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Heading to Florida

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So are shrimp and lobster.



See, that's what I get for trying to think about food while trying to work...


Both insects and crustaceans are arthropods - which I guess means we can also add spiders (chelicerates?) to the list of things that Mike may or may not eat.

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I'm heading to Florida to Pig hunt, fish and rally, and wondered if any of ya'll had any experience "carrying" while there. I've been reading up on it, but I'm sure there are things I don't know. I'm going to Florida via Alabama.




I'm going to be in Alabama for 10 days or so; piggybacking on Dave's question, anything specific about carrying in Alabama to know?


Looked in all the usual places and I didn't see anything jump out.

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I'm going to be in Alabama for 10 days or so; piggybacking on Dave's question, anything specific about carrying in Alabama to know?


Looked in all the usual places and I didn't see anything jump out.


Yep. You can't carry when you're on a date with your sister unless she has a permit too.

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I'm going to be in Alabama for 10 days or so; piggybacking on Dave's question, anything specific about carrying in Alabama to know?


Looked in all the usual places and I didn't see anything jump out.

I carry concealed, but I don't know all the inside data. I go to my parents house in Guntersville all the time. I don't frequent the bars and such so I'm not much help. Where in Alabama you heading?


Dave S

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Well, they eat rats, but then I eat squirrels.


Not carrion and fecal matter is the point.


I'm sure I'd be pleased to have a constant supply of fresh rat meat should things get really bad.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I carry concealed, but I don't know all the inside data. I go to my parents house in Guntersville all the time. I don't frequent the bars and such so I'm not much help. Where in Alabama you heading?


Dave S


Have to go to Mobile. To put a positive spin on it, I'm calling it a 10 day trip to the beach. How's that for finding a silver lining?

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Beings I live( for time being) about 4 miles north of the state line. Alabama is ok, just they have passed a new law further protecting our gun rights( for carry permit holders only). I have never had a problem while carrying in Bama. But I don't go to the bars and rarely stayed longer than a day down there.


Florida, I have never carried down there, may have to eventually whenever i do plan on going back.

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