping the neighborhood safer is hardly the the most damaging information they prosecution could bring to the table. This is especially true now that the jury has heard about the rash of crime in the neighborhood.
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Guest nra37922

Then maybe all of TM's background of fighting, school suspensions etc. should be allowed as evidence as this too speaks to his mindset.

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Then maybe all of TM's background of fighting, school suspensions etc. should be allowed as evidence as this too speaks to his mindset.

And then they can bring up Zman's past, and I beleive the defense doesn't want that. It's amazing how eveidence (both sides) that may be pertinant to a case is not allowed. I never could figure out how that works!


Dave S

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Then maybe all of TM's background of fighting, school suspensions etc. should be allowed as evidence as this too speaks to his mindset.

The content of those calls are unlikely to be helpful to the prosecution; what they actually will likely show and what I'm sure the defense will point out is that Zimmerman did and acted exactly the way that a neighborhood watch member is supposed to act...if they are trying to show him as some depraved vigilaniti looking for someone to murder I believe these calls will show exactly the opposite.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Hey DaveS, quick question for you man.

During the witness testimony yesterday the officer coordinating the NHW program said that she asked Zimmerman to join a special doohicky dealy-dad where he'd get to use a civilian, but market vehicle to patrol the neighborhood in as well as & a semi-official uniform, designating him as a civilian patrol officer.

According to her Zimmerman declined her offer of the vehicle & uniform, doesn't that seem odd if in fact Zimmerman was a "wanna-be cop" as you kept relentlessly asserting?

Wouldn't Zimmerman voluntarily turning down all of those "cop-wanna-be" goodies suggest that maybe you had the guy pegged wrongly?
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Hey DaveS, quick question for you man.

During the witness testimony yesterday the officer coordinating the NHW program said that she asked Zimmerman to join a special doohicky dealy-dad where he'd get to use a civilian, but market vehicle to patrol the neighborhood in as well as & a semi-official uniform, designating him as a civilian patrol officer.

According to her Zimmerman declined her offer of the vehicle & uniform, doesn't that seem odd if in fact Zimmerman was a "wanna-be cop" as you kept relentlessly asserting?

Wouldn't Zimmerman voluntarily turning down all of those "cop-wanna-be" goodies suggest that maybe you had the guy pegged wrongly?

It' possible I had him pegged wrong. I've been wrong before and not ashamed to admit. But, I still call him a wanna cop.  


Dave S

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The content of those calls are unlidely to be helpful to the prosecution; what they actually will likely show and what I'm sure the defense will point out is that Zimmerman did and acted exactly the way that a neighborhood watch member is supposed to act...if they are trying to show him as some depraved vigilaniti looking for someone to murder I believe these calls will show exactly the opposite.


Right now, they may just be better off presenting as much "evidence" as they can. Otherwise, it may appear that the charges and the trial are really bullshit.

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