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Does anyone hunt with their AR-15?

Guest ColdEspresso

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Guest ColdEspresso

I know the 223 can drop coyotes as I used to hunt them with my Mini-14 but I am relatively new to the area and was wondering if anyone uses their AR-15 to hunt here in TN?

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I use my variant AR in .458 to deer hunt.

My youngest used his Rossi single shot in .223 with Remy 55 grain Accu points and took his first deer last fall. A nice little buck for a lucky young man. He now thinks deer hunting is easy because we walked in, set up a ground blind, sat for about 15 minutes as the sun was coming up and the deer about ran into us coming out of a thicket. He saw the boy as he was bringing the gun to bear and ran back into the thicket then moved noisily along the edge not sure of what he had seen. His big mistake was when he poked his head back out to see what was going on! Perfect shot, took about 4 steps and dropped. 60 yards estimated distance.


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Guest Mugster

I hunted with my ar in .223 last year but didn't shoot. I just didn't get the shot i wanted. I might use my .308 this year if i can get some glass on it and get it wired in. Got some 300-600 yard shooting lanes if i feel pretty good with the rifle. Didn't want to try it with .223 though.

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I used to hunt rabbits with mine, nice clean kill and with FMJ no meat damage. Beats picking shot out of them, I don't think hunting with FMJ is legal though, and I don't hunt anymore anyway. I would guess that with the right bullet the AR would be fine for the little white tails that inhabit east TN.

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Nice buck and a good take for his first deer. Where did he hit him?

He got him just a tad high in the basket. It was a slightly up hill shot. Got both lungs and the top of the heart from what I could see when we opened him up. He was might proud (as was his Daddy)

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Guest ColdEspresso
i havent hunted with my Bushmaster, but i plan on using it on some 'yotes this fall and winter. its been to hot lately for me to get excited about calling them in...

Agreed. When it is as hot as it has been. Hunting is the last thing that comes to mind.

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Guest sling

I've shot prairie dogs out west quite a bit with my AR15. 55 gr VMAX's work wonders on those fuzzy little things. Never gone deer hunting with it... always afraid the tiny thing wont kill it first shot.

I had a buddy that used to hunt with his SBR AR. That sucker was so loud it scared everything away and pissed everyone else off. :D

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I've never hunted with my AR, although as mentioned above by EasilyObsessed I have occasionally hunted self-size game with an M16. :rolleyes:

Really, I think a .223 is a bit small for larger prey, like deer. Even if kicked up a bit in caliber, IMHO, there are better rifles out there for hunting. The AR design is wonderful for killing people at reasonable range. As the prey changes or the range extends, there are just better rifles than the AR.

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Guest Todd@CIS

I'm originally from Wisconsin and have taken several goodsized whitetail there with a 20" AR. The load was Federal's 69gr JHP...they all dropped like a stone with the 1st shot. Ranges varied from 50-125 yards.

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