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"Obama's Prime Directive"

Guest ArmyVeteran37214

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

by Nutnfancy




I agree with Nutnfancy and we as Americans  need to wake up.


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Guest flashlight Dave

I agree with Nutnfancy and agree that obama hates HATES!!!! the Constitution. People really seem to trust the government or just don't care. As I mentioned before there was a police state type of movement to apprehend the Boston bomber even using the military and no one cared. None of the media, not even FOX, did not mention it being an issue and as a member of this forum told me if air traffic was restricted in the Boston area then they must have been using drones. I fear for the future of this country and am afraid we have already lost the Constitution. We seem to have it in name only.


Maybe there is hope. There seems to be a rise in Libertarianism and Austrian economics and just maybe after the collapse there will be enough people who have come to the light that a movement may emerge to drive us in the other direction. That is if we do not completely become a police state in the process. Also, I believe there are many Republicans who don't realize they are really Libertarians.


Also  I think the lack of  response to this thread is due to the length of the vid, at least my guess.


From now on I am not going to capitalize obama's name, he does not deserve it. I will however capitalize the Constitution.

Guest 6.8 AR

Nutnfancy is a little late, or he must have just now had his epiphany. Been preaching that kind of stuff for years,



Good things happen, bad things happen. We're in a sinking ship right now. Maybe it'll just swamp.

There is always hope that the spirit of liberty will be rekindled in the hearts of the American people, but I'm not sure that enough of those hearts may be willing to do what may ultimately be required to once again restore the Constitution & our Bill of Rights as our nation's highest set of laws, that shall not be purposely misinterpreted or ignored, circumvented or subverted, but instead respected, loyally followed, abided & most of all once again be defended by all of those who swear an oath to do exactly that.

The alternative is Soviet style totalitarianism, which is the current path that our nation is undeniably marching down ...
Guest ArmyVeteran37214

Nutnfancy is a little late, or he must have just now had his epiphany. Been preaching that kind of stuff for years,

Good things happen, bad things happen. We're in a sinking ship right now. Maybe it'll just swamp.

I don't think he is late to the party. I think he was just making sure he had the most current facts. However, he did f up and say Cruz in place of Rand Paul.

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