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The Definitive Answer to What Caliber is BEST for Self Defense

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Guest PapaB

Well, that settles that.  Now......outside carry or inside?


That's easy. Outside carry when you're inside and inside carry when you're outstde. It's a perfect balance.

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That's an excellent video but something tells me you didn't quite get the point of the thread ;)

The point of the thread is simple... you got 45's, and you got girlie guns :)

"Nine millimeter only kills your body. Forty five...it kills your soul." lol

I personally love seeing a good caliber war thread on one of the forums I frequent. They almost always deliver the lulz Edited by KKing
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The point of the thread is simple... you got 45's, and you got girlie guns :)

I carry a 45ACP when I just want to scare the thugs; I carry a 10MM when I want to do real damage.


9MM and 40S&W are for guys who actually want to carry a 45 or 10MM but are too wimpy)  :)

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The point of the thread is simple... you got 45's, and you got girlie guns :)

I carry a 45ACP when I just want to scare the thugs; I carry a 10MM when I want to do real damage.

9MM and 40S&W are for guys who actually want to carry a 45 or 10MM but are too wimpy) :)

Well they don't call it .40 short and weak for no reason lol.

Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere

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I disagree. Shot placement of whatever you carry is what matters. You can carry a .45 or a 10mm  and still not hit your target. I carry a 9mm and on occasion a .40. Thing is, any caliber you carry has the potiental for killing. If it were a .22( and statistics show it is the #1 round that kills the most people involved in shootings here in the states).


Having the training and the ability to shoot makes anyone, regardless of their choice in caliber, a deadly adversary to a potiental BG.

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I disagree. Shot placement of whatever you carry is what matters. You can carry a .45 or a 10mm and still not hit your target. I carry a 9mm and on occasion a .40. Thing is, any caliber you carry has the potiental for killing. If it were a .22( and statistics show it is the #1 round that kills the most people involved in shootings here in the states).

Having the training and the ability to shoot makes anyone, regardless of their choice in caliber, a deadly adversary to a potiental BG.

Did you watch the videos? This is supposed to be a funny thread, not an actual discussion on which caliber is superior

Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere

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Did you watch the videos? This is supposed to be a funny thread, not an actual discussion on which caliber is superior

Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere

Maybe we need a new forum category just for entertainment so that people don't get threads like this confused with serious discussions ;)

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Guest PapaB

Real men carry 9mm because it's all they need. 45's are for girlie men trying to compensate for their shortcomings.  :popcorn:

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