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Miss World: Bikini ban because of Muslim sensitivity - no joke


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The moon god can't see through walls. I recall sitting in the office of a community leader in Iraq who was smoking and drinking, during Ramadan. He joked that god could only see him when outside. The translation of that is only other Muslims can see him outside. The deviant things they do behind closed doors is both humorous and chilling.

Yep. They board a plane in the Middle East dressed in traditional garb and exit the plane in New York dressed like Vegas pimps and whores. Sort of like the transformation that Christians make between saturday night and 11am on sundays, but only in reverse.
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The source of this article is examiner.com, which anyone can write anything they want on.  This website is as reliable as anything that Eric Holder says, at the very least.  I really hope this is the case in this instance.

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Guest Keal G Seo
  • Administrator

Yep. They board a plane in the Middle East dressed in traditional garb and exit the plane in New York dressed like Vegas pimps and whores. Sort of like the transformation that Christians make between saturday night and 11am on sundays, but only in reverse.


Except Baptists don't generally cut the heads off of non-believers.

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Guest mattgawarecki
I don't think that's general behavior for Muslims either. I work with several Muslims and although I've been accused several times by my wife, my coworkers, etc. of not having it screwed on just right, I do still have my head.
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