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Dog the bounty hunter - what a putz!

Guest PapaB

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Dog  "You have the right to bear arms, which means you can protect yourself, but you don’t have the right to kill people for no reason. The lead, the bullet itself, is ridiculous."


I thank there are laws against killing someone for no reason. And the only legal reason I can think of is if your life or the life of someone else is in danger.


As far as lead bullets FMJ kill less? :shrug:

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I don't normally give my attention to those that have shot up a gas station in order to get themselves a little cash and I'm not making an exception for a piece of white trash who calls himself Dogg, or Dog, or Dawg, or whatever.  He's as hypocritical as they come.  Always despised how he would be dropping F bombs left and right one minute and telling them to find God the next.  Gotta lead by example brah.

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This is all I can think of when that moron comes on television. I tried to watch an episode once. I'd rather have bamboo shoots crammed under my fingernails while being skinned alive and having my teeth pulled.


Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
Edited by Spots
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Evidently he's also against allowing his brain to receive oxygen so it can function properly.



He's against guns because he's a convicted felon and can't own one.  This moron is trying to justify why he has no firearms and make it seem like it is a personal choice.

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All about the money and rateings wonder who's putting up the cash for him to all of a sudden to persue this nonsense , I know he didn't come up with the idea he's not that smart. Bloomburg maybe , next thing you know cops don't need guns , we can take all the bad guys down with no guns see. What a bunch of nonsense .
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I don't think you can classify uncle Ted nugent in the same category , at least he fights for our 2nd amendment rights .


Yeah I was going more for the way people think Ted is CRAZY!!!!!!! but he isn't, Just high on life. Dog on the other hand is CRAZY!!!



I love when he screams You wanna go to jail?! I'd answer him you dont have papers on me and the DA won't waste the $$$ on this BS charge anyways!

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He did time on a murder conviction. Guess how the guy was murdered.  



Dog's murder rap was wrong place wrong time. He didn't kill anyone just was in a "gang" that did. Probably why he learned his lesson real quick. Not defending him just saying running with the wrong crowd has consequences.

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