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Happy Fathers Day


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Wishing all the great dads a Happy Fathers Day. 


BTW - It was my dad that got me into guns at a very young age.   He is still alive and a very good dad.  I myself have four wonderful children.  I personally thought I knew a what a dad was until I had my first kid.  9 years later and a total of 4 kids later, I was totally misinformed or had a wrong perception.  Being a dad is leading the family, being there for the kids, giving discipline and loving, and occasionally (daily) giving a $1 here and there so someone can buy something.  Taking them fishing, hunting, and working with them in sports.  Or its going to Smokies game like last night, or riding down the water slides a Splash Country earlier!  I love being a dad!

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You can live in a one million dollar house.

Drive a one hundred thousand dollar car.

Work a six figure job.

When you die you will not be remembered for any of those.

Touch a child's heart, teach and raise them well, and you will live forever in the lives.



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