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Absolutely BEAUTIFUL custom 1911 (pics inside)

TGO David

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First and foremost, this is NOT my gun and I do not know the owner. I am merely reposting the owner's original post from another forum that I frequent. I cannot answer any questions about the firearm and am simply presenting the photos here for your enjoyment.

That said, commence drooling!

---[original post follows]---

This was a rebuild of a Officer Frame/BBL length that ate itself to death, is now an Officer Frame/Commander Bbl build on a capsian slide, original colt frame:

Ray Harms is the Pistolsmith, Ed Strange of Wicked Grips made the grips












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I'm gonna look for a set of those grips!!! those are pretty awesome.

edit: I went to the website. they had those grips custom made for that pistol. all I can say is wow.

I bookmarked the page...I'm wondering if they'd make a set of grips for my emp! :rofl:

Edited by towerclimber37
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  • Administrator
As for the grips and not to do any advertising that shouldn't be done, there is a guy on another forum I used to frequent that makes some pretty nice grips. He sells them through www.wickedgrips.com

Yep... he's the guy responsible for the grips on that particular 1911. I love them, but I bet I'd cringe if I saw what they cost the owner of the 1911.

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I guess my point is unless you step up to the $375+ realm the grips really dont look all that custom and for that coin well...you could buy some plastic fantastic firearm instead. Then again maybe the whole 1911 bug hasnt bit me full force as im actually content at the moment with not modifying mine a bit.

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