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Quick recipricity question.

Guest TankerHC

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Guest TankerHC

Anyone happen to know the reason Pennsylvania accepts TN recopricity but TN does not accept Pa? Reason I am asking is I have a relative visiting from Pa and it appears he wont be able to carry. He can carry all the way down except Maryland and Tennessee.



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I don't know specifically in this case, but most the time in these cases it is due to one state's requirements no meeting the requirements of the other state. For example, in this case, Pennsylvania may not require "enough" safety training in Tennessee's eyes. It could be other reasons I suppose, but I have a feeling it has something to do with Pennsylvania's requirements for a HCP not meeting Tennessee's guidelines enough.

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Anyone happen to know the reason Pennsylvania accepts TN recopricity but TN does not accept Pa? Reason I am asking is I have a relative visiting from Pa and it appears he wont be able to carry. He can carry all the way down except Maryland and Tennessee.




1st, I am not a lawyer... however, using Handgunlaw.us  as a resource, and checking up using the links to each state's website: TN has a formal, signed reciprocity agreement with PA.


See: http://www.tn.gov/safety/handgun/reciprocity.shtml


and http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/crime.aspx?id=184


and the actual agreement http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/uploadedFiles/Crime/Signed%20Tennessee%20Agreement.pdf


What info do you have that shows we don't accept PA permits in TN?

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TN recognizes ALL other states' permits, by TCA statute.


That means soon as IL gets cranking, 48 of the 49 (Vermont does not issue one).


Here's states that honor PA permit. I have never known handgunlaw.us to be out of date. Fellow who runs it has posted here some:





- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Guest TankerHC

Yep, Thanks. the link he was looking at (And I looked at) was an old link. The only state on the route that has no reciprocity is Maryland, which he doesnt have to go through. Thanks. Was wondering about that. Recopricity mean just that. Not you accept our but we dont accept yours. Although I would bet there are some States like that.

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