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Moving from Fayetteville to Tullahoma?

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Ok, since i am going to be in process of moving back home to Tullahoma after living here in Fayetteville for the past 7 years. I have a question. Can I go ahead and change my address on my HCP renewal ( august 2013) to my soon to be address in Tullahoma instead of the current address i have in Fayetteville? I know it could take up to 6 months for me to sell my house and i have to stay here some times, But plan on staying majority of my time in Tullahoma/Coffee county.



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Oh, i have a house already. Off ovoca road. It'll take me a few weeks to get everything moved. But hopefully i can sell my house in Fayetteville soon. I just have to live there part of the time to keep insurance down.

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Yeah, I have a few friends from the area( tullahoma/manchester/winchester) who are on the board. Thing is, never have enough friends who like to shoot. I'm dying to get my ar back out and shoot. Living in Lincoln county, even though i am in kinda a suburb makes it hard to have anyplace to shoot. My house in Tullahoma is in the city limits so i can't shoot there( aside from the pellet gun).

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city taxes, arent that bad. could be worse. But when I was out in lincoln county,taxes were low. But i think tax in general( tax on what you already own) is theft plain and simple. What can I do about it? nothing, except maybe move ( which i don't want to ever do). Only good thing about my new neighborhood is it's close but not that close to town, and there is a TP officer down the street. I think i'm going to be safer here in Tullahoma, since my bike riding is safer here than out in the county. No tractors to run me over or as many stray dogs to try and bite me.


Thing is, I can step out of the city anytime I want( right on the city limits).

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