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A Fact You Can't Deny

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I just did some reading over on VZW forums. I HAD to see what they think about all this.

I was appalled at how many people agreed that the wireless companies should just roll over and give the feds unlimited blanket access to all customer info.

I was equally disgusted at how many people had no problem with it, since "it's for our own good."
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Guest Cazador
there are a lot of kool-aide drinkers that are willing to give up their liberties under the disguise of safety. The clueless drones walking the streets amaze me. I guess as long as the can tune into Jersey Shore and the Kardashians everything in their world is good.
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Guest PapaB

I just did some reading over on VZW forums. I HAD to see what they think about all this.

I was appalled at how many people agreed that the wireless companies should just roll over and give the feds unlimited blanket access to all customer info.

I was equally disgusted at how many people had no problem with it, since "it's for our own good."


Maybe someone needs to point out this truth to them. If we lock everyone in solitary confinement they'll be even more safe.


Unfortunately those are the same brain dead lemmings that want the gov't to provide everything from cradle to grave.


Take heart, at the time of the Boston Tea Party, only 1/3 of Boston's residents wanted independence from England. The Sons of Liberty were a minority group.


Illegitimi non carborundum

Edited by PapaB
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Guest 6.8 AR

The government will use any excuse it wants to take away any right it can get away with. All us tax payers

are funding our own demise.

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By definition no fact can be denied without losing credibility. 


The thing is, so what?   Reasonable law enforcement practice is not to round up everyone in the country and do a strip search.  This is the same thing, only electronically.   A wire tap on some guy who is "of interest" ?  Fine.   Looking at everyone to see what they can see? Not fine.    Getting  warrant to search one home?  Fine.  Door to door break down, tear down, full search across the USA? Not fine.  


The hard tactics do work.  They would catch some criminals.  But at what COST?  It is not worth it.

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Unfortunately this is just a symptom of a much larger problem, one that the 4th was supposed to protect us from, it however doesn't seem to apply any more, even in the most egregious cases of widespread systematic abuse.

We the People are no longer protected.
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Guest 6.8 AR

By definition no fact can be denied without losing credibility. 


The thing is, so what?   Reasonable law enforcement practice is not to round up everyone in the country and do a strip search.  This is the same thing, only electronically.   A wire tap on some guy who is "of interest" ?  Fine.   Looking at everyone to see what they can see? Not fine.    Getting  warrant to search one home?  Fine.  Door to door break down, tear down, full search across the USA? Not fine.  


The hard tactics do work.  They would catch some criminals.  But at what COST?  It is not worth it.

Brute force destruction of any kind doesn't work very well within a civil society. This is destruction of our liberty

in the name of securing us from whatever enemy they choose to use to play the fear card with.


Obama made a speech somewhere about all these things and said he was opposed to everyone of them. Now,

that same man is using the very tactics he opposed against every American citizen, against us. Hypocritical, and

automatically an impeachable act since he swore that oath to protect and defend the Constitution, which he is

destroying, piece by piece. I heard the speech, again, on the radio this morning.


He won't be able to blame it on Bush, or use the race card forever.

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He does not have to do it forever.  Only for 3 more years.   And yes, it will hold up that long.  Bush actually IS to blame for the big brother crap.  Its one of about 10 or 15 huge idiotic mistakes he made and why I am NOT a fan.   I liked him better than the alternatives, yes, but that does not excuse the massive blunders like the first bailout, the patriot act, going to war (if its worth one us soldier's  life, its worth one nuke in my book),  no moron left behind, and more.  


This is a consequence of the patriot act and the blame lies with bush in at least equal measure to obama.


Again, for a guy at 40, there has not yet been ONE president in office that I would cross the street to pee on if they were on fire.  Yes, that includes reagan who did so much damage to CA that it is no longer even recognizable as part of the country and it includes bush sr who started a war that cost us billions and it includes W for the listed reasons and more.   Ugg.

Edited by Jonnin
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