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Mixed feelings on this one

Guest kj4gxu

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Why should we have to warehouse and keep up criminals? I don't put the value on human life, the other person does. I value my life enough to protect it, carry a firearm and live by the laws of the land. When the criminal decides his life is worth my laptop or TV is a choice he made. We all have to live with our choices.

It doesn't take all that much to throw up tents, cots, and a fence...that's more than most criminals deserve anyway.


Yes, we do all have to live with our choices and if you murder someone to protect a laptop you'll have to live with that choice too; probably from a compound such as I described above.

Edited by RobertNashville
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Someone needs to play the Devils advocate here? Who better than "The Menace" :rofl:


Does anyone take it personal a trespasser is committing a crime against you. Your time wasted dealing with the situation, fear of being the victim (again), filing insurance claims if you even have insurance on the item(s) stolen, what are they going to take and / or do next to you or your neighbors? Personally, I've never heard of criminals deescalating their crimes. Even if they do eventually get caught, does the revolving court system administer fair compensation to the victims and fair justice? Their crimes and records sealed under eighteen years of age, criminal records generally not admissible for a trial, plea bargaining to lesser offense, probation, complex court error resulting in case over turned, clogged judicial systems, juvenile detention and house arrest and not big boy punishment for big boy crimes?


How do criminals such as these have "value" to you individually or as a community?

So where do you draw the line...do you murder someone for steeping off the sidewalk onto your grass?  How about if he comes to your door asking for help because his wife and baby are in the car, it's 99 degrees out and their car has broken down...in both cases they are trespassing aren't they?  I did some mischievous things as a kid; I didn't destroy any property or hurt anyone but should I have been killed for soaping a windshield or leaving some dog droppings on someone's front step?


I agree with your observations but I don't believe that killing every perpetrator is the answer either.


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So where do you draw the line...do you murder someone for steeping off the sidewalk onto your grass?  How about if he comes to your door asking for help because his wife and baby are in the car, it's 99 degrees out and their car has broken down...in both cases they are trespassing aren't they?  I did some mischievous things as a kid; I didn't destroy any property or hurt anyone but should I have been killed for soaping a windshield or leaving some dog droppings on someone's front step?


I agree with your observations but I don't believe that killing every perpetrator is the answer either.



Who mentioned anything about killing? When you see your property walking off by strangers, I don't particularly care if it's 99 degrees or concerned about anyone else's problems. I draw the line seeing my property leaving my property at my property line, that's where...

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Who mentioned anything about killing? When you see your property walking off by strangers, I don't particularly care if it's 99 degrees or concerned about anyone else's problems. I draw the line seeing my property leaving my property at my property line, that's where...

Well I guess I completely misunderstood the point of your post/what you were trying to get at.   

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