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Miss World: Bikini ban because of Muslim sensitivity - no joke


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What is going on with all this muslim sensitivity nonsense. In my 26 years of life I have never seen a group so catered to. If this doesnt stop Europe and US will be Muslim controlled countries in my generations time.
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At first I was irritated when I heard about this too, but after I thought about it, maybe not so much. Don't get me wrong, I hate all the Muslim PC nonsense too - in the USA. I have to give them credit for sticking up for their values in their own country. If the US did this, it would be a much better country. We should take their example and say "our country, our rules. Your country, your rules. Don't like it? Go home!"

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Why is it that the minority of people get to decide what the majority can see and do,I don't fully understand this concept.Maybe I never will understand,just a small mind I guess.

They aren't a minority in Indonesia, where this is taking place. In any Muslim country I've been to bikinis would be illegal unless you were at one of the private resorts where it may be allowed. If folks don't like it, don't hold a competition in a Muslim country. I assume there won't be booze either.
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What is going on with all this muslim sensitivity nonsense. In my 26 years of life I have never seen a group so catered to. If this doesnt stop Europe and US will be Muslim controlled countries in my generations time.

How are they being "catered to"? This is their country. Can they not make their own rules there?
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How are they being "catered to"? This is their country. Can they not make their own rules there?

General statement. You disagree that our countries are progessively catering more and more? Is Miss World a universal event or a local event? Edited by knewcomb
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How are they being "catered to"? This is their country. Can they not make their own rules there?



General statement. You disagree that our countries are progessively catering more and more?


This one is not catering.  It is stupid on toast.  Just do a internet search on "Bali Bombings" , much less on Islamist violence in Jakarta.

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How are they being "catered to"? This is their country. Can they not make their own rules there?

He means the organization itself, if the country didn't want to follow the rules, they should be avoided totally.

The same reasons that we should never see the Olympics in north Korea
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He means the organization itself, if the country didn't want to follow the rules, they should be avoided totally.

The same reasons that we should never see the Olympics in north Korea

Exactly. If this was a localized event this wouldnt even be a story. This is a global contest that is being accommated for such. If you as a country cant abide by the same standard as the rest of the participants then you should be disallowed from competeing.
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General statement. You disagree that our countries are progessively catering more and more?

No, but that's not what we're talking about. This is their own country. What they do there is their business. If the event organizers had an issue with that they should have gone to a country where they don't worship the moon god. Indonesia is a Muslim country. They will enforce Muslim stuff. Why is that an issue?
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He means the organization itself, if the country didn't want to follow the rules, they should be avoided totally.

The same reasons that we should never see the Olympics in north Korea

Huh? That's like inviting a drunk into my house and then asking him to leave for being drunk. Sure, I guess I shoulda expected them to get drunk, but it's still my damn house. Anyone wanting to do a scantily clad event in a Muslim country is a dumbass to begin with. What blows my mind here is outrage that Muslims would enforce Muslim rules in their own country. Who gives a damn what the monkeys do in their own jungle?
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They aren't a minority in Indonesia, where this is taking place. In any Muslim country I've been to bikinis would be illegal unless you were at one of the private resorts where it may be allowed. If folks don't like it, don't hold a competition in a Muslim country. I assume there won't be booze either.


Not in public, but there'll be ham sammiches and Jack Daniel's behind the curtain.

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Not in public, but there'll be ham sammiches and Jack Daniel's behind the curtain.

The moon god can't see through walls. I recall sitting in the office of a community leader in Iraq who was smoking and drinking, during Ramadan. He joked that god could only see him when outside. The translation of that is only other Muslims can see him outside. The deviant things they do behind closed doors is both humorous and chilling.
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Guest mattgawarecki

I hate to bust up the party here guys, but I feel like there's one thing (among many) that people seem to overlook when we talk about catering to other cultures. It's a well-known fact that nudity on network television and in movies is very much allowed in European countries, while in the US we tend to shun such behavior in the name of "morality." To put it into a more concrete example, I'm sure that a nude category in the Miss Universe pageant would put all kinds of people up in arms -- hence why it is not done, even though some may not mind the idea. Is this not the same scenario in different clothing? Just taking this one step further than bikinis. Sensitivity here, sensitivity there; it's hard to be selective about what's "right" and what's not when you're dealing with people of all sorts.


