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Government snooping poll

Government snooping poll  

136 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree with all of snooping the fed has been doing?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Unsure
    • Haven't heard anything about it

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Granted, this has been going on for quite some time, but it is now back in the news. 


I have asked several people their thoughts on this topic, and I have gotten mixed responses.  Some argue that if one terrorist was stopped it was worth it, and they have nothing to hide.  Others have stated that it is none of the government's business what they are doing or who they are talking to.


Any comments on the matter?

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It is none of the goverments buisness. If you think you have nothing to hide, let me know how you feel when your 5 year old daughter gets strip searched at the air port. No big deal she has nothing to hide either right?

Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere

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Were they able to intervene with the people who just set the bombs off in Boston?  Seems as to how they have been raking in the information on everybody for a while, phones, e-mail, social media, and, the Ruskies tipped the heat off about these cats in the first place, and yet the bombs still were set off??


Are they just that incompetent?  If so, they have no business having all our information...

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Granted, this has been going on for quite some time, but it is now back in the news. 


I have asked several people their thoughts on this topic, and I have gotten mixed responses.  Some argue that if one terrorist was stopped it was worth it, and they have nothing to hide.  Others have stated that it is none of the government's business what they are doing or who they are talking to.


Any comments on the matter?



If one terrorist is stopped, if one child is saved, if one person doesn't jaywalk...Where the hell does it stop? There is no such thing as 100% security and I don't want my government of the idiots, for the idiots, and by the idiots searching for it. 

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Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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But ..but ... but ... the Constitution was written by a handful of long-dead, powdered wig wearing, slave owning, caucasion, capitalist, Christian, heterosexual males over 200 yrs ago.

That's just crazy to think that their tired old "free Republic principles" would apply in todays modern, multicutural, socialist society!
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I find it interesting how some, who profess to be conservative, actually support government snooping.  Some of the Fox News righties are in full agreement with what is happening.  I guess if you really listen to them for a while, you can come to the conclusion that they are not conservative at all.  They are just hawkish socialists.  Perhaps that is just typical of the northeast Republican crowd.

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Did the government monitor congress?


Holder really couldn't give an answer to that question because it was "too sensitive" for an open forum? That implies there is actually something going on there and as Senator Kirk said, the answer should have been a definitive no unless of course Holder is worried about another perjury investigation down the road.


This may be the final thing that gets congress off their bums to run these criminals to ground.

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I find it interesting how some, who profess to be conservative, actually support government snooping.  Some of the Fox News righties are in full agreement with what is happening.  I guess if you really listen to them for a while, you can come to the conclusion that they are not conservative at all.  They are just hawkish socialists.  Perhaps that is just typical of the northeast Republican crowd.

I remember the Lt. Governor's proposed bill to make it legal to take DNA samples from all who were arrested for felonies.

Next it will be subcutaneous RFID chips along with DNA swabs upon birth...the better to control you with my dear...

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Guest RedLights&Sirens
I dont agree with it at all but I am glad its finally catching the MSMs attention. Maybe with enough of a push from the left they will wake up enough?
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You know, this wasn't a "bad" thing until the DOJ went after the AP and FOX phone records. It was treated as "tinfoil hat" stuff by the MSM.  Now that the press felt a little heat, they are going after the Intelligence Community and the DOJ with a vengence!  About time too, IMO!!!  The Obama Administration agenda is getting totally derailed by all this.  I LOVE IT!!!


And here is a word or two for my NSA "friends".  My head is about to EXPLODE!  I think I ate too much PORK! I have to pick up my B-I-L at the AIRPORT on the 26th!  Reckon I'm on yet another list.  Oh well! :)

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I dont agree with it at all but I am glad its finally catching the MSMs attention. Maybe with enough of a push from the left they will wake up enough?


I believe you are seeing the lame duck phase of the Obama legacy; and im all for that --- HEHEHE....  I believe the democrats are "re-branding" to try to save their collective stinkin hides and to try to stay in power. 


They know they cant win in 2016, or hope to keep the status quo in 2014 without drastic action. The Obama scandal-mania thing is the vehicle for re-branding and selling the new democrat party line to the "low information voters" and the blue state children; its more "how can we fool 'em again today" stuff.   The mainstream media is makin Obama satan; and is getting ready to proclaim that Hillary (...who is just as bad, if not worse...) the savior of america and the democrat party.  Remember, Hillary, the anti-Obama authoritarian she princess empress savior of America.


Let's watch this on closely.



Edited by leroy
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Guest 6.8 AR

Were they able to intervene with the people who just set the bombs off in Boston? Seems as to how they have been raking in the information on everybody for a while, phones, e-mail, social media, and, the Ruskies tipped the heat off about these cats in the first place, and yet the bombs still were set off??

Are they just that incompetent? If so, they have no business having all our information...

Yes, and they don't have anything else in mind
except to keeping on growing.
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more of "who cares", no one will do anything.  The people in DC who actually can do something will do nothing.  This of course after raising symbolic holy hell over it all.


It does not matter who is in power.  All they care about is us footing the bill.


All of this crap is a smokescreen.  The government is here to help, yanno.

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...They know they cant win in 2016, or hope to keep the status quo in 2014 without drastic action. ..


Ya gotta be joking. Right now, Hillary is the most overwhelming favorite this far out perhaps in history.


I expect Senate and House to remain about the same percentage as now after the midterms.


- OS

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Ya gotta be joking. Right now, Hillary is the most overwhelming favorite this far out perhaps in history.


I expect Senate and House to remain about the same percentage as now after the midterms.


- OS

I thought the same exact thing when I read Leroy's post.  It is about the first post ever from Leroy where I said to myself WTF???.


Hillary is going to run off with it unless some serious trouble arises.


My only hope is libertarians run someone who the masses will vote for. Don't see that happening really though.  I really think it has no hope at all.   I know I am not voting for any republican or democrat at this point.


I am not sure at all what will even make me go vote, period.  there is NO real difference between the Repubs and Dems.  Neither party is a friend to people who believe in liberty.

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I thought the same exact thing when I read Leroy's post.  It is about the first post ever from Leroy where I said to myself WTF???.


Hillary is going to run off with it unless some serious trouble arises.


My only hope is libertarians run someone who the masses will vote for. Don't see that happening really though.  I really think it has no hope at all.   I know I am not voting for any republican or democrat at this point.


I am not sure at all what will even make me go vote, period.  there is NO real difference between the Repubs and Dems.  Neither party is a friend to people who believe in liberty.


Yeah, I just don't see any swings back from the damn "progressive" thing until most of the folks who feel they are getting something from it feel real pain due to cutting of payments or services. Of course, the conservatives still wouldn't win back most pro abortion choice, pro same sex marriage, pro lax immigration, pro marijuana, pro affirmative action, etc voters.


Or the Big Pain happens that will affect everyone, the ebb tide that lowers all boats.


8 years of BHO has finally put the fix in, made things bad enough that the most people in history are dependent on the fed, and their vote is locked in, as long as they are still getting theirs.


Ironically, a rarefied strata at other end of the spectrum benefits also, just look at the market -- it's become totally separate from the reality of the masses. Rank and filers can't make do on the interest from their saved money, but that zero interest thing that has hurt the majority still allows the minority of high rollers who have extra money to risk to make a killing.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Everything negative will be thrown into the Conservative corner just like Obama did. The lies will pour out of their mouths like a river. The same group of simple minded people that voted for Obama for the sake of "making history" by voting for a black man will do it all over again to elect a woman. The political agenda of the liberals won't even cross their simple little minds. Edited by Randall53
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