Somebody pass me the Nomex...  :hiding:

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I hate to bust up the party here guys, but I feel like there's one thing (among many) that people seem to overlook when we talk about catering to other cultures. It's a well-known fact that nudity on network television and in movies is very much allowed in European countries, while in the US we tend to shun such behavior in the name of "morality." To put it into a more concrete example, I'm sure that a nude category in the Miss Universe pageant would put all kinds of people up in arms -- hence why it is not done, even though some may not mind the idea. Is this not the same scenario in different clothing? Just taking this one step further than bikinis. Sensitivity here, sensitivity there; it's hard to be selective about what's "right" and what's not when you're dealing with people of all sorts.

Somebody pass me the Nomex... :hiding:

Yep, if some weirdo Europeans decided they wanted to hold a competition with full nudes at Hilton Head and the conservative community reacted, causing them to cover up, then folks in Denmark would be posting about how us ugly Americans are enforcing our values on their lifestyle.

Our reaction would be for them to pound sand, since this is OUR country and our choice to allow or not allow something contrary to our values and morals. I care not what Muslim rules are enforced in Muslim countries so long as they're not enforcing it here.
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This one is not catering.  It is stupid on toast.  Just do a internet search on "Bali Bombings" , much less on Islamist violence in Jakarta.



"Stupid on toast"....  I nearly choked trying not to spit my drink all over my computer...   :rofl:

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Guest Keal G Seo

Ok so this is where I am. I do check this out every year although I couldn't tell you who won. I just want to see the most beautiful women (according to whom I am not sure) on Earth each year. The swimsuit and the gowns are the only parts I ever watch. Without swimsuits think I am not going to be watching this year. As for getting rid of swimsuits this year I am torn on who to blame. While I want desperately to blame the Muslims and the country I also place blame with the event coordinators for not only having it in a country that doesn't want to follow the rules but also for caving further by replacing it with the sarong competition!

Bottom line is if the city/country/region applies to host it they should be REQUIRED to allow it to proceed as the current rules stand. As for the jack offs protesting it, bottom line I say f*** them. The majority of the countries participating have no problem with it so we are catering to a minority here. Don't like it don't play. Don't like it don't watch. Don't like it don't bring attention to it. etc etc ad nauseam.

Edit: Just to note, I wouldn't protest a nude competition...just sayin.

Edited by Keal G Seo
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Well, personally I despise women prancing around half naked like a bunch of whores BUT,
ANY American has the right to watch and enjoy it. AND some filthy goat humpin raghead ain't got a right to tell someone they can't.

Stupid muzzies, they can do just like I do, if you dont like it, DON'T FRIGGIN WATCH IT!!!!

We have to be careful here and protect the first amendment at all costs, even if our personal feeling conflict. Remember, the same amendment that gives you the right to watch a bikini contest ALSO gives you the right to watch the 700 Club. The same amendment that allows a person to watch a porno or read a book about Satan also gives the right to thump the King James Bible. It is a balance and as long as no one is being injured or exploited, a person must be free to enjoy it.

These are the things worth fighting about. Edited by Caster
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If it neither breaks my leg or picks my pocket...

I agree we need to protect constitutional rights

The problem I have are the people who use those rights to destroy our way of life.


The problem is that in Europe, England and starting in the USA muslims are the only group that everyone bends over backwards to avoid offending.

They want to come her and bring sharia law with them. They do not respect our laws or our constitution. Islam is the greatest threat we face.


The organizers of this pagent were morons to host it in the most populous islamic countries. 

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Guest Keal G Seo

Well, personally I despise women prancing around half naked like a bunch of whores

That is what is great about these competitions, they show that women can be hot as hell but not necessarily whores. In fact most of these types of competitions have rules of conduct for the participants that prevent them from being whores.

On that comment, when you go to the beach do you assume everyone wearing a two piece is a whore? I have been to my share of spring breaks and even lived in Gulf Shores for a while and can assure you they aren't...believe me, I tried a lot lol

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Yeah, I should've been more vague about that. I don't wanna get into that crap again. Ive made a few people here mad before over it and it isn't worth it. Most men don't agree with me and they shouldn't have to if they don't want to.
I don't care to look at any women; my wife's ass would make any of them a Sunday face but this isn't the point.

This should not be tolerated. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS should not be tolerated. Censoring Peter to please Paul should not be tolerated. Would the next civil war be fought over bikinis? Of course not. Then again, the civil wasn't fought over slavery either like most deluded idiots think.

These are baby steps the enemy uses to back us into the cage.
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